The Quiet Phase

Later that night, you drive your car to the address that was on the dirty post card that the curly haired guy has just given you. You arrive at his house, which reminds you of the houses at San Francisco. You see no cars, but a few scooters up at the house. For some reason, you were scared to go in. But why? He was pretty nice, he didn't give you any trouble, and it was just a sleepover, right? You gathered the courage to walk up his door and do just three knocks. After what felt like an eternity, you see the door being cracked open making a squeak. It was the guy with curly hair and round glasses. He replied in a flirty voice, "Heyyy...". You didn't even feel uncomfortable when he said, and you went inside. The only people there was some guy with braids, a guy with long hair and a denim jacket, a guy with some puppet, and some goth girl. The goth girl has caught your eye, because she seemed like she really hated being in the sleepover. You walked over to the goth girl and asked, "What is your name?". She then replied, "My name is Jade, who the hell are you?". You said, "My name is (Y/N).", and she then rolled her eyes. You asked why she was in a bad mood. She replied, "Because I have to go to this creep's sleepover and the only reason why I came is because my boyfriend is bringing me there!". Her boyfriend, Beck, said, "We are just trying to be nice.". Jade replied, "Why do we need to waste our human kindness on him?!". You picked up some bad vibes from this girl and then moved on. There, the person in braid was playing the piano. You approached him and immediately he says, "What's up? My name is Andre, and yours is?". Wow, he is so friendly. You replied, "My name is (Y/N)". He was the only person who got on your good side at the sleepover. You guys had a chat for a little bit about (Y/interest). After a few conversations with the people at the sleepover, you decided to just sit around and relax. Then, the guy who invited you walks up to you with a nerdy smile showing his teeth. You can see that he is really tall and kind of thin. You start to feel anxious and lose your train of thought because of how "adorable" he just is. That's the weird word you describe him with, "adorable". He then put his hands on his knees and just smiled at you and said, "Hey, how are you? Do you wanna walk around for a bit?". You felt the obligation to say yes and you were just so hyped for some reason. You said yes...
