
POV: Demi

Harlow and Tate bolted out of the car and hopped over the fence that was attached to the side of the house that surrounded the backyard and attached to the other side of the house. Now this fence wasn't your typical five foot fence. It was an eight foot privacy fence, that was up when I bought the house, so seeing them scale the fence with ease was quite shocking. Then again, they are half wolf.

I debated on checking on them as I locked the car behind me, but if they wanted me to come with them they would've told me. I made sure to lock the front door behind me, but unlock the back one.

I went into my room and peaked out the back window to see Harlow's all brown wolf running along side with Tate's jet black wolf, doing laps around the rather large fenced in backyard. I never thought I'd need it when I first moved in here, but now I do.

"Please be safe." I sighed before changing into some pajamas and wiping all of the makeup off of my face.

I lie awake, staring at the ceiling as I waited for Harlow to come back inside. I need her in order for me to fall asleep.

The sound of the backdoor handle moving made me shoot up out of bed. I glanced at the clock that hung proudly on the wall on my way to the door to read that is was nearly four in the morning.

"Babe, what are you doing still up?" Harlow whispered once she heard me walk around the corner.

I saw her wrapped up in a blanket that I have stored in the outdoor cupboard, so if they shift with their clothes on they can grab one of those. "I can't sleep without you." I whimpered.

"Let me get some clothes on real quick and I'll be in there." Harlow walked over to me and kissed my forehead before turning and walking to her room.

Within two minutes she walked into my room in some very loose fitting sweatpants with the top of her underwear showing and a sports bra.

"Sorry I kept you awake." Harlow mumbled as she crawled into the bed beside me.

"I don't know if you forgot or not, but you swatted my hand away at the dinner table tonight. In return, you sleep without pants on tonight and tomorrow night." I smirked when she froze up, expecting a harsher punishment.

She slid her sweatpants off before sliding underneath the blankets and scooting close to me.

I put my hand on her abs and traced patterns and slowly got lower and lower.

Her breathing hitched.

"Oh don't worry, I'm just going to get you hot and bothered and make sure there isn't a damn thing you can do about it baby girl." I kissed her jawline once before beginning my form of torture that I know without a doubt is the worst punishment I can give her.


"I hate to break it to you Tate, but I don't cook. All I do is pop shit in the oven. I am terrible at cooking." I laughed at Tate's expression.

"Nu uh, no way. It's too good to be frozen food." Tate shook his head and looked over at Harlow who was doing her best to keep her laughing to a minimum.

"It's not frozen when I give it to you." I shrugged with a sarcastic smile.

"All of my life has been a lie." Tate mumbled.

"Dude, you mean the past two weeks for a very short time period every other day?" Harlow raised a brow at Tate as he sat on a barstool at the counter.

"Shut up." Tate growled at Harlow.

"Make me." Harlow buffed her chest out.

"Okay!" Tate said as he slipped out of the chair.

"No fighting in my house. Go to the backyard!" I pointed at the backdoor when I saw Harlow slide her shirt off and then her brother followed suit. I swear they are both children. They try to intimidate each other with their builds.

They bolted out into the backyard.

I watched them through the glass backdoor as they locked shoulders. Harlow quickly got the upper hand and threw Tate over her shoulder.

If it wasn't night out, I'd be pissed at Tate when he switched into his wolf form mid air; his clothes stretched till they ripped and fell off of him. The dim back porch light was all I had when it came to making sure they didn't kill each other.

I watched my phone. I give them five minutes to get it out and then I make them stop.

"Biting isn't fair." Harlow muttered as she rubbed her arm that was slightly bleeding.

"Says the girl who bit me first!" Tate slapped Harlow on the arm.

"I was just messing around. You sunk your teeth into me." Harlow shot back before slapping her brother back.

"You bit my wolf's ear!" Tate whined as he rubbed his slightly bleeding ear.

"Yeah, because you shifted without making sure the playing field would be even, dickwad." Harlow snapped at him.

"Enough you two! Act your age for once! Tate, go to your house. Harlow, go to your room." As soon as Tate was out of the house I went to Harlow's room.

"I'm assuming I'm going to be punished." Harlow mumbled.

"Yes, front or back?" I gave her the option as I led her to my room.

"Front this time ma'am." Harlow whispered and hung her head in shame.

"On the bed, pants off." I grabbed silk rope for her wrists and ankles. My bed is a canopy bed for a reason. Four posts. One on each corner. One for each limb. I smirked at her as I slowly stalked over to her.

Within five minutes I had her tied up and blindfolded.

"Count and thank me. Don't even bother telling me why you are getting punished, because the list is too long." I slapped the cane against my hand lightly a few times so she knew what was coming.

"Yes Mistress." Harlow whispered.

I smirked to myself as she slipped fully into submissive headspace. I reared back and brought the cane down on her bare stomach which earned a yelp.

"One, thank you Mistress." Harlow's breathing quickened.

I brought the cane down on her right leg. She gasped. I think she is enjoying this.

"Two, thank you Mistress." Harlow took her bottom lip captive between her teeth.

This time, I hit her harder than I ever have right along her underwear line. A loud moan escaped her lips. She has a pain kink. This dirty whore, but damn do I love it.

"Three, thank you Mistress."

I hit her again and again, and by the time I was done I could see a wet patch on her cotton boy shorts underwear. "I think someone enjoyed that a little too much." I smirked.

Harlow bit her lip as she did her best to hide her smile.

"You did, you dirty whore. You like being my slut, don't you?" I brought the cane down on her abs.

She moaned loudly. "Yes Mistress."

"Is someone turned on?" I smirked as I ran the tip of the cane along her stomach and then stopping at her navel.

"Yes Mistress." Harlow groaned.

"Does my dirty slut need relief?" I chuckled.

"Please Mistress." She whined.

"Are you sure you want to? I need your permission. Your normal state of mind's permission." I asked as I lifted up her blindfold to her forehead to look her in the eyes.

Her eyes met mine and they gave me a serious look. "I am more than ready Demi. Please just fuck me. I don't care that I'm a virgin and it will probably hurt like hell, but if I had to choose anyone in the world to take it, it would be you." Her look of sincerity was all I needed.

I pulled the blindfold back over her eyes and then cut her bra off and her underwear off. "It won't hurt for long." I chuckled lowly. "Within ten seconds you'll be a moaning mess."

"Yes Mistress." Harlow bit her lip.

I'll go easy for the first time, but after this I'm not going to go easy ever again. That you can bet on, because her perfect body is just waiting to be marked up with lustful bruises. Her and her pain kink are hot as hell, and I will definitely be using it as an advantage for however long I please.

I will make sure she will be sore tomorrow.
