Hanging out

It was now the day of Midsummers. I was way excited to finally wear the dress I bought the day before, but to also see Rafe. It was only 9am, and Midsummers started at 4pm, so I had the whole day to relax before getting ready. I went straight to Sarah's room after waking up, still in my pyjamas, and talking to her about Midsummers.

"Morning y/n" Sarah said still tried and rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, are you excited for Midsummers?" I said enthusiastically.

"Of course I am, especially to see Topper there tonight". Sarah said happily.

"Eww Sarah remember that my brother". I said laughing.

"Hey, remember you're the one with a big fat crush on my older brother". She said now proving a point.

"Oh shut up, it's not that big of a crush". I exclaimed knowing it was a lie.

"Haha your so bad at lying sometimes". Sarah laughed.

"Ok anyways I thought maybe we could even hang out with Topper and Rafe today before the party". I suggested.

""Yeah sure I'll text tell Topper". Sarah said getting excited.

"Ok I'll go and tell Rafe". I added on.

I started walking out of Sarah's bedroom and into the hallway, soon standing in front of Rafe's door. I knocked on his bedroom door waiting for an answer, but there was no response.

"Ugh he must still be asleep". I said.

I walked into Rafe's room and tried looking in his room for him, until I heard a door open, now seeing Rafe coming out of his bathroom. He was shirtless with a towel rapped around his lower body, and wet hair.

"Omg, Rafe I'm so sorry I'll leave". I said kind of embarrassed that I walked into Rafe half naked.

"It's fine y/n you don't have to leave, is there something you wanted to talk to me about?" Rafe said laughing at my actions.

"Umm, yeah actually. Sarah and I wanted to know if you wanted to go hangout today before this party, she asked Topper as well". I said a bit nervously for some reason. I didn't know I could get this nervous around Rafe, because we've been best friends for so long.

"Yeah sure, I'll just get changed and then we can go?" Rafe said now smiling.

"Ok yeah, I'll go tell Sarah now". I said halfway out of his door.

I started walking back to Sarah's room, now seeing Topper there too.

"Hey Topper, you coming with Rafe, Sarah and I?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am". He said holding Sarah's back.

"Okay cool". I said now fist pumping Topper.

"Well we're still waiting on Rafe to get ready, he just got out of the shower". I said sighing.

"Hold up y/n, that means you saw Rafe shirtless right?" Topper said trying to tease me.

"Oh shut up will you". I said laughing playfully smacking the back of his head .

"What are we laughing about?" Rafe said now walking into Sarah's room with clothes on, and his hair all geld up.

"Oh nothing". Sarah said almost slipping a giggle, smirking at Rafe.

"Ok should we get going now, maybe go to the beach?" I suggested to them.

"Yeah great plan, we're all wearing swim suits anyways". Sarah said excited.

Well let's go then". Rafe said almost as excited as Sarah.

After about 10 minutes driving to the beach, we arrived. Sarah and I went to find a good spot to lay our towels whilst the boys carrying out bags we brought with our clothes and phones.

"Hey this is a good spot, right under the sun to tan". Sarah said smiling.

"Perfect". I said also smiling now.

Topper and Rafe both came back laying out bags down and laying their towels down also. Topper on the right side of Sarah, me on her left side, and Rafe next to me on my left side.
After laying in the sun for awhile, just talking and laughing about random things, we got up and started heading to the water.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" I yelled laughing while running into the water, first one in.

Sarah followed, then Rafe running very fast, leaving Topper the last one.

"Hah loser, your a rotten egg now!" I said laughing and patting his shoulder.

"Shut up". Topper said laughing as well.

"Well I guess there was no point in putting gel in my hair if it's gonna get wet". Rafe said chuckling.

I then brushed my hand through his hair messing it up and leaving it laying over his forehead.

"Well you look better without gel in you hair, I don't know why you even out gel in your hair". I said laughing .

"So you think I look good?" Rafe asked smirking.

"Oh will you shut up". I said now laughing at his words.

After that, we just hung out and laughed with swimming in the water and having fun all together.

6 hours later

Sarah and I were in her bedroom now back from the beach. I was in the shower after Sarah was and rinsing off the salty water off of me.

"Hey Sarah, can u pass me some shorts and a top?" I said telling from the shower.

"Yeah just give me a sec!" Sarah yelled back.

"Here's the clothes". Sarah said walking into the bathroom.

"Thanks". I said smiling.

I then got dressed into the clothes so I was wearing something whilst getting ready for Midsummers.

"Hey, you excited for Midsummers tonight, ya know Rafe's gonna be with you also, and I'm pretty sure you had something to tell him". Sarah said smiling at me.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Well I'm definitely telling him tonight!" I said laughing getting too excited.

"That's the attitude I like to hear!" Sarah also now laughing.

"Ok well I'm gonna start my makeup". I said pulling out a makeup bag.

I started putting the tiniest bit of foundation and concealer to my face, keeping it smooth and natural. I then put my contour and highlight on and then I started curling my eyelashes.

"Hey, can I come in for a sec?!" Rafe said asking outside of Sarah's door.

"Yeah come in!" Sarah yelled back to Rafe.

"Hey, uh y/n what are you doing to your eye?" Rafe asked confused on what I was using on my eyelashes.

"I'm curling my eyelashes Rafe". I said laughing at his cluelessness.

"Oh, anyways do you guys want me to drive all of you?" Rafe asked still laughing from his question.

"Yeah sure we'll be ready in like another hour". Sarah said to Rafe.

"God you guys take forever". Rafe said laughing.

"Oh shut up, now let us finish getting ready". I said pushing out of Sarah's room.

I then finished my makeup and went to my hair. I put my hair up in two four small braids in the front of my head and left some strands of hair in the front of my face hanging down.

Your hair:

After my hair was finished I finally put my dress and heels on. I felt so beautiful.

"Wow y/n, you look so pretty". Sarah said smiling at me.

"Sarah look at you, you look beautiful!" I said smiling back at her.

"Well let's go tell the boys we're ready". Sarah said walking to her door".

We walked to Rafe's bedroom and Topper was already there sitting on Rafe's bed, both wearing suits.

"Hey handsome". Sarah said going in to kiss Topper.

"Aww". I said without teasing them for the first time.

"Ok well let's go then". Rafe said now walking out of the room.

After we all went to the car and started heading to Midsummers. I was so nervous, yet so excited.
