Ten Years Wait

Hi everyone, this is my first time writing fanfiction, I hope it is an enjoyable read. I wrote it for @yilingxlaozu 's wwx birthday gift exchange. Check her out on Instagram!  

I've read quite a few Chinese web novels and they usually don't give school/university/restaurant's  names but write xyz School/University/Restaurant.

 Chinese people also don't address each other with other name usually ge/di/jie/mei or other honorific term is added or the name is doubled like Xian is made into Xianxian, that's why throughout the story Wei Wuxian is referred to as Wei Ying (Ying because it's cuter and less somber than Wuxian - this story is NOT somber). Likewise with Lan Zhan.

Ouyang Zizhen is featured because my bby doesn't get enough attention 😤

Please don't steal or copy. Credit me when reposting or putting it up somewhere. This story is available only on Wattpad. 

Cover art by @qulfeeh. Check out her Instagram/Twitter/Tumblr (same username). If you repost her art please credit

Shoutout to Aineesh for being a wonderful beta, spelling and grammar checker and filling in parts. Thank you <3 

This is the writing when there's a flashback sequence

This is the writing when there is a brief POV change

                                                                               . . . . . . . . . . 

Wei Ying was not a morning person. This man of habit, like many of us, cannot function without strongly brewed black tea. And so, Wei Ying made his way to the quaint little cafe he frequented.

He walked on, with his head up in the clouds, wavering back and forth between the courtroom and the pavement. His last case was challenging, yet his victory added to his already inflated ego. He was nearing the café. Cute little place, the type every poet sees in his dreams.

The first thought Wei Ying had upon entering the café was, " I really need my tea".

Then he saw the new barista. The second thought he had was, "That man should be on a magazine cover, not behind a counter taking orders. Even his lowered head looks good" His next thought was, "Why do I not remember seeing him here before?" There was an inexplicable feeling that Wei Ying had some connection with this man, he seemed strangely familiar.

The barista was dressed in a starched white shirt and made the awkward blue apron look fashionable. He had been intently counting the notes on the counter. Hearing the bell ring when Wei Ying entered had caused him to look up, his eyebrows ever so slightly arched, expression blank, yet warm.

Wei Ying was stumped, but he didn't let the shock show across his face. The courtroom had given him a brilliant control over his facial expressions. However, the man had the most beautiful hazel eyes Wei Ying had ever seen, the pair of eyes which belonged to his old schoolmate, Lan Zhan- someone he was very familiar with.

Lan Zhan did not seem to recognize Wei Ying, his face as impassive as ever, giving only a slight nod of his head as a greeting.

Wei Ying gave his usual order to the other barista, Ouyang Zizhen and hurried to sit at a window corner overlooking the street. His usual seat in the middle of the café remained unoccupied; he could not stand to be in the direct sight of Lan Zhan. Wei Ying opened his laptop and tried to busy himself with work. Unfortunately for him, he did not have much work. The case he had been working on had been wrapped up two days ago and the firm he worked at had not assigned him any new cases.

Instead of listening to music like he usually would have, Wei Ying pretended to read something on his laptop or tried tracing the path of every passing pedestrian he saw whilst stealing quick glances at Lan Zhan. The man looked so out of place swiping cards and taking orders but he went about his business calmly. Wei Ying thought back to his first meeting with Lan Zhan.


He was in his second year of senior middle school, Jiang Wanyin was about to start senior middle school when his aunt heard about C School opening admissions. Since C School was better ranked than their current school his aunt decided to admit Jiang Wanyin to C School; on his uncle's insistence, Wei Ying had also been transferred to C School.

It was here where Wei Ying first met Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan was in the year above him, in the last year of school. He was the class president, played the guqin and was ranked nationally in Tai Chi. He was tall, aloof and unsmiling; his coldness however was never a deterrent for the female populace of the school and other neighbouring schools, who tried their luck and asked him out, only to get turned down, very firmly and rather impolitely. He did not seem to be close to anyone, interacting with people only when necessary, and speaking only when spoken to.

