Under Wraps

You, Sibella, and Charmcaster are all outside enjoying a bit of fresh air while also fighting each other without holding back to stimulate real growth in the face of danger and understand what each of your own weaknesses were.

Charmcaster: "I got you now (Summons some of her rock monsters while preparing a giant spell.)"

Cerberus: "I don't think so."

You then start charging towards her slashing through all the different golems that try to attack you as some of them throw rocks and other debris at you, you use your fiery howl and destroy them while making your way towards Charmcaster and just as you are about to reach her you see her smile but before either of you could do anything you both hear.

Grandpa Max: "Kids clean up and get ready to leave were headed towards Maplewood's farm camp."

Cerberus/Charmcaster: "Aw Man."

You then change back to normal as Charmcaster get the remaining golems under her command to rebuild themselves and help her collect the broken pieces of their fallen friends while you go on to eat any and all fire's that you had created to stop them from spreading.

Grandpa Max: "Trust me you're going to love it when I was a kid, I spent every summer on my Jedadia's farm learning the value of a little hard work is just what you kids need."

As you all get to the farm you meet the owner of the farm and her son, and she asks if they were the Tennyson's which you weren't but whatever and after you all get introduced to one another you are told to unload a truck of feed Grandpa Max starts handing out feed to all of you.

When it comes to you Grandpa Max gives you one, but you start carrying more than one since that's just how you are and when you are finally done grabbing (Not because it was heavy it was because you couldn't hold anymore.) you follow along and start dropping off the bags of feed without even breaking a sweat.

Grandpa Max: "(Grunting) And that's that last of it woo nothing like working up a good sweat right kids."

Everyone but you is panting and sweating heavily Charmcaster on the other hand can no longer even stand up and you don't know if it was true or if she just wanted an excuse to get carried either way Sibella was very pissed by the fact of you carrying someone other than her.

Joan: "Super Time! (Ringing a musical triangle.)"

You all then head to the Applewood house to get your grub on, and you are all thankful for the fact that you were all eating something that wasn't actually grubs for a change all the while Ben is complaining about there being nothing fun to do on the farm.

As Todd began telling you all about something spooky that happened to him his mother Joan stopped him from because she thought no one would be interested in such drivel as she started collecting the dishes so you all could go to bed.

As soon as Charmcaster hit the bed she was knocked out cold and you could tell as there was a chicken screaming to be released you then reached in and freed the chicken so the rest of you could get some sleep and when you chose your bed Sibella rest on top of you screeching anytime, she heard something move.

Doing her best to protect you, you turned her off like an alarm but gentler by just rubbing her head and getting her to calm down and after doing it enough times she finally went to sleep and just as you were about to yourself you heard Ben and Gwen sneak out but being too tired and having Sibella sleeping on you, you decided to ignore them and try to get some shut eye.

Joan: "Rise and Shine sleepy heads!"

Gwen: "You got to be kidding it's 5 AM."

Joan: "And those cows aren't going to milk themselves."

When you got up Sibella was not moving a muscle which meant that she wanted to be caried some more, so you put her in her usual place and then started your morning routine before joining everyone in the barn to see how cows were milked.

After Grandpa Max, Charmcaster, and Todd left you saw Ben use the Omnitrix to milk all the cows in the fastest and easiest way possible you did it somewhat similar, but yours was because you exist like while for Ben and Gwen, they were just lazy and wanted the fastest way possible to finish the work.

And what followed was you and Charmcaster doing the farm work in a weird somewhat normal way while Ben and Gwen used the Omnitrix and just speed through all the chores and when you were all done Charmcaster looked like she had just ran 5 Olympic level marathons.

Ben: "So you have to work like this every day?"

Todd: "Nah during planting and harvesting seasons we don't have it so easy but to tell you the truth at least it keeps you busy it's usually pretty boring around here it's not like everyday a mummy appears in a flash of purple lightning."

Ben/Gwen/Y/n/Charmaster: "Purple lightning!"

You all then ran off and told Grandpa Max what Todd had just told you except for Charmcaster who you were carrying because it seemed the only way she was moving was with the help of golem or you, so you cared her as Sibella raged in protest.

After Max got geared up and you placed Charmaster down to rest you calmed Sibella down as you met back up with everyone to hear Max explain what happened to the cows and what it meant for anything that came in to contact with it.

Grandpa Max: "(Looking you up and down)."

Y/n: "What?"

Grandpa Max: "Nothing."

Tracking the signal of the corrodium all the way to yours and Ben's favorite ice cream factory.

When you all got inside as you all tracked the energy signature of the corrodium Max put a level 10 hazard suit on him and Gwen leaving you and Ben without one his reason for Ben was because he should be fine in alien form, and you were pretty much a gamble.

Ben then dug up the corrodium as Diamondhead and as soon as he did you all got struck by the Mummy creature that Todd was telling you all about it then tried to pull you in but Sibella tried to fight it off only to get affected by the corrodium herself but unlike the other living things that came into contact with it Sibella was not moving.

Seeing her not move or do anything you then turned into Cerberus again as you chased the creature down wanting to make it pay for whatever it might have done to her and when you got close to it a security guard showed up and got turned into a monster like creature himself.

It was no bother to you as you grabbed him and slammed him rapidly into the ground before chasing after the mummy again and when you finally catch up with him you hear that Ben started to turn back to normal, so you threw her to safety.

You then started ripping the mummy apart as it tried to attack you and any time it wrapped its bandages around you, they were burned away your raging fire until you finally calmed down a little after hearing from Gwen that Sibella was okay so after giving the mummy a little more pounding you started to walk away while turning back to normal.

As you were leaving you felt a cold chill coming from behind you and when you turned to look you saw Ben freezing the mummy and as you all left Ben and Gwen pegged Grandpa Max to not continue their farming adventure and when you all went to bed that night you saw.

Was sleeping on top of you and before you could say or do anything she just nuzzled onto as you saw the strange bat girl turn into Sibella in a giant purple mass kinda way.

Y/n: "This is going to be interesting."

And that is all for now hope you all enjoyed and until next time stay safe and peace.
