》 Chapter 4 《

I stood in the kitchen for a while to calm myself down before going to find my cousin. I was still in schock about what happened earlier. I feel attacked. I suddenly felt the need to pee and made my way up the stairs, where the toilets usually are or should be. There were overall 6 doors and I didn't know which one the toilet was. Let's check out all then or else I'm going to wet my pants. The first door was a bedroom just like the second one. I made my way to the third room opening it slowly, just in case someone was in there. My eyes widened as I stood there not knowing what to do. "Oh my god, Hoseok! Yes, keep go- Jia! What the fu-" she couldn't finish before I closed the door quickly. Hee-Jin and Hoseok? Oh my god. My gross thoughts about my cousin and Hoseok were shaken off by my cramps in my lower body. "Ah shit, I'm going to piss myself." I whined running straight to the next door. Thank god this time it was the right room and I could finish my business quickly. "Oh, what a nice feeling gosh." I said reliefed after washing my hands and fixing my hair. I got out standing in the big corridor and decided to take off my phone to read some fanfictions about Harry Styles. I sat down leaning my back to the wall as I started to dive in my fangirl world. "Looks like someone's not enjoying the party." said someone with a deep voice and made himself a place right next to me. I turned to my side and saw Taehyung looking at me. "I don't like parties. This is my third time being on a party and I never enjoy it." I said to him and watched his lips form into a smile. What a cute smile. "I see. We could do something else if you want." he said, his smile getting bigger. "Ugh, you're a pervert like the other guy" I rolled my eyes. He gave me a confused look. "That orange haired pervert in your gang." I cleared him up. He let out a loud laugh throwing his head back. "You mean Jimin." - "Yeah whatever his name is." I rolled my eyes again and continued to read my fanfiction. He suddenly leaned down putting his chin onto my shoulder and tried to see what was on my phone. I quickly turnt off the screen. "Were you watching porn?"he looked up to me smirking. His face was very close to mine and it made me extremely nervous I don't know why. "I can show you a live one." he bit his lip not moving an inch. "You're too close." I whispered and backed a little bit away. "No, I don't think so." he leaned closer again smirking, his eyes falling from my eyes onto my lips. He brought his lip closer to mine. I turned my head away right in time and his lips landed onto my cheek. He smiled and pressed his lips harder onto my cheek. "Mmh. Playing hard, I like it." he said after breaking contact between his lips and my cheek. I couldn't say anything, because I was dying inside so I shut up. "It's okay. I'll get my kiss some time." he gave me a smile putting his arm around my shoulder. "Um, I should go home. It's getting late." I pushed myself up, so did he. "You can't go alone. Hee-Jin's propably banging someone like always." he said. "I saw her with Hoseok." I told him. "Ah, should've known that." he chuckled. "I'll take you home then, come on." he took my hand walking down the stairs and leading me through the crowd until we reached outside. Taehyung was still holding my hand. I looked at him then at our hands. He saw that and let go of my hand before taking it again and intertwining our fingers. "What are you doing?" I asked him looking down at our hands, because my face was burning and I was embarassed to look at him. "Holding your hand. Don't you like it?" Taehyung held my chin with his other hand and made me look at him. "Seems like you like it though." he put on a wide grin on his face. "I-I..." I couldn't help but stutter, which made it even worse. I want to bury myself. "Ah, calm down, babe. It's not like we f'cked I mean.....not yet." he whispered the last word leaning down to my face. Before I could digest everything he already started to move forward pulling me by my hand closer to him. What am I doing here, dear god. I don't even know. I feel so awkward.


I know this chapter is a bit short, but the next one is going to be long, don't worry. :)
