The new bad kid

We left off at jalen becoming a new bad kid. Jalen is Dejahs ex if u didn't know.
Jay:this is your ex
Jalen:hey everybody Im jalen
Macei:mhm yea we know who u r
Jalen:uhh ok
Mike:introduce yourselves y'all
Kam:I'm kam. I'm jay and Mirah sister and I'm 11
Mirah:I'm mirah. I'm jay and kam sister and I'm 13
Macei:I'm macei. I'm 13 and I go out with Mykel
Jay:I'm jay. I'm Mirah and kam brother and I'm 15 and single
Dede:I'm Dede. I'm single and I'm 14
Bam:I'm bam. I'm 14 and Dejah is MY GIRLFRIEND
Jalen:uhh ok
Macei:basically what that means is that it u try and flirt with her then it's going to be bad
Jalen:I'll take my chances
Mike:and u obviously already know Dejah
Jalen:yes i do he smirks and looks at Dejah
Mike:anyway we are all going to the store for movie night in 2 hours ok
The kids:ok
Mike:jay and Dede show him to his room
They walk jalen upstairs while macei,Mirah,kam,Dejah,and bam are still down stairs
Dejah:are u ok
Bam:if that dude try anything I'm gon knock him out I swear
Macei:movie night is tonight so keep him as far away from us as possible
Bam goes to play the game with jay and Dede while Mirah,kam,and macei are downstairs making tik toks. The new kid is unpacking his clothes
*knock on the door*
Jalen:who is it
Dejah:it's me
Dejah:can I come in
Jalen:uhh Yea sure
Jalen:what's up
Dejah:I'm just coming to tell U that tonight for movie night u will be sitting on the other side of the room ok
Dejah:I mean because ur my ex and I have a boyfriend
Dejah:plus I told him that u kissed me so he's mad at u and doesn't even know u like that. All he knows is that ur my ex and that u still like me
Jalen:and your telling me that u still don't have feelings for me too
He stands up and starts walking towards Dejah. She starts backing up but gets stopped by the wall
Jalen:u still like me don't u
Dejah:I don't know
Jalen:yea u do
Jalen:u just dont wanna say it
Dejah:I-I don't know ok
Dejah:just back up
He moves closer and their mouths are so close to each other.
He whispers:u wanna kiss me
Dejah:a little yea but I- he kissed her before she finishes her sentence. This time she isn't pushing him off of her.
They start kissing like the 6th kiss(the one where they are at prom)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

