Chapter 24

Alicia's POV

I waved at the retreating car. I was definitely gonna miss Lala, but I'm happy that she'll get to spend time with her family. Students were eyeing me curiously as to why I was outside this dorm. I've never stepped foot in a dorm here until a minute ago. My friends either lived in Greek housing or off campus like me. I ignored their stares and walked to my Audi. Here's to a lousy week with my family. Yaz and Astrid typically go back to their countries so that they can spend time with their family. My other friends either go home or travel abroad for the week. I'd like to be like them and travel, but it's the McAllister tradition to throw the Thanksgiving dinner. It's quite ironic since I'm not thankful to have the McAllister name. It's more of an imprisonment than a blessing. I'm destined to do whatever my parents deem fit and, unfortunately for me, my aspirations and dreams aren't approved by my family. They'd nearly pass out if they found out I'm dating a girl, especially one that's not from my economic bracket. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I got home. I parked in the garage and headed inside.

"OH! You are SO gonna get it! Just wait until dad gets home!" I heard Tamsin screaming. Here we go again. I just rolled my eyes as I entered the kitchen. "Nothing?! Nothing?! You embarrassed us!" Tamsin screamed at an unbothered Zara. I assume she's referring to Zara kissing Ryder.

"I don't care." Zara blandly stated. Gemma appeared tense as she glanced between the two girls. "What's he gonna do? Disown me?"

"It'd suit you better." Tamsin huffed and left the kitchen. She slammed the front door loudly.

"Well, then. That's some excitement." I grabbed a water.

"She needs to get her nose out my ass and into Laurens' instead." I chuckled at Zara's jab. "What happened is that dad called and said that he is coming back on thanksgiving and had seen my 'lip locking' and will have a stern convo with me. Yay." Zara faked enthusiasm. "Oh and he also wants to discuss a suitor with you." She shrugged.

"Just with me?" Zara nodded at my question. "What about you?" She shrugged. "Ugh!" Gemma laughed at me.


I was a sweaty mess. I placed my racket on the ground and entered my house so that I could shower. The decorators and caterers were dashing around my house. Everything has to be perfect for the party later or my mother would throw a fit. Whatever. I jumped in the shower and put on some joggers and a cropped hoodie. I'll get ready later because I knew if Tamsin saw me then she'd have a cow as to why I'm not dressed yet.

"Why aren't you ready?!" Right on time. "The party is in an hour and you're not even dressed?! Are you crazy?!" I honestly live for vexing Tamsin.

"Summon Zara for me." We heard our dad's voice in the other room. We peeked around the corner to see the maid nod and then leave. "Girls!" My dad saw us.

"Daddy!" Tamsin's voice went up an octave. She skipped over to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. I crossed my arms and approached them. "How was your trip?" Tamsin clutched onto his arm.

"It was great until I got a text from you." Oh, so she's the one who sent the picture of Zara and Ryder to him. Unbelievable, but not that surpassing at the same time.

"Dad." Zara walked into the kitchen with her bored expression. My father and I could see right through her pretense. She was scared, but trying to mask it with a look of indifference.

"Daddy!" Gemzi ran and engulfed him in a tight hug. He smiled before placing her back down on the ground.

"My office." He directed at Zara, but we all followed anyways. Gemma was there to support Zara, Tamsin wanted to be there to make sure Zara was punished accordingly, and I was just nosy. My father sat at his desk while my sisters at on the couch. Zara was in the middle with Tamsin and Gemma on either side of her. Gemma was clutching Zara's hand while Tamsin was staring daggers at Zara. I just leant against the bookshelf as I watched the shitshow unfold. "What is this?" He opened up his phone to show the picture of Ryder and Zara.

"Umm..." Zara had an inquisitive look on her face. "I'd say it's a photo of a happy couple." She got comfier in her seat.

"Huh. A happy couple..." My dad then slammed his hand harshly on the desk causing us all to jump. "How dare you embarrass us like that!" He pointed at Zara. "I tell you I don't want you near that boy and you-"

"My lord. What is going on in here?" My mother entered. I gave her an absentminded wave so she couldn't complain that I didn't acknowledge her. Tamsin stood up to give my mother a hug and kiss. My mother then leant down to hug the twins. After that, she walked behind my father and wrapped her arms around his neck. "So?"

"You're aware of this." He held up the photo.

"Yes and I think we should just let the girl be with him. He obviously makes her happy and less... melancholic."

