Chapter 5

Chapter Five


"Oh, it's really you, Luce!" He said as he went near me.

Oh my god. What is he doing here?!

I just looked at him confusingly, trying to understand everything.

"Darling, who is this?" My mum asked as she went near me. I can see her curious eyes eyeing Natsu.

Natsu gave me a 'Is this your parent' look. I nodded at him and widened my eyes so he will act right.

He smirked at me, and I suddenly felt nervousness.

He looked at my mother and handed out his hand, "I am Lucy Heartfilia's bo-."

"B-Best friend! Best friend mum!" I interrupted him. I glared at him and he returned the gaze, but he looked a bit amused.

"Oh, hi! It's a pleasure to meet someone who is close to my daughter!" Mum bought his lie and shook his hands. "Where are your parents?" She asked while looking around.

I am a bit curious as to how is he invited here. He sounds like a person who came from an upper crust circle though.

"They are over there, madame." He pointed at a corner while smiling.

"Uhm, mama, I have something to say to my... Best friend." I said, as I grabbed Natsu's arm and dragged him out. I can hear him chuckling as I pull him towards me as we walk away from the crowd and to the desert table.

"So, when are you planning to introduce me..." He asked while smirking. He grabbed a strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate fountain. He eyed me again while licking the berry, "best friend?" He continued.

I shook my head to get his face out of my mind. Why did that made me feel uncomfortable?

"I am not ready!" I said as I stuffed a berry too in my mouth. "Also, why are you here?"

"My parents are related to the party hosts, and we were invited. Sounds wonderful, right?" He said while smirking.

To be completely honest, he appears to be very dashing in his tuxedo and hairstyle. He appears to be well-kept and well-dressed.

I looked away and busied myself with the food in front of me.

"You look rather beautiful tonight." He suddenly blurted out. Ending the silence between us. I immediately looked at him when he said that. He surprised the heck out of me that I almost spit the berry out from my mouth.

He wasn't looking at me at all; instead, he was looking at the food that was in front of him. He had a smirk on his face the entire time. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you fake ass." I murmured.

"What?" He said playfully. "I was completely honest, though. I find you really amazing." He said. He then walked towards me and said, "Only for tonight." He said in between giggles.

I immediately slapped his back and walked away. He was laughing as I walked away.

The venue was absolutely breathtaking. I was completely taken aback as I gazed at the massive chandeliers that illuminated the entire space. As I walked around, trying to get away from that idiot, I came across Sting, who I immediately recognized.

He had a serious look on his face. I was about to walk away, avoiding encountering him when he suddenly called my name.


"Oh, yes, me?" I idiotically pointed myself.

Of course, dumbass, you.

"Who else?" He asked stoically.

I have no idea why he is acting rude towards me.

Well, I don't mind it. I am also a bit rude towards him. The feeling is mutual, I guess.

"Can we talk?" He asked. "I suggest someone private." He then moved his head, pointing towards the garden, as he did that, his crystal earring moved.

"Okay." I agreed. I was wishing on thousand stars that he will also oppose to the absurdity of the decision of our parents.

Please, please, please.

The entrance to the garden was on the left side of the venue, and as we walked out of the building, the guards unlocked the door for us. All of the noise from the venue was muffled after that, and we were greeted by the singing crickets of the night as we walked through.

"Just so you know, I do not like the idea of marrying with someone I don't like." I began. So, he wouldn't think that I am some thirsty upper crust girl. "Hell, I don't even like the idea of marriage." I spatted out.

"You're quite talkative, huh?" He said in annoyance.

"So?" I asked rudely.

He just rolled his eyes. I then looked at him and was about to say something else when I noticed that there isn't a single trace of annoyance on his face anymore.

His face was overcome by feelings of sadness and grief as he gazed at the night sky.

"My girlfriend broke up with me." He suddenly said. "Because of this."

My eyes widened when he said this. I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"I- uh, I apologi-"

"It's fine, you don't have to. I can sense your strong disagreement with this." He said.

"Of course, I do!" I said. "Uh, sorry I am a bit loud. I'm just confused and annoyed with this set up, or future set up."

"I feel the same way." I nodded at him when he said that, after that, we were then enveloped with silence.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"I don-" I suddenly stopped myself when I remember that I do. This was an auto response from my mind whenever someone asks me if I do have a boyfriend.

I am still not used to saying,

"Yes I do." I murmured.

He nodded at my response, "Does he know about this?"

Well, the primary reason as to why me and my boyfriend agreed to be in a relationship was because of this. "Yes, he does." I responded again. Trying to stop my mind from generating random thoughts.

"How did he react?"

"He doesn't care." I said while shrugging. Well, it's true. Natsu doesn't really care because he is not my real boyfriend.

"I have no idea if that is a sad thing or not." He responded.

"I do not mind what you think." I said while chuckling.

"You're really well spoken, and your words are fiery." He said.

"I have no idea if that is a bad thing or not." I responded, taking his words. He chuckled again.

"It can be both, I guess." He said while shrugging.

"Well, true." I whispered.

"But I think it's a nice thing." He continued while looking at me.

I returned his gaze with a friendly smile. He doesn't appear to be a bad person at all.
