Chapter 4: Unethical

The Alpha's Omega: Chapter 4: Unethical

               I laid back on the grass, my hands coming up to rest behind my head. "Are you really just going to stare at me?" I asked as I felt his eyes rake my body for the hundredth time.  

I heard his soft chuckle from a distance, "I'm not 'staring,' I'm 'watching.'" He corrected. 

"Sorry." I replied sarcastically. "Well, while you're 'watching' me, would you mind telling me who the Sayrin is and what they want?" 

There was a loud clomp as he fell to the ground and the gentle crunching of grass as he approached. "I've been given strict order to not associate with you - do you know how much shit I'm in already?" 

"The Sayrin gave you that order?" I guessed, turning onto my stomach so that I could see his standing figure. "Why do you follow them anyway?" 

"We follow the Sayrin like you follow your Alpha." He crossed his arms, his ring coming to my attention for the first time. It was the same symbol that made up the pendent, every little detail in line. 

"Where did you get that?" I jumped up and ran over to him and grabbed his hand, he offered little resistance. "Where did you get this?!"  

"We all wear them. It's the symbol of our world and the Sayrin's hierarchy in it." What would my mom be doing with the Sayrin's pendent - why did she choose to give it to me? I clutched the metal object still located in my pocket - the cool surface suddenly feeling hot to the touch. 

"Lauren!" Jay's voice scalded in my mind. I mentally cringed - forgetting that the Alpha has the power to command even when we are out of earshot. 

"I gotta go." I headed back to the camp, not giving him the chance to respond.  

                I quickly claimed a spot on the outer rim of the circle that our small pack had created. As if Jay could sense my presence, he looked up from his conversation and glared at me. I gave him an apologetic shrug. "He's unhappy again, isn't he?" Kat whispered, suddenly standing next to me.  

"At me at least." I laughed and took a seat, Kat following me.  

"What's it like being the Omega?" She looked like she was on the verge of tears. 

"It's just like being any other member of the pack." At least it was for now. Once we get settled in a more permanent setting we will have to defend the territory and my job as the Omega was basically to he the slab of meat that lures the omnivore from the shadows and into the clearing. This was my job and I was expected to do it - even if it meant certain death.  

'She likes you.' The mystery voice spoke to me again. 

"Are you alright?" She asked, placing her hand on mine.  

"Yeah, why?" I tried to play it off but I know I had probably made some kind of face. 

Kat smiled and shook her head. "No reason. Alpha called a meeting tonight, what do you think he wants to tell us?" That he's imprinted and expecting a kid. He won't say anything about me though - it would be unethical! 

"I don't know." I sighed, laying back again. I rested my head on the cooled earth and gazed at the dark sky, only the nearby bonfire illuminating the shaky trees.  

"Everyone listen up!" Jay called, pulling Mika to his side. "Mika and I are expecting the first pup that will be born into this pack." His face lit up with the brightest smile as everyone began to yowl and holler their congratulations. Kat cheered along with them, her howls sending chills up my spine. For such a small frame - she could really make some noise.  

"Come on, do it with me!" She prompted and I joined in, her eyes glinting like crazy. Our howls filled the night and I could faintly hear the cries of our brother pack in the far distance. No one else seemed to hear them though. Kat jumped up and began cheering louder with all the other girls, the bells around her ankle chiming like an angel chorus.  

'You like her too.' 

'Shut up!' I mentally screamed. I was already challenged when it came to my whelp abilities - I didn't need to be hearing voices too. 'You're not real!' 

'I am real and you will NOT tell me to 'shut up' again!' It bellowed back. 

I stood and slunk into the nearby trees, thankfully overlooked by everyone else. "Who are you?" I whispered as to not draw attention to myself. 

'You will come to know me in time.' It spoke calmly and almost rationally.  

There was rustling in the trees and I turned quickly, my attention called away from the voice. "Whose there?" 

"It's me." Kat called, pushing through the last layer. "What are you doing in here?" 

"I - I was, um..." I let myself trail off, realizing I couldn't say anything that wouldn't make me sound like an idiot. "What are you doing in here?" 

"Looking for you." She stated.  

I grabbed her hand and pulled her back, "We should rejoin the group." I spoke quickly. She followed obediently.
