Chapter 12: Butterfly Estate

You were to stunned to say anything and could only look at them like they were crazy. " Wife? I thought Hinatsuru was his wife and now they say that they are also his wife. Wha the heck?!!! Does that mean----" you were in deep thought as they could only look at you while Tengen was rying to hold back his laugh. Just then suddenly " You have three wives?!!!" you shouted at Tengen and looked proud that you finally realized that. You saw them nod in agreement and then " Yes" you shouted now leaving them in curious of your actions. " Then how about making me your fourth wife, I don't mind." you with a grin on your face. " No thank you, you may be flamboyant but i won't marry you just for that. I'm fine with three already." he said and stood up as he finished eating." Ehhhh??" you exclaimed as he left giving you no chance to ask him more questions. You then looked at the others " How about you guys? What do you think about leting me join your group." you asked them as they finishing up their meals. " We'd be happy Y/n -san but the decision is mostly left to Tengen - sama." said Makio who then stood up followed by the other two. " Well then see you later Y/n-chan." said Suma as she and Makio left and went to find their husband while Hinatsuru was fixing the kitchen. You lost your appetite now so you decided to get some fresh air. You wanted to help Hinatsuru with the dishes but thought that you might give  her more work instead so you excused yourself and went to find their backyard. 

After a bit of thinking you decided that you will see Tanjiro and the other for today and forget about it for the meantime. You saw Tengen with his three wives sitting at the backyard. Seeing that they were having some quality time made you remember and miss your parents so you didn't want to ruin their moment and decided to write a letter instead that you were going to Butterfly Estate where you remembered they were supposed to be. You realized that you've never been to that place and don't where it is after walking aimlessly for a while now since you were in deep thought so you decided to ask for directions. " You commoner tell me which way the Butterfly Estate is." you asked a man who was passing by. After asking a few more people for directions mostly girls since the boys wouldn't answer and just stare at you, you were finally able to arrive at your destination. At the same time back in the Uzui Estate, where the four of them started to look for you only to find your letter near the entrance saying . " I wanted to visit Tanjiro and his friends so don't look for me, don't worry I'll be back. - Y/n" Tengen whose job was to guard you and forgot to tell you immediately went to change into his work clothes to go and find you. 

*** At the Butterfly Estate*** 

You entered the Estate and saw a familliar figure near the entrance who was looking at the butterflies. You realized that it was the girl who was chasing you and Nezuko back in mount Natagumo. " Excuse me miss Quiet Girl" you called out to her as you walked towards her.  " I'm sure you remember me back when you were chasing me and Nezuko. I am Y/n L/n the Goddess of Beauty and Perfection, I will let you call me Y/n for being beautiful but don't expect me to forgive just yet after making me tired from running." you said proudly with her saying nothing. " Anyways, I want to see Tanjiro and his friends. Show me to them would you." you said as she started walking so you followed her. After a few turns she finally opened a door and there you saw Tanjiro who was resting, Zenitsu who was complaining to another girl and Inosuke who surprisingly very quiet. " Ahh Y/n -san it's good to see you safe." said Tanjiro as you walked towards him while Zenitsu called to you " Y/NNN- CHAAAAN" as he ran to you only to be hit with your fan once again which you found at the room you were sleeping in earlier. " Hello Tanjiro, I hope you are well." you said as he nodded in response. " Come to think of it, why is King of Mountains quiet? Is he asleep?" You asked sitting down at the side of Tanjiro's bed. " He almost lost his voice after being beaten up and shouting so hard so he can't really talk right now." said Tanjiro. " I see, well he's too noisy all the time so I guess it's good to get a little peace and wuiet sometimes. Though the other still is as irritating as ever too." you said and looked at Zenitsu who was whining and being forced to drink his medicine by a girl who looks like a responsible person. The girl saw you and went to you, " Umm excuse me, who are you?" she asked as you chuckled for a bit and stood up as you said your usual introduction. The girl only looked at you and introduced herself. " I am Aoi Kanzaki, I take of the patients when Shinobu- sama is not around." " Shinobu? Is that the Butterfly girl, the Hashira?" you asked. " Yes, Shinobu -sama is the Insect Pillar and she runs this hospital."  Aoi simply answered and went back to work. You chatted with Tanjiro for a bit when a somewhat familliar face came. It was the boy back in Mount Natagumo who fought with the controlled demon slayers. " Mr. Murata." Tanjiro exclaimed as you look at the boy covering your face. 

He and Tanjiro talked for a bit when the boy noticed you and looked at you." Ahh, this Y/n -san she also helped us in Mount Natagumo." said Tanjiro as the boy greeted you. " Wait a minute Tanjiro, I aprreciate you introducing me to this commoner but if you were to do so I hope you do it properly and let them know." you said as the boy looked at you confused. " Listen up you commoner, I am Y/n L/n the Goddess of Beauty and Perfection and you are below." you said as Tanjirp sweatdropped while the boy looked surprised. Tanjiro then introduced Zenitsu to him then the boy noticed that Zenitsu's body seems different and you heard Zenitsu say that he alsmot turned to a spider so his arms and legs are short. When you heard this you immediately stood up and went behind Tanjiro getting everyone's attention. " Y/n -san?" asked Tanjiro as you held onto his shoulder. " Spider?? You better stay the hell away from me until you're healed completely." you shouted at Zenitsu  who got shocked while the Aoi girl came back to feed him his medicine. Murata then released a depressed aura as he told them his experience yesterday with th Hashiras and said they were scary until he heard a soft voice saying " Hello"
