Teaser Chapter - Part 2

Teaser Chapter Part 2
"Entering The Game Room"

What Todd had been hiding was a crucial piece of evidence. Evidence that was so critical to this case, that Todd even crumbled it up and ran away with it. He couldn't have ran that far, seeing as the mastermind had trapped us here in their manor.

*I turn around looking out into the hall from the doorway, and there stands Proxie.

Proxie: "Todd just shoved me out of the way, what exactly happened?"

I didn't want to spread false evidence, and even falser accusations.

Me: "This might be nothing but.. Todd had a sheet of looseleaf and wanted to conceal it."

*Proxie quickly writes in her notebook.

Proxie: "Hm.. if this looseleaf is important to the case, why was it here in the game room?"

*Proxie searches the room.

Hm.. what is the significance of the looseleaf? And why did Todd want to hide it?

*I search the pool table.

As searching the pool table, it was quite obvious what had happened.

There lied.. the murder weapon.

Me: "Pr- Proxie.."

*Proxie quickly runs over.

Proxie: "Kings neck wasn't slit with a knife.. but with a dart!"

Sitting peacefully on the blood stained carpet of the game room, was a blood tipped dart.

Me: "A blood tipped dart."

Proxie: "Hm.. I don't know.."

*I look at Proxie concerningly.

Proxie: "Lets continue investigating."

What did Proxie mean by "I don't know." It was clear that the dart was the murder weapon.. right?

Proxie: "Looking at the blood, I'd say the murder happened in this room.."

*Proxie writes in her notebook once again.

Proxie: "Well, there's one of our missing darts."

Me: "Hm?"

Proxie: "I checked the dart case, it had 10 darts the other day, now only 8."

Darts are small, it wasn't unusual for them to go missing.. Maybe the last dart was just lost?

Me: "Do you think this is all weird?"

Proxie: "What do you mean?"

Me: "N- nevermind, just a theory.."

*Proxie turns around and walks to the door.

Proxie: "Lets go find Todd."

Finding Todd in an endless mansion wouldn't be as hard as you'd think.

- Entering The Guest Hall -

Me: "Todd! Open up!"

*I bang on Todd's guestroom door.

Proxie: "We have a few questions for you Todd!"

*Todd opens the door, then slips into the hall.

Todd: "What the hell do you want?"

Me: "We-"

*Proxie firmly clenches her fist.

Proxie: "Look here you ignorant douche, we have every right to ask you questions to help solve this case."

I can tell that Proxie is upset. I guess that all this investigation work is getting to her.

Todd: "Alright, alright.."

*Proxie readied her notebook and pencil.

Todd: "I was with Jish all last night. We cooked spaghetti together, we even bathed together. Then he came to my guestroom 'round 10pm to sleep."

Proxie: "And the looseleaf?"

*Todd looks down the hall.

Todd: "What looseleaf?"

Me: "The one you crumbled up."

Todd: "I- I don't know what you're talking about, goodbye."

*Todd slips back into his room.

I was certain we would find out the contents of the looseleaf.

Proxie: "Todd is hiding something.."

*Proxie puts her notebook away in her shoulder bag, and smiles.

Proxie: "Lets see if Todd was telling the truth."

All we had to do was interrogate Jish, to see if his night was the same as Todd had described.

- Entering The Ball Room -

Unsurprisingly, there stood Jish painting on a canvas.

Proxie: "Hey Ji-"

*Jish steps from behind the canvas, crying.

Jish is.. crying? Why did he care so much about King dieing? I sound heartless now, but Jish has no reason to cry..

Me: "Are you okay?"

Jish: "All of this is just.. despairing.."

If Todd actually did murder King, it would absolutely destroy Jish. This game is bad enough, I should try to comfort him.

Proxie: "Jish.. we need to know where you were last night."

Jish: "I- I was.. sleeping.."

Proxie: "And before you slept?"

Jish: "I bathed and ate.."

*Proxie writes in her notebook.

Proxie: "In that order?"

Jish: "No.. w- we ate first.."

*Proxie lifts her head out from her notebook.

Proxie: "We?"

Jish: "I was with Todd all last night.. then me and him said goodnight and slept in our own bedrooms."

Todd and Jish seemed to have their story in line..

Proxie: "Thank you Jish.."

*Proxie leaves the ball room.

Me: "Don't cry Jish okay? We'll find the culprit."

Jish: "M- mhm.."

Before the first killing, the players were given a "Rule Handbook." Inside lied a set of rules we had to live by.

1. Find the killer, or everyone innocent dies.
2. Killers can only kill two others.
3. After investigation time is over, a trial will commence in the courtroom.
4. Investigation time is limited to 2 hours, after the body was found.
5. You are allowed to search the victims room, but invading others privacy is prohibited.
6. Violation of any rule leads to instant game over!

This "Rule Handbook" had officially frightened us all. We were on edge for days.. Then we had our first death, which made everything worse..

- The Dining Room -

10 Minutes before every court case, we agreed to hold a meeting in the dining room.

Me: "Hello everyone.."

*Everyone stops chattering.

Me: "We'd like for everyone to state where they were last night, please."

And one by one, everyone described their night.

Claire: "I was reading in the library. Then went to bed right after."

Proxie: "You didn't eat?"

Claire: "I- I haven't been eating very much.. not since the last case.."

The last case was very.. sickly..

Poc: "Where were you last night?"

*Proxie lifts her head out from her notebook.

Proxie: "I was in my room all night. I only left one time, around 7:30pm to grab a snack."

I never doubted Proxie being innocent, but her alibi seems to be too easy.. was she really in her room all last night?

Me: "This case seems so vague.. it may be our hardest case yet. Let's just try our hardest to figure this out."

And there I was, trying my hardest to motivate these hopeless individuals. We still had a chance at freedom, we just needed a confidence boost here and there.

Now.. to face ourselves and our supposed friends. Who murdered King, and why..

*A loud bell can be heard.

The hard ring of the bell was a reminder.. a reminder of our greed induced mindsets. A reminder that we were trapped here like rats in a rat trap.. endlessly searching for cheese.

A reminder that court would be in session shorty after.


End Of Part 2
