stupid cameras

Thomas's pov
As I was walking around the grove
(If you dont know what the grove is, its a big, outdoor shopping mall)
With Kendall. We were on our way to get some food from the small restaurant of the grove, when here come running these guys wuth cameras, recording us.
One guy working for 'the hollywood fix' , hes cool but super annoying. Always asking stupid questions, that so happen to be about what we think about jake paul, or do you think arana and pete will get back.
Like we really don't wanna answer your stupid ass questions dude.

Kendall's pov
Being bombarded with stupid questions have become mine and Thomas's new thing, here come 'the hollywood fix' , with their stupid fucking questions.

Hf: "Kendall and Thomas, what are your thoughts on the new jake paul series?"

K: "uhm, I think he can do whatever the hell he wants, hes an 21 year youtuber living his life. So honestly If its what he wants, then I don't care. But if you want to ask questions make them more interesting, and maybe about the people you talk with."

T: " To be honest, I don't really care what he does, I mean cool he makes his own series, but it doesn't involve us."

Hf: "What do your think about justin bieber and haliey getting married?"

T: "we know about that. But good for them."

K: "Yes, good for them."

Hf: "What about the new uh--

K: "I'm sorry, but we don't have time for this shit, were just trying to go get some food, and live our own life!!"

Heyo! Im back

Sorry I haven't been updating
Its mainly due to school. Also I couldn't think what to write about for this story.

But hopefully this time im not gone for so long lol!

