More Taaaags.

*throws tags at everyone who stumbles upon this*

Anyways, I was tagged again, I'd tag the dear fellow human who tagged me but apparently my phone isn't cool with that (cause my phone sucks monkey ass)

Anywhoo! I'll get this over with as swiftly as possible, I'm sure none of you really give a rats craphole about my interests anyway lmao.

Favourite Song:
Well, I'm already struggling so bare with me. I like Trouble and Control by Halsey... Probably Trouble a little bit more. Maybe. But Bad Motherfucker by Biting Elbows is hella catchy too. Yeah, probably Control actually. I'm indecisive.

Favourite Sport:
*lowkey hates the absolute shit out of sports* If I had to say, probably football. But playing it, not watching.

Favourite Band:
Panic! At the Disco, FOB, Motorhead. But my all time favourite must be 'My Chemical Romance' gotta be loyal to my original faves, after all!💖

Favourite Shows:
One piece is overall bae, although I'm also marathoning Hannibal. But One Piece is still my go-to love, especially cause of Trafalgar fuckmehard Law.😍👐

Favourite Movies:
Movies as in things that aren't TV series and such... Kaaay. Probably Grown Ups, I like that slightly wacky but also simple comedy element.

Favourite Colour:
Ah, the colour question that everyone dreads... Probably red, blue or black. I couldn't see myself living without any of those colours, frankly. Violet's pretty cool too, I suppose. Let's just have a colour spree, love ALL the colours! And yes, even the ugly ones like brown and swampy green.😜

Favourite Drink:
Sometimes I'm all about that Pepsi, sometimes I fancy a healthy drink o' water to quench my thirst for Traffy Law. *chills self* And then sometimes I just wanna get riggity riggity wrecked on sour shots, amaretto and coke, beer, anything with a kick to it, ect. But mostly, I like to drink a nice, cold Pepsi.👌💖


Anyways, hope you guys find this amusing if you read it and I apologise for the typos if you find any, typing on phones is something I honestly detest but I have little choice rn. 😂

Have a wicked day, guys!💖
