teenage rampage- one

AMAHLE'S HEADPHONES ARE PRACTICALLY glued on her head when she walks into Defense Against the Dark Arts, but when she notices the panicked look on Braeden's face because he was forced out of his seat by Sirius Black, she rips them off her head. She blushes slightly because 'Put your head on my shoulder' is audibly playing, and no one really expects her to be listening to soft music like that, but then again no one pays attention to her.

Sicilia's eyes are frantically looking around the room, the panic's setting in, and she's picking at the baby blue nail polish that is covering her long fingernails. Sirius is staring at her so much so that she's surprised that there's not a burning hole in the side of her head. As much as the song Killer Queen is helping soothe her anxiousness, she's still desperately waiting to leave the class.

Normally she would love DADA, there were tables of 5, and Amahle, Braeden, and her would share their table with Xenophilius Lovegood and Lily Evans. They would spend the class laughing and actually paying attention, but Amahle and Braeden have booked it to another table, Xeno and Lily sitting there with them. Her eyes widen even more as she realized that the Mauraders were sitting at the empty seats. Amahle tapped Braeden with her fingers, excitement running through her veins. Maybe because of this, they wouldn't have to live in the shadows anymore.

"Brae, Brae, Braeden, Braeden Inidial Domum, look!" She said, not so subtly looking at the group of 5. "Remus Lupin, she's sitting with Remus Lupin!" She whispered to the boy that had a cut on his eyebrow. "How did you get that? Oh wait, your hookup scratched you with her sharp claws." She said while giggling. "I can't believe you pulled out the middle name!" He said while glaring at her angrily. "That is so not the point!"

"Yo, Moody!" James Potter was speaking to her. 'Breath, breathe Sicilia, it's not like you fucking fancy him or anything, christ.' She thought harshly before looking up. "Yeah?" Her voice was crackly and was not at all what he expected. He expected maybe a soft voice or one filled with shyness. But her voice was aggressive, and he recognized it, she was the girl that said funny things in class. "What do you know about Lily flower over there?"

"She would absolutely love it if you serenaded her with the song 'Eddie my love,' it's this muggle song, give me a second I'll play it for you," She said while pulling out a cd case with the words 'Fall in love under the stars' and her cd player before continuing. "Listen,

Eddie my love, I love you so

How I've waited for you you'll never know

Please, Eddie, don't make me wait too long." She watched as James took in the song while writing down the lyrics. "It's this American doo-wop song, it was really popular in the '50s," Her smile was forced yet not obviously due to the fact they didn't really know her.

"Brilliant! Thank you!" He said before clearing his throat and singing deeply, "Lily my love, I love you so-o-o-o! What you don't like my singing? No! Lily flower!" Lily had started laughing and hiding behind her hands. "That went better than I expected. I thought she would hex him into oblivion," Sicilia said which earned her a laugh from Sirius. The class went on, and by the time half the class was over, Sicilia was surprised that she hadn't beat the living shit out of Sirius.

"Just, please, shut the fuck up," She had said after his most recent attempt to flirt with her (are you a Slytherin? Because I would let you Slytherin to my bed.) "Just leave the poor girl alone Padfoot, she looks like she'll murder you in 3 seconds." Remus had said, she thought that was why Amahle most likely fancied him. He was nice, smart, and funny, he wasn't too bad on the eyes either, but then again none of the Marauders were either. "P-Padfoot? Are you kidding me, Padfoot? Bloody hell you all must've been high or drink when you came up with those fucking names." Her words had been interrupted by several giggles tumbling out of her mouth.

"Aren't you always?" Peter asked, staring at the cigarette pack in her left jacket pocket and the slight redness in her eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"Aren't you always drunk, high, or on something?" Sicilia blinked in response. Did this little twink really say that to her?

"What's that got to do with you?" She let out a shrill cold laugh, "Get off my back Pettigrew, I can do whatever the fuck I want as long as I'm not hurting myself or others." Her voice was filled with confidence. She never liked defending her choices, because who were they to judge her life choices? She was her own person, and she was 17 for fucks sake, she was a legal adult in the wizarding world.

Peter jumped back into his skin at the harsh words of the girl. "Calm down Sicilia, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that," Remus said. "No," Sicilia said. Sirius had suddenly grown attached to the girl the second she said those words. He knew what it was like to be judged, and felt like people were watching his every move. They were both kinda the rejects in their families. They both were so different from their families, Sirius was a Gryffindor that hated Death Eaters, and Sicilia was the girl that had to shove her real identities deep into herself. It didn't help that she was adopted and was constantly wondering who her birth parents were.

Maybe it had to do with the fact her middle name was Marvolo. Who the fuck names their kid Sicilia Marvolo Windsor. She knew that Windsor was a popular last name in England and often heard it when she was in muggle London. She could go to Professor Flitwick! Why hadn't she thought of that before? She had already read every single book about ancestors, legacies, or anything like that, she could also recite it from memory (courtesy of her eidetic memory and ability to read 50,000 words per minute). As soon as class was finished she rushed out of the room, unable to hear or see Sirius open his mouth and start talking to her.

"Sicilia... And she's gone," He said before looking around for Remus to see he was talking sheepishly to Amahle, one of Sicilia's friends. Sirius wanted to ask if she'd go to Hogsmeade with him, he was prepared for a scoff or a witty remark, because Sirius Black was a flirt. He would flirt and ask out any girl that caught his eye, and he had gotten enough no's to bounce right back up afterward.

Maybe Marvolo was a famous last name or first name? Maybe someone of importance had that name? Who is Windsor, she knew she's a half-blood, she knew her mother was only 16 when she had given birth to little old Sicilia. Who was her mother, who was her father? She had been interrupted from her thoughts due to running into Regulus Black. A boy who deserved so much love and care, but had never gotten it. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Reg! I'll watch where I'm going uh. Have a good day!"

"Wait no 'Cilia, I'm sorry too! I was wondering if- if we could have a smoke break later?" Sicilia smiled at her friend, and crush.Β  Regulus just needed an escape, and she was happy to be one. "Sure, meet me at the Astronomy tower after dinner!" She said excitedly.

She knocked on Professor Flitwick's' door, she got a warm "Come in!" from the elf/wizard. "Ah, Ms. Moody, what can I do for you?" She took a deep breath before asking, "Is there anyone of importance in Wizard history with the name Marvolo? What-what is it Professor?" She asked, after noticing he took a loud gasp at the name. "Why are you interested in that?"

"That was my middle name before I was adopted. My last name was Windsor, I'm guessing that's from my Muggle side," She said while fiddling with her middle ring. "I think we need to see Professor Dumbledore, you and your loved ones are in great danger."Β 


I'm so sorry this chapter was so bad lmao
