~thank you for 100+ reads!~ we've come so far now at 22k+ THANK YOU!

With that you somewhat calmly called it a successful training session that benefitted the both of you in a way.


'Are you sure I didn't hurt you?' you questioned Shinso for what seemed to be the 100th time 

"I already said no and that answer wont change" his purple eyes blinking towards you slight annoyance swirling in them.

'If you want I can explain more of my quirk during another training session' you offered as the guilt ate away at your conscious, kicking a rock onto the road watching as it made its way across the asphalt.

"10 minutes ago you were saying that you didn't want to" he oh so obviously pointed out.

'Shut it it's the guilt talking' you bickered back, even if he did sometimes get on your nerves it was nice to know that he was there. 

"I never said I didn't want to" he smirked happy to hear that you would share more with him.

'Don't get cocky I already told you my quirk isn't anything special' I mean at least you didn't think so. At most it was something to catch attention from villains but that's all it was good for. A quirk fit for a villain yet here you were as an aspiring hero.

It was a difficult subject as you constantly danced along the line between of both opposing sides, but you had a thought that what if the level of 'heroic' your quirk was catered into how you scored.

Being a Hero also meant keeping up with appearances so surely they'd want more flashy and unthreatening powers in the Hero Department. 

Luckily the pocket that held your thoughts was on your left so it was highly unlikely that Shinso would be able to see you spilling your guts

'When do you wanna train again?' You had certainly peaked the boys interest.

'How about we train every Wednesday and Saturday after school?' you offered, really it was just some random days since you had too much time on your hands.

'I pretty much have no life other than school so any day works for me' you thought. Hearing his light chuckle brought you out of your thoughts.


He gave a small smile before letting you know that not only can he control your mind but he can also read it.

Pointing a finger at him to shush 'well you've got your answer so lets continue' switching the direction of your finger to the path leading to your house.

You had believed that the screen was out of view, so how did he know? He is considerably taller than yourself so that must help him steal glances.

"Have you heard about the talent show?" he made small conversation 

'oh no not really' you shook your head back and forth, no one in your class talked about things like that, actually when it came down to the things they did in their free time they were surprisingly mundane.

"Well are you going to enter?" 

'No way' hell would have to freeze over before you would be caught dead on a stage in front of the whole school.

"Is someone a little scaredy-cat?" he snickered obviously noticing the nervous energy that radiated from you the cute face that you definitely wasn't helping the case either.

'I don't see you signing up either" you slightly snapped back.

"How about we make a deal?" arriving to the front of your house.

'What's the deal?' you asked walking up the stairs onto the porch "shake on it then I'll tell you" he stuck a hand out towards you.

A small deal couldn't do too much damage it could it? It couldn't change too much in the path of your life...right?

Gently taking his hand reluctantly you gave it a small shake before retracting your hand back to your side 'now tell me' you pushed.

He had given his idea a little thought and saw it as a mostly win-win situation "You have until Saturday to gain more control of your quirk. If you don't you have to enter the talent show" 

'And what's in it for me?' you questioned maybe shaking first wasn't a good idea. 

"If by a miracle you do end up winning the bet I'll enter instead" a smile formed onto your lips oh this was going to be good, difficult but good.

It really was a win-win situation if you lost he would get the entertainment of watching you prance around a stage and if you won it would mean you would have trained your quirk with him which is what he wanted and also the side bonus of watching him on stage.

'Give me a second, please wait here' you unlocked the front door walking in. Turning the corner you were met with your brother climbing up on the kitchen stool and your mum wobbly trying to gain her balance on the one next to him. 

Squinting at them you continued on your path towards the fridge, opening it you searched for the cake that the two of you had been eating earlier on in the day.

Finding it half eaten you sighed your mum certainly had a sweet tooth, but really there are two other cakes she could've eaten but no she chose the coffee cake. 

Grabbing a large container you placed what was left of the cake in it. "I was tired and hungry sweetie and it was just sitting there calling my name so don't blame me." huh what brought that on? She gestured to your screen. 

It always being there caused it to slip your mind on how it showed everyone what you were thinking. It was really something you ought to pay more attention to.

