Shopping day /Scorpio and tia


today the day when i hang out with tia yay ! i don't hate her but i don't know her so yeah. Scorpy are u ready ? she ask Almost give me a minute. I put on an { outfit 1 you choose } i went downstairs and eat some { your choice  } for breakfast then we get ready to go to the mall. Im not even sure why she ask me out of all people but whatever. 


Scorpy are u ready almost give me a minute. I put on an {outfit your choice } then I went downstairs and waited for Scorpio to finished. After we get ready to go to the mall. I call an Uber since i failed my driver test don't Judy me.  I Look on TikTok to see Virgo and Gemini on a study date.  Oh, interesting....... What so interesting Virgo x Gemini ! what about them Scorpio said. Oh, they're on a study date,cool.  once we got to the mall Scorpio paid for the Uber. 

So I'm pretty sure u want to know the reason i bought u here. i guess so, I want to buy something for Pisces. OK but you could have asked cancer she Pisces bestie. It but like cancer hates me and stuff. 


Oh, interesting tia says What so interesting? Virgo x Gemini, What about them, i said. Oh, they're on a study date,cool. Once we got to the mall i paid for the Uber,  So I'm pretty sure u wanted to know the reason i bought u here. I guess so, so i want to buy something for Pisces. It's a thing that we do every month k, K but u could have asked cancer she is like Pisces bestie. In tia said but like cancer hates me and stuff. no kidding.

 Well anyway Let's go to this store {your store }  wow look at all the pretty things tia said. Yeah, So did u find out what you're going to buy Pisces  Not yet. But i want to be friends with you, i think you will be a supportive person and u have a good heart. sure and thanks you too cancer was wrong about you.  

So remember when i pick up a Necklace for you, it has S in carved in rose gold. thank you I guess u can have this little gift {a random item } but don't u always have this with you tia says. Yeah, but u can have it. thank you tia says . NO Problem Friends Sure.

428 words 
