Chapter 4

Y/N went home after a tiring day at school

Y/N:Hey Mom

Mom:Hey honey how was school?

Y/N: great 😑

Mom:Honey can you buy Groceries please? I forgot to bring some for dinner 😑

Y/N:sure mom

Y/N went out to buy Groceries

Y/N what should I buy..?

But Y/N didn't know is that the 9 girls were now planning their kidnapping now and the 9 girls Split up to make sure that Y/N doesn't escape

Y/N:Now let's buy-Hmmm!!!

Momo:Shhh Baby you'll be ours soon~

And just like that Y/N was now unconscious and was carried by Momo to the Van

Two hours later

Y/N:Where am I...?

Y/N tried to stand but she realizes she was tied up with ropes on her wrists

???:Aww baby there's no way to escape~

Y/N:Who are you!?

Someone stepped out the shadows and it was Mina

Mina:Hi baby how are you?~

Y/N:M-mina!? Why are you here?!

Mina:*Giggles* Oh Darling you mean Why WE are here~


Suddenly the other members were now standing beside Mina Turns out they were in the shadows And were smirking

Y/N:Why am I here!?

Momo:Well because we love you and will be ours forever!~

Y/N:Let me go!!!

Nayeon:Never Baby girl~

Tzuyu:Be ours and we'll let you go~

Y/N:Never! You guys are psychos!!

Momo Suddenly puts a sharp metal knife in my cheek

Momo:We're not going to let you go until Your ours~

Y/N:...Someone help!!!

Jeongyeon:it's useless to scream since the basement is soundproof~~

Y/N:Just pls I'll do anything

Sana:Then be ours~ It's that easy~

Y/N:Except for that...

Sana:Oh come on pls~~

Y/N:Fine...But we'll keep it secret-

Dahyun:NO we'll make it public 😁


Dahyun unties the ropes

Mina:Be a good girl for us and don't flirt with anyone or You will be punished understand?~


Jeongyeon:And call us "mistress"

Y/N:When we're alone?


Y/N:What should I call you in public?

Nayeon:Our Names obviously 😄


Momo:Good girl~

Sana:Want to stay here for the night? We'll tell your mom we'll walk to school together With the other members Of course


Y/N change into Sana pajamas

Y/N was about to sleep in her own bed when suddenly she was carried by Momo to Cuddle in the members room to cuddle

The members cling on to Y/N one by one

The members are now sleeping peacefully

To be continued.
