Intermediate Class: Mission One pt 1

Only hours later, the group leader, Potato-chan, received a call. She clicked "receive transmission" her phone buzzed, "hello?" She answered. There was some static, "shhhhkes... Yes, is this shhhk-chan? Is this Miss Potato-chan?" The caller replied. She cast a worried glance towards Asrar. He nodded, telling her to continue, "ah, yes, this is she. How may I help you?" From what she could tell, the caller let out a relieved sigh before responding, "we need your help. You see, there is this huge crab destroying the village. Please help us." The freckled girl didn't hesitate to answer, "of course. Where are you?"
   After receiving the whereabouts of the job location the four headed out. The promising blueberry waved to the young Mune as she left with the others, "bye Elizabeth!" "Bye senpai!" The two continued waving until the other was out of sight, "isn't your arm tired?" The older Mune questioned. She quickly shook her head in objection, "no, not at all!" These two would talk the entire way as they followed close behind Potato-chan and Asrar.
  Asrar quickly glanced behind him to see if they were paying attention to him. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw that they were in a world of their own. He turned towards Potato-chan, "is this really okay? Sending her out on a mission without having any training?" She shook her head to either side, "no." He lowered his eyes, "what should we do?" She didn't respond. He pressed on, "Potato-chan?" She sighed, "we can't refuse for any reason. We just have to hope that she'll be okay on talent alone." He eyed her, "talent can't carry people too far." His tone was dejected. She was the same, "I know."
  The group finally arrived at their destination, "we're here." Potato-chan said unenthusiastically. Her blueberry counterpart on the other hand, was amazed, "h-how did we get here so fast? Are we on an island!?" There was no hiding her excitement. The once taco laughed half-heartedly, "because this world shares the same dimensional plain as the Forbidden Domain, and the magic population is limited, the Other Plain is rather small in comparison." The berry's gaze became downcast. Allen noticed imedeatly, "what's wrong Blueberry-chan?" She couldn't help but apologize, "sorry, I didn't realize that the Forbidden Domain took up so much space..." He playfully ruffled her hair, "there's no need for you to be sorry. It's not your fault." She blushed, "y-yeah, you're right." He suddenly realized what he had done, and quickly took his hand off her, "...yeah." he rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find something else to say. Asrar let out a small chuckle at his friends rather transperant behavior. The spectacled girl did the same before saying, "c'mon, we don't wanna be late on our first day do we?" In a blink of an eye the girl had grabbed the Cerulean by the hand and was dragging her to the small town up ahead.
  Gripping at her wrist, the blue haired kidnappee  desperately tried to claw her way out, "releasee foul beast!" She demanded. The potato smirked, "I shan't" the berry snarled, "I shank you shall!" Allen burst out into a loud laughing fit. Trying to calm his friend, Asrar pulled a stick out of his pocket. Waving it in front of his face to get Allen's attention the half crow half human boy launched it ahead of the girls and bluntly said, "go fetch." Allen instantly stopped laughing, "what? Do I look like some sort of Bitch to you?" Asrar lifted an eyebrow, "hmm, how should I answer this...?" Despite hearing this Allen tried his hardest not to move. He was so tempted to go retrieve the stick. He bit his lip, 'just this once' he told himself. The crow smirked as his doggo of a friend ran over to the stick on all fours. From a little bit ahead of him he could hear his superior scold him saying, "try to be a bit more mature. I expect better from you!" He turned to face the freckled, four-eyed, potato. (Author note: not meant to be offensive) he barely supressed a loud "Ha!" When he realized what was happening before him.
  Only a couple yards in front of him Potato-chan was standing triumphantly over her berry friend. On foot pinning her down, and her hands on her hips, the girl sneered at her newest catch.  Poor Blueberry-chan had her hands and legs tied behind her with a vine that was manifested by the evil vegetable(?) Who held her down. In this position, she resembled a water droplet. The culprit nodded her head, "yes Asrar, you must learn to be a mature young man who can conquer those who oppose you with dignity." He sighed, 'you're one to talk...' the lecture the war hero was about to give was cut short when one of the townsfolk cut in, "you must be the team that the elders called for! Oh thank you so much for coming!" They all turned to the young woman who spoke. She beckoned them to follow her, "please, this way."
  They followed her through the little town as the green haired maiden explained the situation, "I am Algea (pronounced Al-gaya) and the elders have aked you here because there is a terrible creature plauging the town. It destroys everything in it's path. From vegetation to building. The fighters we have here just aren't strong enough to defeat it. That's why we needed some expert help." Their leader, Potato-chan, nodded while in thought. After contemplating what to say she responded with, "then lead us to the main subjects of it's attack."  She agreed and quickly took them to said places.
  "There's so much destruction..." The berry gasped. She didn't expect to see this. Vegetation and building parts alike we're scattered throughout the field in front of them. They resembled puzzle pieces left on a table, forgotten. The blue haired girl fell to her knees, "what... Could do this...?" All that Potato-chan could do was place her hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. The brunette had long forgotten the feeling her friend was currently experiencing. Nonetheless, she knew it must have been terrifying. She had never seen anything like this before. Her whole life she was an Innocent completely unaware of the daily terrors that claimed people day after day in the Other Plain. "Get up." Asrar commanded. The girl who was trying to ease her fear was annoyed with his approach, "excuse me? Do you realize what she must be feeling!?" He paid her no mind and blankly stared at the new recruit before continuing, "this is what you signed up for. Did you think this would be some fun adventure? Just be glad that the higher-ups didn't throw you into the Mission Specialist division. This in comparison is much better than anything they see." "Asrar, that's enough." Allen growled, "stop, we both know that--"  Asrar cut him off, "she needs to suck it up." "Asrar!" Potato-chan scolded. He bit his tounge. He wasn't entirely sure why he had said what he did. Yet, for some reason, he didn't regret it. What annoyed him was how they were babying her.
  They were earily still in the silence before the center of this dispute stood up shakily. She didn't turn to face them when she spoke, "right..." Her voice shook as much as her legs, "I... I need to be strong." She gulped. She really wasn't expecting this. She gritted her teeth, 'I'm done relying on them. I've done nothing but exist so far! I'm a Cerulean after all!' "I can do this."

In the next chapter I'm just gonna clarify a couple things. Like how the elders knew what number to call and why Blueberry-chan reacted like that. Skip I if you want. Have a good day!
