
The green screen shows up that says 'the following PREVIEW has been approved for APPROPRIATE AUDIENCES by the motion picture association of AMERICA, INC.'the scene changes and you see NYC


"You were made to be ruled," a woman looks out the window then the military and police are shown shooting at the sky

"Oh no," Loki says as he looks down in shame while people look at him angrily

And Nebula holds his hand in comfort

"In the end-," Loki is shown in the SHELD/NASA base "-it will be every man for himself," the streets are shown blowing up with people running away the scene changes to a helicopter flying and Colson standing there on the landing pad

"What do we do" shows Fury getting out of the helicopter

"We get ready" Fury speaks into a two-way radio transceiver(walkie-talkie).

"That was awesome," some kid said to be "quiet," their teacher told them

The Marvel logo is shown then the paramount mountain logo is shown.

Colson puts his finger in a fingerprint scanner it shown Natasha Romanoff Tony Stark and Bruce Banner walking.

"Coooool" one of the younger people in the audience exclaims

"There was an idea-" Fury says off-screen it morphs into steve rogers walking to the same room and it shows the captain America suit in a display case and steve is looking at it very intently "-to bring together a group-" Thor is shown holding Mjöllnir with the sun betting down of him so you could not see his face "-of remarkable people-" banner is shown coming into a house and then slamming his hands down on a table then steve punching a punching bag so hard it comes off the chain

"You have got to stop doing that cap" tony fake scolds

then thor summoning lighting from the night sky black widow is looking down with an explosion behind her all of the loud noises match up with the beat

"-so when we need them-" Clint expands his bow and Black Widow looks up and sees something interesting

"they can fight the battles-" Loki is shown walking and smirking through metal bars the go horizontally then an explosion of a car "that we never could" Tony Stark is shown sitting in a black chair.

Then an Iron Man suit is in a display case and it lights up the scene changes and it shows an iron man flying through the sky. Thor is shown thinking of something deeply "Gentleman what are you prepared to do," Fury asks Thor.

'Whatever it takes' K thinks sadly

Steve is shown giving the eyebrows of disappointment. the shield was spinning in the air being thrown at something Mjöllnir is seen going in the air it shows Thor summoning it. the Iron Man suit is shutting its faceplate.

"No offense but I don't play well with others,"

"Understatement" someone fake coughs

"Big man in a suit of armor, take that off and what are you,"

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist," Tony and steve argue

It shows Thor chuckling

"HA!" Peter laughs

It shows Iron Man going after the missile Fury is then shown shooting a missile launcher. captan America is jumping over an upside-down car then Clint was shown landing on his butt pulling the bow and arrow string back after that it shows Clint shooting an explosive arrow and then it shows Natasha taking down a thug and then flipping her hair back then it shows

"Oh they sexualized her great" MJ says sarcastically Natasha, Gormora, pepper, and Nebula smirks liking her

Then it shows Thor hit cap's shield with Mjöllnir but it cut off before he could. An explosion in a SHIELD lab then shows captan American grinding his teeth shooting a gun then the quinjet is shown flying to NYC next it shows Loki throwing tony stark out of the tower window

Tony flinches a little some wince in sympathy

Then it shows cap being thrown out a window now it makes Thor swings his hammer at nothing. Then more explosions on the street.

"If we can't protect the earth-" thor and cap are shown looking up confused "you can be d*mn well sure we'll avenge it," Tony says to Loki.

'Woo's, Yeah, Go Avengers' were commonly heard among the crowd

Iron man shoots up in the air over water then heads to land.

The avenger's logo is shown then the music stops

"Dr. Banner, your work is unparalleled they" shook hands

"That is uncharacteristically nice" Bruce chuckles at the irony of this comment.

"And I'm a big fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster," Tony Continues.

"TONY" pepper scolds

"Thanks," Bruce says looking a little uncomfortable

"Awww poor bruce"

'MAY 2012' is then shown.

"Every time you have a big team-up like this you can have a break and want to" K announces "so you can eat use the bathroom talk or whatever don't care" she magically leaves the room

have a great day/night/ noon whenever you reading this...
