I'm back home, lying on my bed. Then I took out the business card I received today.
"Pledis entertainment"
I can't believe I'm going to audition at Pledis. Their popular idols now are Nu'est, seventeen and pristin. Omg, I'm going to audition there tomorrow.

I better hurry up and sleep, I'm so excited that I can't sleep. I keep thinking of a thousand ways on how it's going to be like tomorrow.

Mingyu POV
Hyung, don't just sit there. Come and party with us.

Woozi: yah., don't bother me. I already said that I didn't want to come. I'm here but I just want to sit here. And please watch the kids, don't let them get into any troubles or scandals. Or else manager hyungs is going to scold us.

Jun: woozi-Ah don't just sit here. Join us.

Woozi: I don't want, it's so noisy.

Dino: Hyung let get back soon I manager Hyung finds out that we're gone, we're going to get in trouble.

Hoshi: yah.. it's been so Long since we came out to have fun. Plus we have to schedule tomorrow.

S.coup: okay okay guys, that's it for today. I just received a text. Looks like CEO wants to see all of us tomorrow at the company.

Seungkwan: did we get caught already?
But I thought no one will Recognise us if we were in disguises.

The8: yah.. with those, iIcan still recognise that's it you.

Seungkwan: eh... really!? Want should we do? Did anyone recognise us already?

S.coups: yah.. let get out of here. Jeonghan-ah, get the rest and let go.

Jeonghan: araso.

We then all left the pub and headed home.

Woozi: But I wonder why the CEO wanted to see us for?

Mingyu: I'm not sure, Seung-Cheol Hyung didn't give us the reason.

Wonwoo: I guess we're in trouble. But I can't believe that the news spread so fast.

Vernon: I don't think it's the news. Since I just checked the SNS, nothing about us yet. So I don't think we're in trouble. Maybe he just wanted to tell us something.

Seungcheol: we will just have to wait and see what's it about. Let go back and rest, he wants to see us first thing in the morning.
