The Grand Gesture

Randy followed me out of the kitchen in a rush. Tatum was dead? But Billy was upstairs with Sidney right? He couldn't have killed her. I was completely confused. Everyone started to leave. People were crying, ringing their parents. Billy and Sidney came storming down stairs, Sidney was in tears. She looked like she was having difficulty trying to breathe. Eventually everyone left the party, leaving Randy, Sidney, Billy and I. It was only a matter of time before the cops and reporters arrived. Dewey, Tatum's older brother was a cop, it was going to be a shock for him. And Gale, the towns loudmouth reporter would surely be first at the scene trying to get the latest scoop on what's going on.

Tatum's body was left in the garage. She'd apparently been stabbed several times. I looked over Billy and he went into the kitchen, leaving Randy and I to comfort Sidney. I told Randy to watch her and I followed Billy.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"She followed Sidney and I upstairs. I had to get rid of her. I had to have sex with Sidney if I wanted to kill her. It's one of the rules, Ash. Haven't you ever watched the movies?"

I shuddered at the thought of them together. "So you killed Tatum?"

"That's the only way to get rid of someone," he nodded, with a smirk.
I thought long and hard. "I think there's someone I need to kill if we want to be together."

"That's the spirit. Now get rid of your little friend and we can get the party going."

"Randy? There's no way he's going to leave."

"I'll get rid of him."


"Relax," he said calmly. "Follow me."
He grabbed me by the hand and we went up behind Sidney and Randy. Sidney was still crying and Randy was trying to comfort her. Randy was actually hopeless when it came to things like this. Billy grabbed a lamp from beside us and slowly crept up behind Randy. Randy turned around only to be hit with the lamp and knocked to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK BILLY?" I yelled as Sidney leapt up from the couch in shock, wiping her eyes.

"He'll wake up in a couple hours!"
He looked at Sidney. "Now it's your turn."

She began to cry again and ran into the kitchen gasping for breath. I grabbed a knife off the bench and followed her with Billy behind me.

"You actually thought you had him didn't you?" I asked her waving the knife in her face. She fell back against the table, shaking. "He's mine, Sidney, he's my monster," I said firmly.

I could feel Billy breathing over me. He was hovering. He looked very interested in what was going down. He seemed proud.

"While you were up there having sex with him, I hope you know he was only doing it so he could kill you, so we could kill you."
"Why?" she cried.

"Why?" Billy shouted at her. "You really want to fucking know?"

I really wanted to know too actually, so this would be revealing for the both of us. "Tell me this, Sidney. Did you ever find out who killed your mother?" he asked her.

"It was you."

"Good guess," he smirked. Seconds later, he moved closer. "Have you seen many scary movies, Sidney?" he asked her.

"No," she murmured under her breath.

"LOUDER!" he shouted at her.

She jumped back. "No," she said with force.

"Well, than this is going to all be very new to you."

Where was he going with this? I wondered.

"You're kind of stupid, since you decided to have sex with a psychopath, so you probably wont remember this."
She looked away from him in disgust.

"When I was 5 years old, my parents died in a car accident. I was put in an orphanage with one other girl in it at that time. You."

Sidney looked up. I was utterly confused too.

"Yes Sidney, you're fucking adopted," he said spitting at her. "Your stepmother came in looking for a child months later. I was the one they were coming in for, but then they saw you. Fucked up and lovable Sidney and they didn't want me anymore. I wasn't good enough for them anymore. The orphanage even said they could have the two of us and raise us together, but no they didn't even want me at all. Thanks to you and your fucked up stepmother, I was in that miserable orphanage for another 5 fucking years. I was alone, miserable and desperate to get out, and you destroyed that for me. Your mother and father are not your real mother and father either. They were supposed to be mine! They've never told you, have they?"

For a moment there, Sidney looked sympathetic, but she was still utterly terrified. Billy looked over at me for a moment; I could see the hurt in those eyes. I wanted to comfort him, right there and then. But we had work to do.

"So now you get to die, Sidney. First your mother, now you. I'll never forgive your family for what I was put through as a child. All I needed was a family, a home, but you got what I never did. And now I will finally get my sweet revenge."

He grabbed my hand. "Not everything along this journey was terrible, I found Ashley along the way," he pulled me into an embrace. "And now, we can do this together."

I grabbed my knife and moved slowly towards Sidney. "I'm sorry, Sidney, but this is just the way the movie ends."

She backed up into a corner, there was no where for her to run. Even if she wanted to fight back, she couldn't, I was completely in control. I stabbed my knife deep into her stomach, moving it around a little. She screeched and opened her mouth in pain. I held it there, taking in the moment. I could feel her breathing heavily, trying to gain breath. Billy watched her fall to the ground in my arms. She dropped and laid still.

"You are amazing," he said.

I went and sat by Randy's side as Billy cleaned up everything and made it look like a suicide. He cleaned all evidence left behind by the two of us and he picked me up.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah, what about Randy?" I questioned.

"He'll be awake soon, he wont know what hit him. Come on, we need to get out of here."

"And just leave him here?" I asked. I did care about the poor guy.

"Yeah, we need to. We'll come back for him later. We're going to go, far away from here."

"Time for a sequel?" I asked.

"You know it," he smiled and we walked outside the house. This was the end of the beginning of a wonderful movie.
