Thanos and his new friends (part 3)

In a different universe:

Batman: man the Joker never quits!

Superman: tell me man and he is so hard to defeat 

Wonder Woman: guys whats that?

Flash: no idea.

Aqua man: doesn't look like anything I seen before either?

Batman: do you know cyborg?

Cyborg: heck no! Never seen anything like this.

Harley: hey y'all did you forget about me?

Batman: of course you show up!

Superman: did you make this thing!

Harley: well yeah I knew pudding wouldn't succeed this time so-

Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman/Cyborg/Flash/Aquaman: ahhhhhh.

Cyborg: ow that hurt.

Flash: agreed.

Batman: where even are we?


Superman: who are you?

???: the king.

Batman: okay the "king" where are we?

???: Wakanda.