"I'm not depressed." Zara countered.

"I wouldn't be speaking when I'm making the case for you." Our mother silenced her. "Now that they're together, his family will be more inclined to negotiations. I think this is a win win." She kissed my father.

"So you're okay with her being with a boy with feminine hair?" I silently laughed at that. He's really calling Ryder feminine because he has long hair. The guy is the manliest out of all my sister's boyfriends. I mean Ryder snowboards, skateboards, surfs, does formula 1 and mma. He's from California, dad, like chill.

"If that's her type then..." My mother rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." Zara quickly stood up and dragged Gemma out. Tamsin sat there with her mouth wide open.

"Tamzi, it would make good business since he comes from a family of tech giants." My mother appeased her.

"For you, I have a suitor." My dad addressed me. I forgot that I have to entertain this. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the couch. "His name is Arthur." I couldn't help the scoff that came out my mouth. He literally had a grandpa type name. "And he will be at the dinner tonight. Be nice because you're engaged to him."

"What?!" I yelled.

"I thought he would make the best husband for you." My mother proudly announced. I glanced at my father who subtly gave me sympathetic eyes. Oh no! That's not gonna work with me. He needs to do something about it. "Anyways, I need to touch up my makeup and you need to get dressed. Come on, Tamzi." My sister and her walked out hand in hand.

"You're kidding right?"


"Don't Ali me. Why would you ever agree to something like that?" I demanded.

"Your mother found a suitor from good stock for you. You will be meeting him tonight."

"But dad-"

"Get dressed, sweetheart." He stood up and kissed me on my forehead then left. Ugh! I wish either Yaz or Astrid was here so that I could vent. They're on the other side of the world and I'm not gonna wake them up at 4am their time. I huffed as I stood up to get dressed.


I was sipping champagne while I sat in the gardens. I was doing my best to avoid my family and Arthur. Yes, I got to meet Arthur and he's as boring as his name. All he could talk about was stocks and bonds and finance and blah blah blah because I tuned him out. I would rather bang my head against the wall then speak to that guy again. Luckily for me, Gemma passed by so I struck up a conversation among the three of us and then escaped.

"Why are you out here?" I looked up to see Tamsin and Laurens. I rolled my eyes at her which answered her question. "He's from good stock. You should be happy and proud. Look at that rock on your finger." She held up my hand. Yep. He literally proposed after the first 5 minutes of meeting me.

"I'm underage." I curtly replied.

"And then you can marry when you turn 18 or wait until after graduating high school." She looked at Laurens lovingly. Yuck! She wanted to marry Laurens when she was like 15. Thankfully, my father stated that they had to wait until they both graduated college. I don't know why he couldn't extend that same offer to me.

"I'm just happy that he doesn't go to this school. That way I don't have to see him." I scrolled through my insta feed.

"Don't be like that." Tamsin sat down on the bench beside me. She pulled me into a hug and then started running her fingers through my hair. I just wanted to get out of this uncomfortable embrace. "I have something that will lighten your mood."


"You have to wait until next week." She devilishly grinned. "It's not you, but someone who has made a mockery of our family name."

"Okay then." I got out of her hold. "I'm gonna go inside and find Arthur and give this a shot." I plastered on a fake smile. Tamsin and Laurens bought this allowing me to escape to my room. I'm definitely gonna need a drink.


It was finally Monday and my friends were back. Only my family would make me excited for Monday. Yaz and Astrid could barely keep their mouths closed as I told them about my fiancé. They wanted to know what I was going to tell Nic and I told them to keep it quiet. Yaz was concerned that if Nic found out from someone who wasn't me, then she'd be hurt. I told her that I'm not sure what to do about it, but I clearly don't want to be with the guy. I just needed time to figure things out.

"Hey, sister and friends!" Tamsin walked up to us. Laurens, as usual, was by her side. He really is a golden retriever. "Have you told your friends about your fiancé?"

"Unfortunately." I replied.

"Well." She clapped her hands together. "I told you last week that I had something that would cheer you up and give you a laugh. But it worked out better than I previously thought because I have even more. First, we need to..." She glanced around like she was searching for someone. "The main event." That devious smirk was on her face again. "Let's go! It is lunchtime after all." Laurens seemed like he was the only one in on my sister's plan since the rest of us were beyond confused. We were confused until we stepped foot into the dining hall. My jaw dropped as I stared ahead. 