Walking back out to Shinso you had hoped you hadn't left him in the cold for too long 'here' you passed the cake towards him.

"Thank you" he took it "is it the coffee one?" you nodded your head glad that he had accepted it.

'Thank you for training me today' he gave a small smile from behind the black scarf he had pulled up to keep warm.

"It's fine we're training partners although I should probably get going" he checked the time on his phone.

Taking note of the sun slowly setting it was probably about 5:00-5:30 ish 'Oh of course make sure you get home safe.' 

"There goes my plans of getting kidnapped by villains" Shinso joked and silent laugh escaped your lip.

"Cya l/n" he bid farewell 'Bye Shinso' he began the trek back home.

Wait does he want cake on Wednesday as well? How am I going to get his attention to ask him I can't just yell out. You panicked wringing your hands you quickly looked for something, anything.

A small pebble in the garden caught your attention, picking it up you swung an arm back aiming at the middle of his back.

Making contact with his hoodie he had felt it as he turned around giving you a 'wtf?' look "did you just throw something at me?" your face grew red with mortification placing a hand over your eyes so you didn't have to see him.

'D-do you want cake?' even the voice in your head stuttered.

"I already have some" he referred to the container in his hand. 

'No I mean for when you come over on Wednesday' you didn't see it but he held a wide smile on his face due to your embarrassment and a little because you seemed to genuinely cared.

"Sure, but did you really have to throw something at me to ask?" he agreed to getting more cake.

Removing the hand that covered your e/c eyes 'how else was I supposed to get your attention?' you questioned tilting your head to the side.

He waved his phone that was located in his other hand "by texting me" your eyes widened realising how dumb you were. That would have been so much easier and saved the mortification you had swam in.

'Sorry' you excused bowing your head down "its ok" he gave a final wave before returning to the path.

Entering back inside the house felt like a hug as the warmth from the heaters enveloped you.

"You have his number?" an annoyingly familiar voice asked from the kitchen "how do know that?" you asked comfortable in your environment.

How did he know that? He wasn't there when you told your parents about it "You left the door wide open when you went back outside" your mum piped in.

"Don't boyfriends an-" a manicured hand slapped over Enyos mouth "how was training?" you internally thanked your mother for stopping him from speaking.

He came out with some peculiar thing but on top of that also was still in the process of learning what things were appropriate to say and when.

"Yeah it went well although he did pester me about my quirk" you slightly muttered the last part.

She placed her hand back onto the bench and rested her head in the other ushering Enyo to go to his room "let me guess by the look on your face, you made a deal with the devil?" you gave her a look.

"Are you guessing or are you talking about what you saw earlier"

"The latter, but I couldn't quite hear what he was saying so spill" your mum would never change with her love for gossip and teasing you.

"Well he made me shake on it first" your mum semi dead panned at you already aware of that matter "I thought I taught you better y/n" she scolded

As a woman who worked in cooperate she knew all the little tips and tricks that there were in the book.

You cringed "you did" you assured her "but it was so tempting" she shook her head before motioning for the story to continue.

"Basically if I'm able to train enough and gain more control of my quirk he has to enter the talent show that's apparently coming up sometime soon and if I fail I have to enter instead." 

~~ mums POV~~

I smiled at her already knowing where this would go, I had made enough deals in my time. 

I do have to give it to the boy though he had created a on the spot bet that would be in his favour no matter the outcome. 

Y/n had mentioned how he pestered her about her quirk so making her want to train more would mean he would become more involved with her quirk and the process of it, since they were training partners at school. 

He was feeding his curiosity along with helping her goal of becoming a Hero.

Shinso was starting to grow on me plus he has good taste in cake.


Did no one ever warn you to not make your classic wattpad deals with guys? I wonder what's going to happen as the author I have noooo idea lol. Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Also a quick question while I'm here have you guys ever visited sinners café? (if you know you never saw this (0_0*)) ok future me I don't even know what sinners café is now, so if anyone know pls tell me.

Art Cred: Savannah Lyn on pinterest v Astrid Cruz on pinterest ^

Word count: 1815 (edited)

As always your postly Shinso meme (same Iida same)

Remember to stay hydrated, have a little snack if you haven't already and get a good nights rest unlike our boi ^
