//11 - Damien//

I know I haven't written to you, or more like, I know I haven't written in you in quite a while but after being loaded with tons and tons of work to do for the other members of the pack I can finally sit down and write. Even after all this time its still one of the strangest things, every morning its the same routine as it has been for the past four years. Wake up and attended to the pack while I watch as the other smile brightly and hear them telling me to not give up. They still tell me that not to fear for there is someone out there for me waiting. Funny how they can't see that there isn't someone waiting for me. At least not any longer. Sometimes I sleep on your side of the bed trying to find something remotely close to you but I know that no matter what you wont be there when I wake up. Some would say that they would rather die than not be with the one the love, but I see it differently. The pain I must have cost you is a constant reminder when I wake up without you. Waking up and knowing that it was entirely my stupidity that drove you away from me. That should be a pain I should live with and not try and run away from or taking the easy way out. I know now that sorry will mean nothing to you and they wont, and can't, change the past. If I could turn back time I would but for know I can't and I never will be. Maybe one day we will meet again. I wish you will be happy and will bring whoever you are with happiness as well. My only true wish would to be able to make you smile again. To be able to tell you I love you, and for it to mean in more ways that just that of friends. It's been almost 4 years since you left us, the pack, and even me. Four years that I have written to you. Four years since I had last spoken to you. If only I could ever find the will power to send my letter out to you.

Damien Lancer


Placing the pen back down on the wooden table I opened up an envelope and slipped the small letter into it. Sealing the envelope I flipped it over and wrote Oliver in my messy handwriting before getting up with the letter in my hand. Turning off the light from the office I made my way over to the master bedroom before walking over and into the closet. Bending down I pulled out a dark brown wooden box from the corner of the closet.

Taking off the lid to the box I took the letter and placed it top of the endless amounts of un sent letter with only one persons name on it with my sloppy handwriting. The worm out box was almost over flowing with the letter and I quickly closed the box placing the lid back on the box before any tears that I could feel in the corners of my eyes fall.

Placing the box back into the darkest corner of the closet I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. I let the quietness try to calm me down but atlas it didn't quite work. The quietness was just a reminder of how the laughter that once was, was gone. Getting up from the floor I decided that I should probably take a nap before later tonight when Cassandra and Sven come to pick me up and drag me along with my family's and Oliver's and the pack to a local concert.

Don't ask me how they were able to get so many tickets for the whole pack. Cassandra had only told me with a sly smile on her face the the cost of the concert was nothing for us to go to and that I should come out and enjoy myself as much as I could. At first I didn't want to go but after being pestered and then told that there would be a surprise for me to see, well how could I pass that up.

I woke up later that evening to Cassandra pounding on my bedroom door yelling at me to get up and ready to leave. Groaning I slipped out of bed and slipped on a pair of dark jeans, a dark blue and black checkered flannel along with my black chucks. Running my fingers through my hair lightly I grabbed my leather jacket and my phone before walking out of my room and out the front door to meet everyone else down stairs.

When I got to the end of the stairs I looked around the room and found a suspicious looking Cassandra smiling at her phone in a creepy way. Oliver's parents both look extremely excited along with his older brother and younger sister. Cassandra quickly looked up from her phone and clapped her hands together with a bright smile on her face.

"Okay let's get into the car and get going so that weren't late to the concert. Everyone get in a car right now no questions asked." She motioned for everyone to start moving and to get inside of the cars.

Making my way to my own car I started up the engine and waited for the other cars to leave first before following them to where ever we were going. It took a while to get where we were going when we finally pulled up to a fairly larger warehouse. Deciding not to question it to much and to actually try and enjoy tonight I parked along the side of the building with everyone else. The moment I stepped out of my car my senses were on high alert. Something was definitely different and I could smell it.

Looking around all I saw were family members from the pack fill into the wear house and a sleek black looking travel bus. There were a few different faces that were going into the wear house as well and from their smell I could tell that they weren't from this pack but from different ones but posed no threat to us.

Taking a deep breath I couldn't quite get a hold of what was the mesmerizing smell and the closer and closer I got to the building the stronger and stronger it got. Walking inside of the building my head was instantly filled with pop music as people, mostly girls, gathered around the front of the stage in a mass crowd. The smell was coming from somewhere behind the curtain that had been put up in the front of the stage as I made my way I'm between the mass of girls to meet up with Cassandra and Derek.

"Who's even playing tonight Cassandra?" I asked as she turned around and only smiled at me.

"You still haven't figured it out have you." She cocked one eyebrow at me as I slowly shook my head.

Just as she was about to open her mouth the lights in the wear house turned off and the surrounding people around me started to scream.

