Chapter 30: Clearly Good-Looking

Wonwoo finished his last class of the day. This was one of the two classes he did not have with Jin, but usually when he walked out, he found her there waiting for him to hold his hand and walk him back like they had agreed.

This time, she wasn't there. She had probably lost track of time or forgotten, Wonwoo thought. He took a deep breath and decided to walk home by himself. Hopefully, people are over the rumor and he wouldn't get any snide comments.

Fortunately, it seemed like people had forgotten or believed that he and Jin were dating, and so the first five minutes of his walking, it was normal. No one commented, no one even looked at him funny. No one except Vernon, who just relentlessly just stared at him.

Wonwoo had not known that Vernon knew about his sexuality until recently. It was strange to think that this near-stranger had known something so personal about him, even before the rumor broke out.

Whether or not Vernon was the one that actually spread the rumor was something that Wonwoo was honestly curious about. He wanted to ask Vernon and get the answer straight out of him, but figured he probably did not want to know. If it really was Vernon, than Wonwoo would feel very bitter and start hating the guy, and if it wasn't, than it was Sena, which he also did not want.

What happened, happened, Wonwoo thought. He did not want to revel in the past. If the rumor was spread intentionally, then screw the person who spread it. If not, then oh well.

It was times like this that he wished he believed in God. How nice would it be to think that the people who had wronged you will get some sort of retirbution in the afterlife. But not him. If someone screwed him over, than he's screwed and he had to believe that he was screwed.

Just as Wonwoo was getting comfortable walking about in public alone, some jerk bumped shoulders with him. He knew that jerk from his classes. A religious fundamentalist in his class who believed that gays should be burned at stake.

Wonwoo decided to just ignore him, to walk forward with his head down. But no, the bully wanted to say something: "hey faggot," he said, "stop taking advantage of that girl and go burn in hell..."

Wonwoo felt the urge to stick up for himself and so turned to face the bigot straight-on, "stop talking to me. If you have anything to say, just keep it to yourself."

The guy scoffed and crossed his arms, "you gay atheists really need to stop messing around with us. Stop spreading your diseases. That girl, Jin, is a good Christian. Stop playing with her mind and making her believe you like her when all you want to do is stick it up her ass..."

"Just shut up!" Wonwoo yelled, "you know nothing about the relationship between me and Jin, so shut the hell up..."

"You're diseased, and you're spreading that disease to her. Stop it before she becomes like you and goes to hell."

Somehow, even though Wonwoo knew he wasn't taking advantage of her, and even though he did not believe in religion, he could not stop himself from considering that it might be true. It might be true that he's corrupting her. She was innocent and religious and happily so. He also could not help but think that maybe he was going to hell. Maybe God did exist, and maybe it's true that his attraction to boys was a disease...

Wonwoo didn't know why he let it affect him, but it always did for some reason. It always affected him to hear people shame this part of his identity, no matter how ignorant and ill-mannered those people were.

"Faggot," the guy repeated, spitting in Wonwoo's face. Wonwoo felt like he had no comeback, and so he just turned, his head hanging down, feeling so ashamed of himself.

"What did you do that for?" came the voice of Mingyu. Wonwoo looked up, surprised to see that Mingyu was approaching them, talking to the bully.

Wonwoo wanted to just disappear. Why did his crush always have to catch him at his most embarrassing moments?

"Are you one of his faggot partners?" the guy asked, and Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows.

"Fuck off," Mingyu cursed towards the bully. He took Wonwoo's arm and pulled him away.

As Wonwoo was pulled away, the bully started making more snide comments and throwing insults at them.

Mingyu let go of Wonwoo's arm eventually, which was good, because people had started looking and probably thinking things.

"Why does he think you're like that?" Mingyu asked Wonwoo.

Like that? What did that even mean? It sounded almost condescending, like it's such a taboo to say it. Gay. Gay. Gay. I'm gay. I like boys, not girls. Why say "like that"? Wonwoo didn't ask that, though. He just shrugged in response to the question.

"Don't let it get you down," Mingyu said, "some people just like to accuse people of things to bring themselves up..."

Accuse? So being gay is something to be accused of? As if it's something wrong? Wonwoo was tired of this conversation with Mingyu. With every word that Mingyu said came more and more disappointment.

"Are you okay?" Mingyu asked, "you look so stressed..."

"I am," Wonwoo admitted, "I'm sorry. I need to go back home."

"You really hate me, don't you?" Mingyu asked.

"No," Wonwoo answered honestly, but he knew that that was the impression he was giving.

"You don't have to pretend. I indirectly insulted Sena, and I asked Jin out and asked you for advice even though you liked her. You have the right to hate me."

Wonwoo didn't even know how to reply to that. No, I don't hate you. No, I don't like Jin in that way. And yeah, you indirectly insulted Sena, but in the end I still think you're hella attractive and I think about you a lot and I hate that I act so dumb when I'm around you.

"Listen," Mingyu said to him, "I heard you need a job."

"How did you know?"

"Jin told me," Mingyu answered, "I texted her to apologize again, and then we had a small conversation. She told me she was helping you find a job."

Wonwoo nodded, eager to see what Mingyu had to offer.

"Don't laugh," Mingyu continued, "but sometimes I model. And the company I work for needs another male model for a spread they're doing. You're attractive, and so I can relay them to you, if you want..."

Somehow, the only thing that Wonwoo had processed from what Mingyu said was 'you're attractive.' Wonwoo had to hold back the urge not to smile. Mingyu thinks I'm attractive. Mingyu thinks I'm attractive.

"It's only a one-time thing, but it might help," Mingyu added. "They pay 300,000 won, which isn't much but it's..."

"300,000?" Wonwoo asked, his jaw hanging open. That was enough to pay off the full rent for a month, therefore replace his roommate for two.

"Yeah," Mingyu said, "should I relay them to you?"

"Please," Wonwoo replied eagerly.

Mingyu took out his phone and gave it to Wonwoo, "okay then, give me your phone number."

Wonwoo took the phone and entered in his number, "do I need to apply or anything?"

Mingyu shook his head: "they'll call you, ask you to come over to the building for an interview. Mostly the interview will comprise of them just looking at you though. I don't think you need to worry. You're clearly good-looking," Mingyu complimented plainly, not even realizing how those words made Wonwoo want to blush.

"Thank you," Wonwoo replied to Mingyu, evidently in shock about the sudden offer and the compliment from Mingyu.

"I hope it makes you hate me less," Mingyu said.

"Trust me," Wonwoo said, "I really, really don't hate you. Right now, I actually kind of love you." Wonwoo regretted it when he said it. Maybe that was too gay.

Mingyu laughed, "I'm glad for that. I have to go now; I have a class. I'll see you later?"

Wonwoo nodded, feeling so happy all of the sudden. The bully that made him feel like crap from earlier was now forgotten. Within just a few minutes, he found financial security for two months, and he learned that Mingyu thought he was "clearly good-looking." It was wonderful.
