Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I woke up to loud knocking on my door. I tried to fix my hair and look decent enough before opening the door. I found a grinning Jace standing there, looking wide awake.

He looked me up and down slowly, his grin morphing into something else. I looked down to what I was wearing and tried to walk away into the restroom. I had on some short shorts with a singlet. Jace had looked at me that same way he did yesterday while we were getting in the lake.

I came out after changing into a pair of clean jeans, leaving the singlet on.

“How are you doing?” Jace was lying down on his back in my bed, with his hands under his head.

“I need to buy some clothes,” I told him as I looked inside my back pack for my toiletries.

“I’ll take you to the mall today. The closest one is about half hour, so we should leave soon.” I looked at him weirdly, but nodded my head either way.

The mall was packed with people. I didn’t expect any less, it was the mall after all. I went through several stores and settled with five pairs of jeans and eight blouses. I bought two pairs of new sandals and a suitcase to carry everything in once I moved again.

It would be easier to carry more now that I wasn’t running away.

I was tempted to buy more, but Jace insisted on paying everything. I felt embarrassed because he didn’t have to do that, but he wouldn’t allow me to pay.

After we were done shopping, it was almost two in the afternoon. We had been in the mall a couple of hours.

“Where to now?” Jace asked me, while he carried the bags and suit case.

“I’m done, so we can leave,” I responded, shrugging.

“Let’s go to the food court,” Jace suggested.

I agreed and he led us to an empty table in the food court.

“I’ll go drop these off in the car. Then we can order,” Jace told me, pointing at the things he was carrying.

“Sure,” I replied.

“I hope that you buying more clothes, means you might stay in town longer,” Jace said, looking hopeful.

“I’m not sure, but I’m glad you didn’t turn out to be a bad guy,” I replied, offering a smile.

Jace leaned down and pressed his lips on mine. I didn’t move him away because it felt nice to kiss him. Alpha Nicolas’ kisses were always so intense, but Jace gave off happiness and stability.

He walked away right after kissing me. I thought about what had just happened. My heart and mind were telling me it was wrong. For some reason, my Wolf was going crazy inside of me.

I thought that she possibly liked kissing Jace, but with her, it was always more complicated. I got up from the chair quickly, and made my way out of the food court section.

I was walking too fast, not paying attention to my surroundings, when I crashed with something hard. I was about fall to the ground but someone steadied me by the waist and set me straight. My Wolf was yelling to be set free and electricity was running all over my body.

I looked up into a beautiful set of blue eyes. The guy who had straightened me was still holding my waist and looking directly into my eyes. He was breathtaking. In my eighteen years, I had seen plenty of handsome guys, but the one in front of me was by far the best.

He had black hair, which was all over the place in a stylish way. His eyes were deep blue, with gray specs. His skin was lightly tanned and I could feel his muscular body pressed against mine.

My Wolf called to him. After ignoring her- while I admired the gorgeous guy holding me- I understood what she was telling me.


I thought it was impossible, but there was no denying it. I could feel the bond without my Wolf telling me.

“Mine,” I heard the guy holding me say, with a husky voice.

I had to leave, but my Wolf wanted to take over and stay with him. Her thoughts were driving me crazy. She wanted him, right now, without caring that we were in the middle of the mall. I fought against her, and pushed away from his hold.

He frowned at me when I removed his hands from my waist.

“I need to leave,” I said more to myself, and tried to get past him. He grabbed my hand and kept me in place.

“You’re mine. My mate,” he said, in a demanding tone. My Wolf was howling with joy, while I frowned at the stranger in front of me, who apparently was my mate.

“Right,” I said to him, outstretching the ‘I’ in a sarcastic way.

“Do not speak to me like that,” he said to me with an imposing tone.

In that moment I came to a dreaded realization.

‘He’s an Alpha.’ My Wolf told me, enjoying the power surging from his Wolf to hers.  

It was in moments like these that I found my Wolf extremely annoying.

I saw Jace approaching us with a smile on his face when he saw me. As soon as he took notice of the guy in front of me, his facial expression changed. He turned serious and clenched his jaw.

People passed by and gave us a look as we stood in the middle of the hallway, but they didn’t say anything. Jace approached us slowly and stood next to me.

“I think this guy wants to kidnap me,” I told Jace, while half hiding behind his back.

The Alpha growled when he noticed my movements and glared at Jace.

“I was going to tell you yesterday, but now is a good time as well. Leila wants to join the pack,” Jace told the Alpha.

“Actually, I’m leaving later this afternoon,” I said, while staying behind Jace.

“The hell you are!” The Alpha yelled, before Jace could open his mouth.

“What? Why?” Jace asked me, holding my hands in his. The Alpha moved to stand between us and ripped my hands from Jace’s hold.

“Mine!” He snapped at Jace.

Jace looked between the Alpha and me with a shocked expression.

“Dylan, she’s- your mate?” Jace slowly asked him, keeping his gaze on me.

“Yes, and I will not allow you or any other male to touch her,” he replied to Jace, in a commanding tone.

“Understood, Alpha,” Jace said, nodding his head and looking at me with a defeated expression.

The Alpha, Dylan, grabbed my hand in his and started walking away.

I yanked my hand from his hold, catching him off guard, and stayed in place.

“I came here with Jace, and I am only leaving with him,” I told Dylan, with my arms crossed and a defiant look on my face.

Jace was shaking his head with a disapproving expression. Dylan cocked an eyebrow, looking amused.

“Feisty. I like it. But you’re still coming with me.” Dylan tried to get a hold of my hand but I stepped back.