After observing this rather strange behaviour, an intrigued Wei Ying made it his mission to make Lan Zhan smile before he graduated.

. . . . .

Wei Ying had decided the best course of action to make Lan Zhan like him would be to follow Lan Zhan around like a shadow. Wanyin, ever the realist, voiced his concerns with said course of action. Nie Huaisang, Wanyin's classmate and one of their family friend's sons nodded in agreement, a headstrong and optimistic Wei Ying had made it clear he would do what he intended to, Nei Huaisang had nodded yet again (a tad more vigorously though, of course he looked up to his Ying ge's way of thinking). His Yanli jiejie had listened to his descriptions of Lan Zhan with great interest and had smiled and ruffled his hair, telling him he could do anything as long as he took care of himself and did not cause others any trouble.

Completely ignoring Wanyin's nagging and protests, he always clapped and cheered the loudest when Lan Zhan performed the guqin for school assemblies. Whenever possible, he went to watch Lan Zhan's Tai Chi practice or competitions. There was something incredible in watching Lan Zhan perform Tai Chi, his form was lithe, his movements seamless; Lan Zhan was beautiful carrying out the moves. Going to watch Lan Zhan was clearly a good idea because Lan Zhan had been happy to see him. After one of his competitions Lan Zhan looked up to the stands where Wei Ying was standing and cheering for him, Lan Zhan locked eyes with him and slightly nodded his head in a way that could be taken as a friendly nod.

There was a nearly unnoticeable change in their dynamic after that; when they met in the hallways, Lan Zhan would nod his head and on occasion Wei Ying swore he saw Lan Zhan's lip curl up. During one lunch break he had jokingly asked Lan Zhan for the notes of a slightly difficult class and the next day a huge file with notes and previous years questions had appeared on top of his locker, Lan Zhan's clear handwriting visible on the cover of the file. Wei Ying had felt an inexplicable amount of joy and placed a small bouquet of flowers on Lan Zhan's desk the next day. None of his upperclassmen friends had been able to tell him whether the flowers had been accepted or trashed by Lan Zhan, believing them to be gifts from his female admirers. And when Wei Ying ate lunch with him, Lan Zhan never protested; this made Wei Ying an object of his female schoolmate's jealousy.

. . . . .

It was his obsession with watching Lan Zhan's Tai Chi that had ultimately ended their burgeoning friendship. Final exams had finished and all the schools in the city were taking part in friendly competitions, Tai Chi was one of the events and the school's best would be taking part in it, so of course Wei Ying had to be present. Wei Ying had made a banner which read "Lan Zhan is Tai Chi King" in bold red letters, he hoped his effort would be appreciated. Wei Ying also planned on getting Lan Zhan's email and he wanted to tell him something; Lan Zhan had been accepted into the computer engineering programmes at one of the best universities in the country and would be going away soon.

As expected Lan Zhan was the clear winner, the stand where the spectators from C School were sitting exploded with cheers, claps and whistles. Wei Ying, helped by the reluctant Jiang Wanyin, shook his banner energetically.

After the ending ceremony finished and the competitors were going home, Wei Ying decided to see Lan Zhan. Telling Wanyin and Huaisang he would join them for lunch later, Wei Ying hurried to the locker rooms at the end of the stadium. Knocking on the door he asked, "Zhan ge, you there? Can I come in?"

"Mn," came the reply.

Wei Ying pushed the door open to see Lan Zhan buttoning the collar of his shirt. Taking a nervous gulp he faced Lan Zhan's inquisitive look. He handed Lan Zhan the cheesy banner and said, "Umm, so...you are going away for university?"

"Mn, next weekend."

