Day with petiro

So Petiro said how about this me and you hang out the rest of the day and you can get away from this bad situation you Astrid nodded and said I have to go tell Loki but yea we could do that so you went and told Loki where you were going and he said ok but to not get hurt so you went out into the living room to see petiro ready to go so you and him walked outside and then you saw fury and grabbed petiros hand and then he saw why and pulled you closer to him And said what do you want to do today Astrid then you said can we go get food please then petiro said of course follow me and followed him to a restaurant when you got food you both sat down at the table and started to talk and petiro asked what was it like finding out that Loki was your brother then you said actually I cried for a good day because I thought he wouldn't want me but then he reassured me that he would always love me then petiro said wow that is really cool then you said yeah it was I mean I really want to go back to Asgard but I don't at the same time then petiro said why don't you isn't Asgard your home then you said yeah it is but this is also my home and it was just a comfortable silence for then next few minutes well you finished eating then after words said you want to go take a walk nun park than we can go home cause you look very tired then you said I kinda am but not the much so petiro payed and you guys went to the park and started to walk around until you heard some screaming and petiro heard it to you were now ready to fight you had your dagger and you saw a robber run by and you tripped him and gave him over to the police then you guys started to walk back to the tower and petiro said it was really nice hanging out with you Astrid I hope you will sleep well Tonight hopefully I will see you tomorrow and then you asked petiro why did you want to make sure I was ok you didn't even know me then petiro said no I didn't know you but I heard what you said about fury no one should have to go threw that so petiro and you walked in and went your separate ways until you ran up to him and gave him hugest hug you could then ran to Loki's room
