Chapter 12

Alec's POV

I managed to maneuver Ava towards the kitchen as soon as we got home, which just so happened to be where my parents sat waiting for us. Undoubtedly concerned with my relatively cryptic message over mind link. I mentally patted myself on the shoulder for blocking them out directly after I told them to meet Ava and I in the kitchen. I could still feel the pressure of their questions as they tried to force their way into my head. It has clearly been a long twenty minute drive, felt far longer than usual with my hands strangling my steering wheel and the obtuse pressure of my parents trying to get me to unblock them from my mind link.

Unfortunately my sister didn't get the memo and was not onboard with me maneuvering her around like a sack of potatoes. Nope, she decided that voicing her distaste was a much better option. As I was gently pulling her towards the kitchen by her arm she asked my back,

"Alec, what is it with you and dragging me places today?"

As she managed to finish her sentence, we had arrived at the kitchen where I luckily still blocked her view of our parents. She's going to be so mad, anyway best to get this over with. I moved away from standing in front of Ava, instead of answering her question I took a seat at the kitchen counter. Across from our mom and dad who kept sending Ava and I confused looks. I avoided all three of their gazes. This is technically my monkeys and my circus, but I don't want to be the poor unfortunate soul who tells my father that some small dicked asshole decided to reject his baby girl. I may be the current Alpha of our pack but I'm not stupid enough to be the bearer of bad news like that to my father.

I feel the heat of Ava's glare on the side of my face as she realises that my parents and I have cornered her. Still I refuse to return her gaze. Hopefully this conversation ends swiftly then I can take advantage of the skipped day of school and resume my Alpha duties.

"Kids, someone better start talking," our mom said in her no-nonsense voice.

Shit, I almost feel bad for Aves. Nah, I don't.

I of course don't answer my mom, I turn to Ava and wait for her to respond to our mother. But, my dear old twin looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Frozen with wide eyes. Then suddenly this look of absolute horror crosses Ava's face and a split second later she is turning towards the door in an attempt to escape this situation. Not that my parents understand the severity of the situation yet.

Before Ava has a chance to put a foot in front of the other and escape our parents, our father bellows out,

"Ava, you better not be thinking of running away from this conversation. SIT. DOWN."

Knowing better than to argue with dad when he's temper is flaring Ava hastily deposits herself into the nearest kitchen stool. The one by the door, probably for a quick escape after letting the cat out of the bag.

"Now, someone better start talking and tell me why Alec called this meeting."

I decided that Ava was already mad at me, and making her madder was something I would need to do in order for her to talk to our parents. So I took one for the team. I turned my body towards Ava, leaned my face over the arm resting in the kitchen counter and said,

"Ava, you have something to share?" I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes a little.

Ava's face paled and she looked ready to bolt, only there was nowhere to go.

"I uh-I. Nope, I don't have anything to share," she wheezed out.

"You sure you don't, Aves?"

"No." she managed to grind out, sounding more sure of herself.

We bickered as our parents watched us as if it was a tennis match. But dad lost his temper.

"Alec, Ava. Enough. Explain now."

I stood up and went to go stand behind Ava, I grabbed a hold of her shoulders and squeezed.

"You want me to tell them?" I asked Ava through mind link?"

"Um, yes please." she murmured in response.

I gave her shoulders another squeeze, squaring my own before I started,

"Mom, Dad, try and stay calm until we've finished telling you everything."

"Of course, sweetheart." mom instantly replied.

"Dad?" Ava asked in a tentative small voice.

Dad immediately softened, giving us a brisk nod.

"Well," I continued, "Something happened to Ava yesterday. Something big..." I hesitated.

"Oh for heaven's sake Alec, tell us already!" Dad snapped.

I squeezed Ava's shoulders again and gave the final blow, "Ava's mate rejected her," as the words left my mouth I felt Ava stiffen and her shoulders drew upwards taunt.

Mom's mouth fell to the floor in shock as she left out a sound of disbelief, her hand going to cover her mouth. Dad, dad was another story. Dad's eyes had gone black, his wolf in complete control. His form started shaking and he was releasing low growls. His fists tightened at his side. His gaze flew from mine to Ava, who was shrinking in her seat. Dad let out a loud deafening growl and slammed his fist onto the kitchen counter, breaking it in two.

"LOGAN!" Mom yelled in shock.

And amidst all the chaos Ava escaped. Mom scolded dad and told him to run it off before running after Ava. Of course like any same male, my father listened to his mate and went for a run to cool down


A few hours later

After the discussion with our parents, one dad did not take it all too well, I locked myself away in my office. Attempting to get ahead of my Alpha duties. Not that I was succeeding. Every time I think I'm getting somewhere the pile of responsibilities just gets bigger and bigger. I don't want to fall too far behind again. It is way too much work to attempt to catch up on. I'll feel like I'm constantly drowning then. I've been doing alpha work for just over three hours now. As my pen hits a page starting the curls of my signature I hear a soft but strong knock on the door. Without lifting my head from the document that obtains the majority of my focus I tell the person to come in. I'm slightly surprised to see my dad walking into his old office. I notice how he looked around, taking in the changes I've made to the place to make it mine since his retirement.

I place my pen onto my desk and give my dad my full attention. A few seconds later he still appears to be taking in the office but then I catch his eyes as he stands before my desk, I notice how he appears to be fighting with his wolf. Before I can say anything, dad slumps into one of the two chairs in front of my desk, dragging a hand over his face as he lets out a defeated sigh. My dad's shoulders hunch, almost as if he's become a frail old man since his outburst earlier on.