"Hello Everyone how's everyones night going so far." A familiar voice said from behind the curtain.

The screams only grew louder as the curtain slowly started to rise and that was when the smell finally hit me full force and when I had actually thought I had stopped breathing for a moment when an even more familiar voice spoke.

"I would just like to thank everyone who has watched us from the beginning and have supported us 100% all the way." The curtains were finally all the way up and I immediately looked for the source of the voice.

What I saw completely blew my mind. A tall male with pink like hair that was shaved off around the edges and couple of tattoos on his left arm was holding a microphone in one hand and a guitar in the other. He was dressed in a pair of tight black ripped jeans and a dark maroon stressed button down with the first to buttons undone.

I knew that he could tell I was looking at him because for a quick second as the music started up he tensed up and looked over in my direction. We held eye contact for a second before he placed a huge smile on his face and looked over the crowd.

You got a boyfriend,

And he's a total loser,

All your friends tell you that he's got no future,

But they like me,

Just saying

He barely takes you out,

If he does he's late,

And when the check comes he always makes you pay,

I'd never do that,

Just saying

You should leave him,

'Cause it really makes me sick,

Just saying,

just saying

You don't need him,

I'll help you get over it,

Just saying,

just saying

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

'Cause I'm better than him,

Just saying

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

Just saying

Got a big house,

He says he lives alone,

But when I drove by I could see his mom was home,

I got my own place,
(he told me lies to you)

Just saying

He says he loves you,

But it's all an act,

He's seeing someone else right behind your back,

You know I'd never do that,
(he would never do that)

Just saying

You should leave him,

'Cause it really makes me sick,

Just saying

just saying,

You don't need him,

I'll help you get over it,

Just saying,

just saying,

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

'Cause I'm better than him,

Just saying

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

Just saying,

just saying

You should leave him,

'Cause it really makes me sick,

Just saying,

just saying

You don't need him,

I'll help you get over it,

Just saying,

just saying

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

'Cause I'm better than him,

Just saying

When you change your mind I'll be waiting,

Just saying,

just saying

I watched as Oliver flawlessly moved around the stage while singing along and playing his guitar. Of course he wasn't obvious the main leader of the band but he must have been just as popular for every time would sing the crowd would go wild. I couldn't seem to keep my eyes off him and only focus on what he was doing. Never would I have thought about when Oliver disappear from me that night did I think he would become or even get into a band.

The Oliver I knew would have never really had the guts to go out and sing in front of hundreds of people let alone sing with people he hardly knew.

'Well obviously they aren't complete strangers with each other.' Ryan growled out in my head as I looked ip just in time for Oliver to jump into the awaiting arms of the lead singer with blonde hair.

It took me a second to finally realize who that was when I had come to the conclusion it was the one person I had hated the most.

'That's Kai isn't that.' Ryan was ready to come out even though he and I were well aware that Oliver did not physically or even mentally belong to us.

Didn't mean we still wanted someone when hated touching him. I watched as two other boys ran up to them as they got together in a group hug. They laughed and finally pulled away with each other and when they did all but one out of the four boys eyes landed on me. I watched as their face went from smiles to frowns before looking away from me and back out into the crowd.

"It feels so good to be able to finally return back to my home town and to be able to play the last leg of our tour hear is amazing so why don't we try and make this night the best one yet." Oliver smiled as he spoke into the microphone as the girls in the crowd and most likely some boys as well screamed with excitement.

I watched as Kai started to sing the beginning of a song while the two other boys went back to were they were. Oliver looked over in my direction and for a second I saw my old best friend that I had grown up with in his eyes. And just like that second had come it went away and was replaced by an un readable face that only looked at me for a while longer before finally joining into the song.

I sighed and walked away from Cassandra and Derek and decided to go to the back of the room where I would be able to see the stage but they wouldn't be able to see me. I watched as the rest of the night the four boys played their hearts out. Being completely honest I only really payed attention to Oliver and only when I finally saw a group of girls heading outside did I finally notice that the concert was over.

Everyone from the pack had stayed behind and was know gathering around Oliver and I knew that even if Oliver might not what to see me as Alpha I would have to great him to show respect. Taking a deep breath from where I was leaning on the wall I pushed off with my leg and started to walk over to the group of people with my hands stuck in my pockets.


Sorry if there's a bunch of spelling and grammar mistakes. Im to tired to go back and fix them. Lol.

Song to the side is called
Just Saying by 5sos
(5 seconds of summer) -->

The struggle was really trying to pick a song for this chapter not gonna lie.

Tell me what you think is going to happen when Oliver and Damien speak to each other again for the first time in 4 years (;

Vote. Follow. Comment.
