•Chapter Four•

Victoria's P.O.V
I was on my way to my locker when I saw this girl, she looks so badass so I went up to her and started to talk and we talked like we knew each other for like ever.

"Hey I'm Victoria, but call me Tori and you are gonna be my best friend" I say to her "well Tori I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam" she said, we talked for a while. "Hey wanna go to the skatepark" Sam asks "sure gal let me grab my skateboard" I open my locker and grab it and head to the front of the school when Sam was waiting for me. "Let's go," I said.

When we got to the skate park there weren't many people just a couple of boys, ya know the usual.

"Yo watch this" I say to Sam.

We get to the skatepark and me and Ryland ride about till we see two girls walk in, one says something and she drops the bored in the ground and pushes off of one foot and goes done the ramp and dose some crazy trick.

"Wow" me and Ry say at the same time. "Mate she's so good" Jason says "yeah bro let's go say hey" I say

We walk over to them the girl that done the trick has her back turned towards us so she can't see us. They were talking about a party probably Victoria's.

"Hey girls" Ryland says to them, the girl turns around and who I saw Was the one and only Victoria Smith. "Oh hey, guys" Victoria says "hey" is all I say, what's happing to me I'm never nervous to talk to a girl. "Hey How did you learn how to skateboard" I ask "well you see back in England I skated since I was 7 so I had a lot of practice" Victoria said "oh cool" i said back, then i had a genius idea well a cool idea.

"Hey Victoria can I get your number so I can text you about the party and stuff" I say to her "yeah sure" she said with a wink. I smirk at her and wink back, I hand her my phone and she puts her phone number in, her name in my phone is 'Tori💖' aww cute, ima change that later to  like 'babes💋' or something. We talk for a bit then Samantha I think her name is, she had to go and so did Ryland soon after so it's just me and Victoria.

"Hey so what do you wanna do" Victoria asked "um don't know it's up to you" I say putting my hands in my pockets "we could  go to this fair that's just down the road from here" I say "oh yes I've wanted to go for ages" she replies "let's go then" I say


"Jack" Victoria moans "what do you want" I say "my feet hurt, we have been walking for ever" she says "We have been walking for 5 minutes" I say in a 'duh' tone "but still, can you give me a piggyback ride" she asks "no" I say "please" she asks again "no" I say again "PLEASE" she shouts on my ear "okay okay fine" I say "yay" she cheers.

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❤️ Liked by Jack_Henley and 2693
•Victoria_Smith• yas 👏🏻Bitch 👏🏻
View 2593 comments
Jack_Henley are you secretly a super model, like damm. 😏 x.
Reply •Victoria_Smith No jack I'm not a super model 🙄😂 x.
Sorry this chapter is really short, please don't hate me xx ✌🏻💕
