Chapter 3

By that night, the gang had gone their separate ways searching around Spooky Island for any clues. David and Cynthia slightly complained that this was suppose to be a vacation and not monster searching. 

Velma had discovered that this creepy ritual man named N-Goo Tuana and his Mexican wrestler friend Zarkos believed that this theme park was built on ancient grounds and that monsters would return to seek their revenge. Meanwhile, Daphne was on her own and had gotten word from a voodoo man not to go inside this Spooky Island castle ride that had been shut down, giving the spunky redhead an idea. 

Walter and the adventure kids had come into an area where college students were partying with a skeleton-shaped disco ball above them and there was a bar nearby known as 'Dead Mikes'. 

"Okay, kids. Now we have to be extremely careful" Walter warned the kids. 

"Yeah, the suspect can be anywhere" Kali added to her friends, looking around cautiously. 

"Please, I was born careful" Cynthia told her friend suavely before she bumped into a row of skeleton head wind-chimes, making a lot of commotion and getting everyone's attention on her. Walter and rest of the adventure kids all face-palmed in embarrassment. 

"I'll take these" Cynthia told the seller, giving him a few dollars and would take these skeleton wind-chimes home as souvenirs. The young fashionista might as well get something out of this bummer vacation. 

Walter then turned around, getting distracted after he thought he heard something and saw weird foot prints leading away. He decided to go off and search on his own, now leaving Shaggy and Scooby to watch the kids. 

"What now?" Teeders asked the gang since Walter left them. 

"Come on, guys" Shaggy said to the kids and they followed him along with Scooby and Mary-Jane.  

Just then...

"We got a 'Mr. Doo' here?" the kids heard the bartender at Dead Mikes ask, holding out the telephone. "I got a call for a 'Mr. Doo'"

"Uh, Melvin Doo?" a college boy asked who the kids were standing by, raising their eyebrows at him.  

"No, Scooby" the bartender replied. 

"Looks like you got a call, Scooby" Teeders said, as she and the other adventure kids came up to the bar with the talking dog. 

"Rello?" Scooby spoke into the phone. 

"Got a bag of, uh... hamburgers here for you" a deep dark male voice said. "Just walk into the dark, shadowy part of the forest where no one can see you" 

The adventure kids quickly got suspicious once hearing that. Scooby however, looked very excited and would do anything for food. 

"Rokay!" Scooby happily said then hung up the phone and quickly went off into the dark forest.  

The adventure kids all looked to each other, confused on what just happened. Then again, Kali mentioned to the gang that her dad told her Scooby would always be thinking with his stomach. 

"What was that about?" David questioned his friends, finding that odd phone call a bit creepy.  

"I don't know, but I think we should follow Scooby" Brock advised.  

"What about Uncle Shaggy?" Ann asked. 

The kids then looked back, seeing that Shaggy was distracted with Mary-Jane after winning her a creepy doll head from a game, then the kids looked disgusted like they were gonna throw up and decided to go after Scooby. 

"Come on, gang" Kali led the adventure kids as they bravely went into the dark scary forest. 

"Now we know where Kali gets it from!" Cynthia stared sarcastically into the fourth wall, stating how Kali shared her dad's adventurous spirit. 

The kids soon caught up with Scooby and started searching around for the hamburgers with him. 

"Ramburgers, oh where are you?" Scooby sniffed around. 

"I don't see anything" Ann said while looking around. 

Scooby and the kids then saw a sign that pointed 'Hamburgers this way'. 

"Rambugers, roh boy!" Scooby quickly ran off in that direction. 

"Wait up, Scooby!" Kali called out while the adventure kids chased after the great dane. 

Scooby then stopped and gasped upon seeing a bag tied up to a tree with a sign above that said 'Hamburgers'. Scooby then eagerly went up to the bag to eat the hamburgers. 

"Don't you think this is a little suspicious?" Teeders asked the others. 

Suddenly, the adventure kids had chills down their spines as they felt something was sneaking up behind the. Scooby bent over the tree a little to get a look inside the bag but saw that there were no hamburgers in it.  

Scooby let go of the tree, just as the kids turned around to see a big scary creature get hit in the head by the tree and was knocked over for a second. 

"What the?!" the kids couldn't believe what they saw. 

Scooby had the bag over his head and the monster took it off so the dog could see it. Scooby screamed and put the empty bag back over his head so he wouldn't have to look at the scary creature. But the monster snatched the bag off and roared at the cowardly dog and kids. 

"Run for it!" Kali shouted, and the adventure kids took off screaming. 

While they were running away, David tripped over a log and was grabbed by the creature by his leg but David kicked the creature in the face, getting it to drop him as the panicked adventure boy scrambled to get up and kept running with his friends. 

Scooby thought he could climb up a tree to get away from the monster, but it followed after the poor scared dog up the tree while the adventure kids watched helplessly. 

Scooby however was able to let go of the tree and send the monster flying back far away over onto one of the roller coaster rides. 

"Let's get out of here!" Brock screamed as the kids started running with Scooby again. 

Shaggy was with Mary-Jane back at the party, when the kids came screaming out of the forest and back over, hiding behind them while they shivered in fear. 

"RAGGY!" Scooby cried out as he jumped right into Shaggy's arms. "Ronster! Ronster!"

"A monster?" Shaggy asked, now sounding scared himself. 

But suddenly, someone in a bunny costume came out and started dancing with the college students, making Scooby and the adventure kids look confused. Did they really just see a monster?

"Scooby-Doo, guys, like, quit goofing around, man" Shaggy told his dog and the kids, setting Scooby down. 

"But... But it was there" Brock argued as the Akids looked back into the trees but could no longer see the demon creature. 

"I guess I should go" Mary-Jane said and gave Shaggy a kiss goodbye with her doll head. "Bye, Scooby" she said, but then sneezed due to her dog allergy.  

After Mary-Jane left, the kids spotted Daphne come over, telling them she had found something. 

"We better check it out" Kali told the others they should investigate and went with Daphne to where she was leading them.  