"Umm, could I have your email? I think it would be nice to keep in touch. Of course you don't have to give it, I was asking casually, only if you're comfortable. Lan Zhan, can I visit you? Lan Zhan...I like you," there, he had said it. Lan Zhan's face was expressionless but his eyes had become bigger

A second passed, two seconds passed. Wei Ying gulped again, he could feel his face heating up. Lan Zhan did not say anything, only stared at him in shock. Wei Ying took a last look at Lan Zhan and dashed out of the locker room. He should be grateful he hadn't been beaten up but he could only feel tears welling up. What had he expected? Lan Zhan to return his feelings? That would be impossible. He could not face Wanyin right now, he would go to Yanli jiejie's house.

Wei Ying's figure running across the stadium could be seen through the door, Lan Zhan had wanted to say, "I have your flowers saved. I want you to come visit me at university. Please email me when you can, I always want to hear from you," but he had not said anything, he had been silent for too long, his words had failed him again when it was essential he spoke, he had not run after Wei Ying, he wouldn't be surprised if Wei Ying hated him, he had lost his chance of speaking to Wei Ying ever again.


After Wei Ying had run away he had not kept in contact with Lan Zhan. In tears he had told Yanli jiejie not to speak about Lan Zhan and she had told Wanyin; although he was always reprimanding Wei Ying's ways, Wanyin knew not to mention Lan Zhan in front of his brother.

Wei Ying had finished his last year rather uneventfully, got in university and started working. Although he had categorically cut off any connection with Lan Zhan but news about him always reached Wei Ying. Last he had heard Lan Zhan taught at a university in the north, far from where he lived in the south. His uncle had been disappointed he had not joined the family business along with his elder brother.

Wei Ying had never in his wildest dreams imagined Lan Zhan working in a café. Although his thumping heart had calmed down slightly, he wasn't fully calm. Lan Zhan seemed so unperturbed, maybe he had forgotten Wei Ying, it had been nearly ten years after all.

While he had been reminiscing, his tea had been prepared. To his utter embarrassment it was Lan Zhan who was carrying his cup to the table. His strongly brewed spiced black tea was always accompanied by two Shrewsbury biscuits. As Lan Zhan bent down to set the plate on the table he locked eyes with Wei Ying, Lan Zhan's eyes seemed to be asking him something, yearning for something. It was such a quick look Wei Ying thought he had imagined it, why could Lan Zhan possibly yearn for?

Because he had been mesmerized by Lan Zhan, Wei Ying hadn't noticed that there was something slightly different about his plate today. Wei Ying looked down and noticed the outline of a chocolate heart drawn on his biscuit and a piece of paper carefully tucked into the tissue. Eyebrows raised he looked towards Ouyang Zizhen, he was a young friendly guy who worked part-time at the café, the two occasionally chatted on WeChat. He always got the tea brewed perfectly and had never changed how he presented Wei Ying's plate, it could not be him.

Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan who's back was turned towards him, was he seeing things or was Lan Zhan's ears slightly red? Wei Ying unfolded the paper and the contents made his recently calmed heart go back to thumping fast. In Lan Zhan's neat lettering it read, "Wei Ying I hope you remember me, it has been many years. I would like to meet you tomorrow. Please message my number by eight this evening if you are willing to meet.


Wei Ying carefully folded the note and placed it in his wallet, finishing his tea and biscuit he sauntered up to the counter, paid and left. Unlike his unruffled and cool exterior he was screaming inside. Once he was outside the café, he ran to the bus stop on shaking legs. It took Wei Ying all his willpower to stop his legs from bouncing the entire way home.

He dropped his laptop bag on the couch and flopped down on the floor. He opened up WeChat and messaged Ouyang Zizhen


Yingying: who's the new guy at the café?


OuZizi: oo. why do you wanna know? 😏


Yingying: i think hes a school friend. dont wanna embarrass myself if hes not😅


OuZizi: i thought you guys had something sexy 😕


Yingying: didi, dont be impertinent


OuZizi: whats with the fancy words? jk ge

hes the brother of the owner, wanted to get "hands on experience"

i dont understand what he needs the experience for, he works in a university apparently


Yingying: i think it is my friend. thanks didi


OuZizi: np

Wei Ying closed WeChat, he didn't know Xichen xiong owned the café, but it wasn't impossible. Rubbing his forehead he thought of what he should do. Of course he wanted to meet Lan Zhan, even though his brain told him not to expect anything out of their meeting. They could just catch up as old schoolmates, right?

