Prelude: B is for Breathe

I wondered along the grassy plain when I saw him. He was sitting on the ground, in front of an old computer. The chunky piece junk was black in the screen and had the rest of its processors next to it. My eyes trailed back to his. He was draped in white, as if he was from another culture. He gave me a soft grin. My mind was jumbled, but nonetheless, I continued my unrelenting stare. His gray eyes held a cheeky smile in them. He made a small gesture with his head for me to join him. Where am I? As if my body had a mind of its own, I moved to join him. He said nothing and gave me a simple smile. 


My eyes snapped open. I dreamed of him, again. He polluted my mind inside out. It's only been a month, and he's still on my mind. What is wrong with me? It's finally summer and I shouldn't be thinking of him. I'm finally free of so much stress. Schoolwork was a pain in the behind enough, to have someone to take care of is too much. It's time for me to practice. I got up from my comfy bed and-

"Ack!" Numbness shot up my leg as I landed on the ground. I have a habit of falling asleep with my hand cushioning my thigh. Begrudgingly, I stood up and walked out my room. It's too quiet. I realized that I forgot my phone and walked back to my room. 


Of course, one of my freeloaders are back. I glared and sighed at my culprit. His ears sat high on his hand as he picked up on my movements. His golden eyes were stuck on mine until got up from his sleeping position. Lo and behold, my phone was revealed to be under him. This little cat. 

"Francis, why are you sitting on my phone?" I asked him, knowing my answer. He gave me a yawn in response. His back arched to stretch his little cat muscles. His black fur gleamed against the shine of the sun that was streaming through my blinds. I walked back to my bed and picked up my phone. 

1 New Message 

My breath got caught in my throat. I held my breath and unlocked my phone. My eyes shut upon the first sight of it, which was idiotic on my part. I peeked one eye open. 

Ti-Ti: Wassssuuuupppp

What the f- It's just Tia. I don't know why I got hopes up. I sighed and typed while I walked out of the room. 

Me: Just woke up. U in a good mood? 

Ti-Ti: Nah, I'm just at work. 

Me: Oh. 

Ti-Ti: Lol what u gonna do for the day 

Me: Welp, I'm bout to practice, I have so much new music. 

Ti-Ti: That's right.

Me: Hey, Tia?

Ti-Ti: Yea? 

Me: Did I do the right thing? 

I stared at phone. I wondered did I do the right thing? I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. I have a lot of music to work on and instruments needing my breath. I checked the time. 2:00 P.M. Damn, it's already late. Momma would be home in about four hours. I still have time. I trudged the carpeted stairs and was greeted by my second freeloader. Meow~ The more feminine meow caught my attention. I looked down and saw big, curious green eyes look back at me. 

"What is it now, Elizabeth?" I bent down to her level and ask her. She maneuvered herself around my legs and let out an identifying track of hers. The purring meow. The little freeloader was hungry. It was time to feed them. I walked passed the living room and into the spacious kitchen. I looped around the island, and opened the bottom drawer. Automatically, I heard jingle bells flooding my ears. Curse those cats and their precise ears! I took out two cans of cat food out of cabinet.

"Why do you fur all over your jacket?"

"Boy, I clearly remember telling you that I have two cats."

There I go thinking about him. It's time for me to practice and my music together. I marched back upstairs with an objective in mind. I'm going to practice and be the best saxophone player when school starts again. I opened the door to the spacious bonus room that filled with nothing but instruments, music and miscellaneous books. I grabbed my jazz folder and opened it. It was long overdue for me to adopt more phrases in my jazz vocabulary and to clean it. It was jumbled with old concert music I should've thrown out a long time ago. I pulled out a *transcription as thick as a small book. I looked to the corner of the paper and saw writing there. 

Dizzy Gillespie 

A Night in Tunisia 

Check it out when you have the time:)

I came to a realization. 

1 New Message 

Ti-Ti: U not thinking about him again, right?
