Hole To Darkness?

Guys I feel so guilty for not giving you the chapters, I am trying to get the last 3 in today right now. Please be patient for them. 2 more left to go. 

"It's all gone!" exclaimed Hellen, the posts and buildings were all broken down almost nothing left but bricks and broken glass.

Timothy stares at all the broken bricks. "Helen, I'm starting to think that this map is wrong." Timothy says as he looks at the map closer and Helen walks over to Timothy examining the map as well.

"I don't see anything wrong with the map Timothy-.."

"Just-..look, thee map says that the trail goes down, not any other direction than down.

"But, there's nothing here. No people, no nothing except for broken glass and bricks. And food..." Said Helen covering her nose from the awful smell.

"What is that smell?" Asked Timothy with a look of disgust showering over him as he begins sniffing around. Timothy stops and sniffs before digging through allt he glass and bricks pushing. 

"A little help here?" Said Timothy a bit annoyed, as Helen goes over and helps Timothy push away the glass and bricks. A hole is underneath, just big enough for a human to fall down.

"What do you thinks down there?" Asked Timothy curiously as he steps on the edge of the hole and ithe dirt crumples a bit.

"There's only one way to find out." Helen scoops up Timothy and looks down at the hole.

"Wait you aren't suggesting that we jump down there right?" Asked Timothy.

"It's the only way to get there, so it'll have to do."

" Well hurry it up than! " said Timothy as he crawls on Helen shoulder gripping tightly.

"3... 2... 1-" Helen jumps down in the hole as they slide through every turn and eventually fall down on a rather hard woody surface. 

"Ouch.. that hurt!" Helen looks around to see 2 rather large trolls in front of her and Timothy as they glare at them.

"Oh no.." Timothy trembles.

Ok guys that was it for this chapter! I might get to do the 2nd one tonight and the 3rd chapter in the morning for you guys but rn I'm going to upload this chapter on inkspired also. Comment and vote if you want, it helps me write. ✍️