He checked his schedule, tomorrow he had a client meeting at two. Worst case scenario, he would be stuck till five. At two minutes to 8 he sent a text to Lan Zhan.


Wei Ying: let's meet at 7 tomorrow


Lan Zhan: Let us meet at Yxxx Restaurant.


The day went by tediously, the client meeting was nothing out of the ordinary and Wei Ying was assigned the case along with another lawyer in the firm. Throughout the day Wei Ying kept checking his phone and when the clients left at 4:30 he immediately hurried home to change.

He wore black slacks and a maroon dress shirt, perhaps it was a bit overdressed but he definitely looked best in this outfit. Wei Ying could bet Lan Zhan would turn up in a starched white shirt and light blue slacks.

Turns out Wei Ying bet correctly, but unlike his usual proper self Lan Zhan had left the collar unbuttoned. Wei Ying wiped his slightly sweaty palms on his pants and walked to where Lan Zhan was sitting. Lan Zhan looked up from the menu and offered something resembling a smile. Wei Ying gave an awkward grin and sat down.

Lan Zhan proffered the menu to Wi Ying and said, "I hear the Hunan fish here is very good. Spicy and slightly sour."

Wei Ying's jaw nearly fell down, how did Lan Zhan's voice become even better over the years, it was already so perfect. Did he really remember I like spice? (😳) Keeping his thoughts to himself, Wei Ying said, "I'll take the fish if you say it's good. What will you take?"

After Lan Zhan ordered for them, there was a pause where they just stared at each other. Wei Ying noted that Lan Zhan's hair had grown longer, maybe it could probably be put in a small ponytail. His jaw had widened a bit and his face had filled out, his nose looked even better now. Lan Zhan was the first to break the silence and asked, "What are you doing now?"

Wei Ying told him about his work as a criminal lawyer at a firm associated with a human rights organisation. After talking about his work briefly, wei Ying quickly changed the subject and asked what Lan Zhan was doing.

"I have been teaching programming for the past 3 years. It's been a while since I saw you."

"Yes nearly ten years."

"I have moved to a different university near the café, G University."

"How come you're working at the café?"

"I wanted to occupy myself while the session is on break. It also gives me an idea of how business works."

"I go there regularly but I had no idea your brother owned the café, I learnt about it yesterday."

"I have seen you going there often, it made me work there."

Wei Ying paused sipping his water, what was Lan Zhan trying to say? Swallowing his water, Wei Ying gave a nonchalant smile and said, "oh really?"

"What I am trying to say is," Lan Zhan paused, "what I mean is, that I was very happy to see you here. I...I actually joined the café so I could see you."

Wei Ying nearly spat out the water he had been holding in his mouth. Fortunately the food was served right then, so Lan Zhan couldn't continue. Wei Ying immediately dug into his food, his heart was beating very fast. What did Lan Zhan mean? Had he really come to see him, that couldn't be possible could it?

Midway through stuffing his face, Lan Zhan spoke, "I have to tell you something. I understand this is sudden and I will understand if you do not feel the same way. Ten years ago I wanted to tell you that I liked you too. I just could not say it. Wei Ying please say something."

Wei Ying simply stared at Lan Zhan and then started coughing. Lan Zhan immediately offered him water and thumped his back. Wei Ying's brain had stopped functioning, he was not being able to process what Lan Zhan had just said, Lan Zhan liked him? LIKED HIM?!

After Wei Ying had calmed down Lan Zhan sat down and looked at him expectantly. Wei Ying coughed a little and then smiled, "then should I consider this our first date?"

Lan Zhan reached out and squeezed his hand to give his affirmation.  
