Your First Date

So this is your First Date. I haven't completely finished it because I can't think of a date with Derek but when I do I'll add him.
Enjoy and please comment and vote.
Word count: 1264


'Ding Dong' your door bell rang.
You took a deep breath trying to calm down your nerves before you went down to get the door.
"Hey Y/N, you look beautiful." He says looking you up and down.
Wow it's been less than a minute and he's already made you blush.
You try and cover your face so he doesn't see your blush but it was too late as he laughed showing he saw it.

"Thanks. So what are we doing?" You ask trying to make it less awkward for yourself.
"We are going bowling. If that's alright with you?"
"It's perfect, I love bowling."

To his surprise it turned out you were really good at bowling when you got strikes most the time and so no wonder you also won.
"So what do I get for winning?" You ask smiling up at him.
"You get another date with me." He grins.
"Ah shot, I should've lost."
"Hey! I'm not that bad of company."
"No your not. I actually really enjoyed the date."
"I did too. So does that mean another date?" He asks.
"Yep and if the next ones as good that means a third date."


You were looking outside from your window when you saw the Jeep drive up your driveway. You raced down the stairs and at the bottom quickly checked you looked alright in a mirror before opening the door.
"Oh hey- wow you look gorgeous." He compliments but he was still looking at you.
"Thanks, so are we going to go now or are you just going to carry on staring at me." You say making him blush slightly which makes you laugh.

You guys went to a little diner and after went and just sat on the swings in the park, talking for around an hour and a half before he drove you home.
"Thanks Stiles, I had a great time."
"Me too." He replies as he gives you a little hug.

He arrived in his Porsche right on time just as he said.
"You look hot." Was the first thing he said as you opened the door.
"I would compliment you but we don't need your head to get any bigger." You smirk but he just laughs before taking your hand and walking you to his car.
And then being like the perfect gentleman he opened the door for you.

Not to your surprise you guys ate at a very fancy restaurant and even though you were wearing a nice black dress you felt undressed.
But other then that it was perfect. Jackson wasn't the type of guy you first thought he was. And all through the meal you guys talked about everything and anything. Which was nice because your last boyfriend only ever talked about hisself whereas Jackson asked a lot about you too.

"I had an awesome time. And I hate to admit this but you're not as bad as I thought you were." You say when you were back in front of your house.
"Awe Y/N, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." You roll your eyes at him.
"But I had a good time as well and I'm glad I asked you out."
"I'm glad i said yes."

You were both looking into each other's eyes and your faces were inches away from each other but he broke the space when he brought his lips down to yours. Surprising both him and yourself you kissed him back.
Finally you pulled back and you felt your cheeks flush.
"Goodnight Y/N." He says as he kisses your cheek and walks away.

You heard your doorbell ring and confused about who it could be you went to open it.
"Why are you here, Isaac?" You ask confused about why he was at the door.
"Because it's our date?"
"I know it's our date but why ring the door bell when you live here?"
He shrugs before answering
"I was going to just knock on your bedroom door but I thought that what be weird."

After you grabbed your coat you guys left your house.
"So where are we going?" You ask to brake the silence.
"It's a surprise." He grins.
"Can I guess?"
"You can but i can't promise I'll answer."
So instead of guessing you left it and you started talking about the pack and just random things.

As soon as he parked the car you recognised where you were.
"Were going iceskating?" You ask as he nods.
"I love iceskating." You squeal.
"I know Scott told me." He says looking a bit embarrassed.

"Come on Isaac." You call when you see him standing in the corner.
You skate over to him and ask him why he's not staking.
"I can't skate." He says again looking embarrassed.
"I'll teach you." You say softly not wanting to embarrass him more.

By the end of the date he was okay and only fell over a few times.
"See your getting better." You comment.
"I've got a brilliant teacher."
"I know right. Anyway I had a lot of fun."
"Me too. Maybe you can teach me again some time."
"I'd like that."pop

You and Liam were going to play lazer tag and you were beyond excited because you hadn't played since you moved.
You finally got there and you thanked your mum for the ride (because nether of you can drive) before you got out and ran to Liam.
"Hey Y/N, you look beautiful."
"Thanks so do you."
"You mean handsome?" He asks laughing and thinking that you made a mistake.
"Nah I mean beautiful."

"So as today is girls against boys, if everyone's okay with that?" There was a shout of yeahs and bring it on through the crowd before the man who worked here continued
"Okay so everyone get into your place and we will start in two minutes."

You turned to Liam and told him that you were going to beat his butt before running away to hide.

It had been five minutes since the game started and you hadn't yet moved from your place as you were shooting everyone you could see from where you were. Let's just say you had a lot of training and knew how to shot and also defend yourself.
After a while you got bored of playing it safe so cautiously you ran to a base opposite this skilled boy you've been watching for a while.

Once you got there you saw the skilled boy was actually Liam. You smirked before trying to shot him which got his attention.
"I told you I was going to win." You say smirking at the boy opposite you.
"You wish." He said while he took a close shoot to you. But you moved before he even pressed the trigger.

In the end you two were the last two left and then you won after you caught him sneaking up on you and before he could you shot him.

"I have to say you're amazing."
You shrug "I've had some training."
"Oh umm- back where I was from before I used to work at a lazer tag place so I played a lot.
"Oh that's cool. We have to do it again then."
"Yes and then I can beat you again." You say smirking.