“No, I’m not. And whatever you’re selling, I’m not interested.” With that, I made my way around him and walked away.

I made it out of the mall and into the parking lot without getting stopped. I felt their presence behind me, but didn’t dare look back.

The first step I took in the road’s direction and a hand around my waist brought me to a halt.

“As entertaining as that was back there, I won’t allow it anymore,” Dylan said to me.

His hold wasn’t rough, but it easily kept me in place.

“I wasn’t aiming to entertain. I was merely passing through here, and now that I see there’s nothing of interest, I will be out of this place,” I sourly replied.

“No, you won’t. You are staying here, with me- where you belong.” He started dragging me to his car but I was putting up a fight.

“Stop that, or I’ll carry you. Either way you will end up in my car.”

I stopped my fighting and Dylan looked satisfied. The only thing I was carrying was my wallet, which was safely tucked in my back pocket and secured with a chain. I walked by his side keeping up, with his pace.

Dylan started talking to Jace. I used that as a distraction and made a dash for it. I sprinted as fast as I could through the parking lot and onto the main road. It took them a moment to react with what I had just done. I felt them start running after me shortly after.

I ran like I never had, in my life. I considered shifting into my Wolf, but didn’t for two reasons. One, I would be too exposed. There were cars with people everywhere. Two, my wolf wanted to stay and follow Dylan’s orders. It would be hard to make her run away from him.

Even with Dylan being an Alpha and Jace being a Beta, they were taking time to catch up to me. I had Beta blood in me, but what helped the most was that I trained all my life, and my size made it easier to run away.

I felt Dylan gaining on me right before I neared the woods. I kept running, hoping to make it in time and shift. It would be hard to overpower my Wolf wanting to stay, but it wasn’t impossible.

Before I cleared the short space that led into the woods, someone swiftly tackled me. I put my hands in front of me, trying to block the sure crash my face would do with the ground.

Seconds before landing, he switched our positions. Dylan landed on the ground, taking the full force of our crash, while I landed on top of him. We were facing each other, his hands on my waist, while mine rested on his chest.

Dylan was looking intently at me, not bothered by the fall.

“Are you okay?” He worriedly asked me. I nodded my head, not finding words to speak.

“Good, we’re going home to my pack. One more problem from you and I’m tying you up,” Dylan said seriously while standing us up and getting my elbow, leading us to the mall’s parking lot.

Jace followed us in his car. He hadn’t said a word to me or even looked in my direction. Dylan forced me into the passenger seat of his car and made me drive back with him.

We were headed to his house.

“When did you get here?” Dylan asked me during the way.

It would be a long drive, but I didn’t mind the silence. I was mad, and honestly, a little scared of Dylan.

I stayed silent, and didn’t look his way. I found the scenery very interesting and focused on that. I hated how happy my Wolf was with Dylan’s presence. It was embarrassing how low she wanted to stoop for him and to get his attention.

“Answer me!” He demanded, using his Alpha tone.

Everyone was supposed to bow down to that tone and his Alpha title. I smirked, still not looking in his direction- finding interesting how much I was able to defy him.

“You’re attitude might slip through right now, when it’s just you and me. I dare you to act that way in front of our pack, and find out what happens.”

My Wolf loved when he said ‘our pack’. I simply laughed at his threat. Dylan growled, not appreciating my take on things.

He roughly brought the car to a stop and parked on the side of the road. Jace barely stopped before hitting us. His car swerved but he managed to control it in time.

Dylan got out and walked to my side of the car. He opened the car door and got me out with force.

“I dare you to behave how you just did,” he challenged me, while holding me by the waist.

I stayed silent but didn’t drop my gaze. I held my glare on him, while he looked at me tauntingly.

“Dylan, calm down man. What are you doing?” Jace asked with a worried look.

I turned toward Jace’s direction and he finally looked at me.

“It’s fine Jace, we had a misunderstanding. It’s all cleared up now,” I said, with an overly nice voice.

Jace kept his eyes on us while Dylan stared at me. I turned back to face Dylan and smirked. He growled, but helped me back in the car.

The rest of the way to his house was spent in silence. He didn’t try to make conversation, avoiding another confrontation between us.

“I live alone. My parents’ house is a few ways down there.”

Dylan pointed toward a direction in the woods. We were in front of a stunning two story house. What amazed me the most wasn’t the size, it was the structure.

It was creatively designed and gave off a modern look, despite it being in the middle of the forest.

“I want to leave,” I told him, leaning my back on his sleek black car.

It looked expensive and I’m sure his house cost more than your usual salary as well. With him being Alpha, it didn’t surprise me much. Alphas and Betas were known to be extremely wealthy.

“You wouldn’t get away from my lands before either I or someone from my pack stopped you.”

Dylan walked up to me and placed his hands on his car, enclosing my waist.

“You are aware that this is kidnapping? I don’t want to be here, with you.” I glared at him.

“It’s not kidnapping if no one finds out,” he replied.

I pushed him away, but he slammed me on his car to keep me in place.

“Stop disrespecting me! As of right now, you officially belong to this pack,” he told me, with a sinister smirk on his lips. I felt his Wolf taking over and my Wolf was responding to him.

“I don’t belong to anyone’s pack,” I said, not backing down. Light pain was coursing through my back from when he shoved me, but it was already fading away

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Dylan said as he caressed my cheek softly.

He walked away from me and started heading for the door of his house.

I turned to look out into the forest.

“Don’t even think about it.” Dylan warned. I turned to look at him and started making my way toward his house.

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*A singlet is a tank top or a wife beater.
