
Harry wasnt little today because he had to work today although he wanted to be.

Harry worked at the local  shelter. He did all the typical feeding and cleaning but he loved to play with the puppies and kitties. hes not supposed to but he used his charm on the owner and she reluctantly lets him.

At the moment he was checking the supplies and made a note that they were running a bit low on dog kibble. Doesn't really makes sense because they have more cats then dogs. He sighed and checked his phone, seeing nothing from Da- Louis. It made him a little sad.

Harry hasn't gotten extra attention from Louis like he did before. Louis used to text harry throughout his shift. He started to type when his phone buzzed and a text from Louis popped up.

Daddy 💕🙈: going to be home late again. make sure you're in bed by 11.

Princess👑🖍: but lou i wanted a story and cuddles tonight !

Daddy💕🙈: no buts baby

Harry felt sadder. He hated being clingy but he barely sees Louis some days, like when they both have to work. He really feels like slipping right now

Princess👑🖍: i just wan sum time with you ):

Harry sighed and noticed the time, it was a few minutes after his shift so he went to check the kennels once more before timing out. He walked home, since Louis doesn't pick him up from work or drop him off anymore. He remembered the first time Louis didn't pick him up, he had to stay at the shelter for almost two hours before going home.

Harry at the moment was filled with sadness and anger but more sadness. When he was finally inside the safety of the home he ran up to nursery and clung on tightly to his big bear stuffie, Little Bear, as he cried. The bear was almost 7 feet tall since harry was a very tallboy and Louis got it for him to help make the boy feel small. He named it after the character from one of his favorite shows.

Near the end of his crying harry had fallen into his headspace and felt drowsy. All he wanted was daddy right now. He didn't care if his tummy was growling at him or that he had to use the potty. He just fell asleep, cuddling into Little Bear as he sucked his thumb.

Time had past almost 8 hours, its 2 am now and Louis walked into the house and went straight to bed.  he was exhausted and assumed that harry was in his crib so he fell asleep with no regrets of going to a club.

The poor baby was still there with dried tears on his cheeks, wet jeans and a thumb tucked into his mouth. the next morning was sure to be something.

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