When dad eventually lifts his gaze to look at me, I wait for him to start talking. Knowing my dad this conversation will get nowhere if I try and rush him into it. He turns his gaze from me to his hands on his lap.

"After hearing about what happened to Ava yesterday, I lost my temper. Which you know, since you were there," he looks upa t me as he says that before returning his gaze to his hands, "I'm obviously fucking furious that, that low life had the balls to reject my baby girl. And I know that I did not handle finding out exceptionally well, but I think you need to talk to her Alec. You're her twin, her other half she obviously trusts you more than me or your mother, I mean she told you before she decided to tell us. After we basically cornered her and forced her to tell us," my fathers face pinches up in sadness and regret, "Tell her that he didn't deserve her, that he never will, but that no matter what we'll always be here for her."

I nod, "I will talk to her dad, but I'm too sure anything I say will make her feel better. I'm not sure there's anything I can say to her to make light of this situation." I said as I started pacing my office.

"It's not like we're kids anymore who talk to each other about everything anymore. I want to be there for her, I'm just not sure how to be" I sigh dragging my hand over my face.

I throw myself onto the couch in my office, the one situated in front of my desk. In my peripheral sight I see my dad turn his body and angle it towards me.

"Just talk to her Alec, she is your twin. She might not admit it but she needs you. And your mother has forbidden me from talking to my little girl until she comes to talk to me herself after my outburst" says my dad in a small voice, he let out another sigh and stood up. On his way out of the office he stopped by me to give me a pat on the shoulder in encouragement.

I return to sitting at my desk, thinking about this entire fucked up situation. If that asshole didn't reject my sister she would be better off, but then he might have hurt her later on down the line. She might have asked me to leave him alone, but tomorrow he's going to get his ass handed to him. After all, he has no chance against an Alpha. And the asshole deserves it. If he's Alpha decides to get involved I can always beat him up as well and deal with the council later. The council will rule in my favor too, after all a beta rejected his mate, which is highly frowned upon and the fact that his mate was a higher ranking wolf, that's an even bigger problem. According to the laws, my sister has every right to demand his head after his rejection. So the council will go easy on me, his Aloha on the other hand will be seen as interfering and be punished for it.

Plus I happen to think that my twin sister is way too good to only be a beta female. She could easily be a Luna-I know I complain about her doing everything wrong. But she's kind, caring and has all the characteristics needed for being a great Luna. I hope she is given a chance at a second chance mate and that he will cherish her the way she deserves to be.


I walked up to Ava's room and knocked on the door, waiting for her to tell me to come inside. A few moments later I hear a soft, "Come in" and I enter her room.

I find Ava sitting on the foot end of her queen sized bed, staring into space. She looks defeated and dazed. Almost as if she's having an out of body experience.I tentatively take a seat next to her. I let my presence sink in allowing silence to pass between us before I try to talk to her.

A few minutes pass before I say, "You know Ava, you're way too good for a jerk like Alex. You don't deserve a title as low as beta female, you should be nothing less than a Luna." I ended my sentence by bumping her shoulder hoping it would lift her spirits slightly.

"I don't care about my title Alec, or the title of my mate. I just want a kind, caring mate who won't hesitate to put me first." she sighs heavily. "I can't believe I cried over that jerk, in the first place. I also can't believe that I got stuck with him for a mate," She laughed bitterly. She turned her head towards the ceiling and questioned, " Why Moon Goddess, why?"

"Ava you know I'm here for you, if you need anything. I'm willing to listen, you're my little sister and I want to be there when you need me." I say giving her a side hug.

She smiles at me and instead of answering me she says. "You're only five minutes older than me!" she exclaims, hitting my shoulder lightly.

I chuckled in response, her next words taking me by surprise.

"I missed this."

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Us being able to talk like we used to." she responds, causing me to nod in agreement.

I pat Ava's knee, "I have to get back to work Aves, but I'm here if you need me," I tell her before making my way back into my office. Back to my never ending list of paperwork and responsibilities. On my way to my office, I couldn't help but think of my own mate, I need to find her and fast.

When I found myself in my office I started pacing back and forth, thinking of all the ways in which to go about getting my mate. My thoughts are interrupted when Ava waltz's into the office without knocking, but I don't initially hear her, I'm too caught up in my own head. I only realised she was inside the office because she cleared her throat, loudly.

"Did you order Melody to come fetch me in the bathroom or did she do it on her own?"

I shake my head smiling.

"I didn't tell her to do anything, she did it on her own. In fact she told me she would fetch you and to wait by the locker."

Ava claps her hands happily, smiling, a real smile for the first time today. She walked up to me and threw her hands around me in a hug.

"Thank you for not scaring my new friend away."

I laugh and she leaves me alone with my racing thoughts again. I wonder if my mate's thinking about me at this exact moment, because lately she's all I'm capable of thinking about. I can't wait to find her again.

"Doesn't she have a concert this Friday?" asks an excited Kayden.

"Yeah I think so..."

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Buy tickets so that we can see her and make sure she doesn't run away from us this time. Show her we aren't as scary as she thinks." he says.

"Great idea Kayd."

I'm going to find you soon, my beautiful mate. Sooner than you think. I smile to myself in excitement, Friday couldn't come any sooner. I went to bed early feeling tired because of all the events that unfolded today. 
