Black and White, White and Black

Immediately when Blaze opened his eyes, he yelled, "FUCK. NO, WE WERE SUPPOSED TO END UP IN LEVEL ELEVEN NOT HERE". You were filled with worry, "What's wrong?". He looked visibly upset. He replied to you with, "We're in the shady grey. All I have to say is we're fucked". You were confused. You had no clue what shady grey was and felt invincible. "Didn't we survive the most dangerous level out there?". "Yeah, but shit is timed here, I'm not good with doing stuff in a short amount of time." You smiled, "Blaze, don't worry. We got this. Just let me down; I'll help you". He finally put you back down on the floor, and you ran to take a look outdoors. When you walked out of the small shack, you came across a sign. You read it, "Zero zero? What does that mean?" Blaze shook his head, "No, you're so cretinous. It's pronounced Zuh-zero, 0Zero. That's not what we should be worrying about right now. I know how to get out of a couple of these sub-levels, but after the third sub-level, we're fucked." You were more worried about the present at the moment; so you asked, "Well, how do we get out of this sub-level??". Blaze smiled, "I feel like a hero, begging me to help you get out of here. I love it, anyway; I need a stick to draw a pentagon in the dirt". Go get me one. You looked at him with a blank stare. "Why do you need to draw a pentagon in the dirt? Also, why can't you go get the stick?" Blaze looked agitated, "The Pentagon forms a portal; I'm the one getting us out. So, go find me a stick." You just walked around. You didn't want to go too far and get lost. You saw a stick a bit into the woods. You took the stick back to Blaze, and he snatched it out of your hands and followed it with a small "Thanks." He made a pentagon in the dirt as he had said before. He grabbed your hand and jumped into the portal that formed on the ground. When you fell into the next sub-level, you saw a black figure with a hat and the biggest nose you've ever seen. Blaze whispered, "To be honest, if I was gay, I'd sit on that man's face". The man swung around. He looked you straight in the eyes. Blaze panicked and ran. You followed him in fear. You were still trying to process what he said, and if you heard him right. When you guys entered the bathroom, all doors were immediately locked. Blaze started shooting through the door. Most of his bullets were dodged but he finally started hitting him after a few tries. After he successfully shot him in the stomach about three times, Blaze ran to the door and yelled, "HES DOWN HELP ME BREAK DOWN THE DOOR". You both tried your best to break the door down; it was down within a couple of minutes. When you both went through, you found yourself in some snowy forest. It was scorching. Blaze took some almond water out of his bag. He gave you a bottle and chugged one himself. He ran up to some angel with bullet holes throughout its body. It threw you both to the ground. Things went black, you found yourself on a beach with clocks floating around in the ocean. "I'm not sure how to get out of here, we may be stuck here forever.." Blaze looked disappointed in himself when he said this, which made you kind of upset. He was your friend, the only friend you had in this nightmare. He also saved you so many times, he had no right to feel insufficient. "No, we've got this. Do you know anything about this sub-level?", Blaze looked at you like you were an idiot, "No, if I did I would probably be able to get us out, why're you so cretinous? Is it because you hit your head when you fell into that sand?" You felt your heart drop; "It wasn't a dumb question Blaze, it was a very good question". You walked over to the water. You weren't sure what it was made of, so you avoided contact with it. The clocks seemed to not be affected by the water, if the water wasn't black you'd think it was safe. You picked up an analog clock and immediately you were teleported to a random spot in a lake that goes through what looks like a city. Shortly after you arrived, Blaze did too, surprisingly on the same boat. Blaze was so happy and screamed "We made it out" with excitement. You were a bit confused because you had just wanted to look at the clock to check the time. This didn't stop you from being grateful that you made it out though. After he looked around he said, "This looks kinda like level eleven, maybe they're connected in some way". Right when he said this it got cold, extremely cold. While shivering, you muttered, "Couldn't this be level eleven?" Blaze started to take his backpack off, and he put it down in the boat. "No, level eleven has color" After about a minute of searching through his bag, he pulled out a blanket. "I brought this into the backrooms just in case this happened, come here, we can share it while we talk about a plan". When Blaze said this you didn't know how to react so you just went up to him and did what he said. You could hear his heartbeat. You felt a bit of anxiety here, but you weren't uncomfortable. You pulled your head up. You realized you could see something other than fog now. The boat slowly approached it. You kept an eye on it, trying to figure out what it was in the distance. You realized there were houses. "Hey, Blaze! Do you think we could find supplies in those homes in the distance?" He took a look at the city you were eyeing down. "Maybe, but I bet there are hella entities. Do you want to risk it? It's all up to you" Blaze wasn't scared. He was never afraid of anything, and that's what was so charming about him. Together, you both started paddling towards a building you identified in the distance, but when you guys got there, a strange man tried to mug you. Blaze shot him in the head, which probably was the worst idea ever. Right as you guys hopped onto the road, hundreds more started running towards you guys. Blaze threw you over his shoulder and ran into a tall building. You sighed, "And you say I'm the cretinous one. Heartbreaking." There were entities all around you guys. They all started coming after you. Normally you would've been scared but when Blaze was around, you felt safe no matter what. In your head, you heard him saying, "Don't worry, you're safe with me". It was so comforting. It made the worst situations the best. He realized the entities were looking around for you both, so he put you in his arms and started hiding in a cabinet. Hoping they wouldn't find you guys. He put his hand on your face and smiled. When he looked into your eyes, you felt your heart jump. He quickly looked away and went to open the cabinet door back up because you guys were cramped. He felt uncomfortable this close to you, but as his hand hit the cabinet door, you both got teleported.
