Chapter 17: Season 1, Chapter 9


I don't own High School DxD, or any of the other copy right stuff that may be included in this story.

I don't make any money off of it and only write this for my own enjoyment.

If criticism of religion bothers you, please don't read this story. Also, why are you reading DxD, a story which makes heroes out of devils, if criticism of religion bothers you?

The students of Kuoh Academy held a relatively high opinion of Tomoe Meguri, despite her reputation as being the school's gossip. She was considered attractive with her reddish brown hair and light brown eyes, but her main attributes were her cheerful disposition and positive outlook on life.

Truthfully, she couldn't help being hyperactive and positive about everything in her life considering that she was cursed while still in her mother's womb. Despite her parents being notable exorcists, they were unable to protect their unborn daughter from harm from a vengeful evil spirit. And so when Tomoe was born, she was asleep. At first the doctor's feared she was stillborn; however, a slap to her infant bottom confirmed that she was, in fact, alive. She let out two tiny wails before promptly falling back to sleep, and that's how she spent her entire childhood; asleep. Her parents tried to keep her awake, but as time went on Tomoe's waking moments would happen less and less. She would eat and drink in her sleep, her parents would wash and bathe her while she slept. Everything happened around her while she slept.

It was a desolate existence.

All that changed when her parents made a deal with a devil in order to break the curse. After spending her entire childhood asleep, Tomoe awoke for the first time in years to the face of her [King], Sona Sitri. Unbeknownst to her, Tomoe's parents made a deal with a devil and in exchange for breaking the curse Sona had turned her into a devil herself, specifically a [Knight]. What followed afterwards was a difficult transition. Tomoe had been asleep nearly her entire life and now she was suddenly thrust into a state of wakefulness. There was so much for her to see, so much to experience, and most importantly so much to learn. In the beginning Tomoe could barely speak, having only heard snippets of words from her parents while she slept. She couldn't read, write, or even move that much due to muscle atrophy.

Her [King] took it upon herself, and her reputation as a future educator, to teach her everything she would need to be a fully functioning teenager who could enjoy life to the fullest. It was a long and difficult process, one that Sona couldn't do by herself. There were many teachers, as well as tutors such as Tsubaki; nevertheless, after five years Tomoe was able to pass her high school entrance exams and live as a normal girl.

Well, a normal devil girl.

While Tomoe could be considered smart enough to pass her exams and do relatively well in class, she could admit to herself that she wasn't the most diligent student, nor was she emotionally mature. She wanted to believe that people were genuinely good, though some would call her innocent because of that. She knew that tendency could be seen as a weakness by some devils, she had been warned about it before, but it was a weakness she was willing to bear. Tomoe loved life, she loved people, and she wanted to experience as much of it as possible. After spending so much of her life asleep, Tomoe didn't want to miss anything life offered and thought that cruelty and deceit was a huge waste of time. She wanted to know everyone, participate in everything, and share in people's triumphs and burdens.

So when Sona her mentor and [King], announced that she was suddenly engaged, Tomoe couldn't help but feel a wide mélange of things. Surprise, was definitely first and foremost, as well as excitement for her [King]. There was also a large amount of curiosity as well, since Sona was the first amongst their group to actually have a boyfriend, let alone a fiance. Tomoe wanted to believe that Ambrose's intentions towards Sona were honorable, so she decided find the time in order to have private chat with him in order to ensure that he would treat her [King] right. And so, when Tomoe saw the aforementioned alchemist walking down the hall during the lunch break, she didn't hesitate to approach him.

"Yaho, Am-kun!" Tomoe called out in her typical cheerful manner.

Ambrose, who was looking a bit lost, looked up in surprise. "Oh, hello Tomoe. Off to the student council room for lunch?"

"No." Tomoe shook her head, "I usually have my lunch with different people every day. Most clubs know to come to me to schedule an appointment with Souna-Kaichō, since I'm secretary of the student council."

"Ahh, you're a glorified doorman." Ambrose teased with a smile.

"I prefer the term, door-woman." Tomoe corrected him with a grin. "What are you doing out on your lunch break? You usually eat lunch in your classroom."

"I wanted to check up on Asia Argento, the recent transfer student." Ambrose earnestly replied. "Have you met her yet?"

"No, not yet. I was busy with Kaichō's special errand when she officially became a part of Kuoh Academy, and since then I haven't had the opportunity. Care to introduce me?" Tomoe asked, wanting to also spend some time with her [King]'s fiance in an effort to understand him better.

"I don't mind but..." he trailed off as he looked down the hallway at the classroom numbers, "I'm not exactly sure what class she's in."

"I think she shares her class with Hyoudou-kun and the perverts of Kuoh Academy." Tomoe replied after a moment. "Why do you want to check up on her?"

"Someone tried to break into her apartment last night." Ambrose mentioned while frowning at the memory. "It's reminded me that she's still might be in danger and I wanted to make sure she was settling in her classes."

"Someone tried to break into Argento's apartment?" Tomoe replied in alarm.

"Don't spread it around, but it was Gremory." Ambrose whispered so as not to be overheard. "Not sure why she wanted to break into Asia's apartment but Souna-Kaichō and I will be having a talk with her after school in order to get to the bottom of things."

"Rias-senpai has been acting strangely lately." Tomoe commented with a frown. "Endangering everyone by not warning us about the Fallen, not to mention what she tried to do with you. By the way, thanks again for your help with the church, and for what you did last night in the forest."

"Don't worry about it." Ambrose dismissively replied. "While I'm not a member of the peerage, I'm still a member of the Clan. I'm certainly not going to stand by and let anything happen to you all while it's in my power to stop it."

Tomoe looked at Ambrose and smiled in gratitude; she could see why Sona liked him. They both were serious, disciplined, yet kind and protective of those they felt a responsibility towards. Tomoe could almost consider him handsome; he had a pretty-boy face, kind eyes and a nice smile. But Ambrose was too tall, his body was well built and too much like a young man's. Quite honestly Tomoe preferred younger boys.

"You and Kaichō make a cute couple." Tomoe cheerfully observed aloud.

"Think so?" Ambrose replied with a light blush.

"Uh huh. They're calling you the Royal Couple of Kuoh, the King and Queen of the school."

"Really? … I'm the king, right?" Ambrose asked, looking a bit worried for a moment which caused Tomoe to laugh loudly.

"Yes, you're the king. But it's more than just the rumors which make you a cute couple." Tomoe said after she caught her breath. "Kaichō seems a bit different now…"

"Oh? How so?"

"I suppose the best example would be her baking." Tomoe said after pondering it for a moment. "It's like she's really gotten good at it all of a sudden. I guess she wants to impress her new man."

"Maybe." Ambrose blushed in return.

"Here we are." Tomoe said as they stopped by a classroom. "I believe Argento-san is in this room. Mind if I tag along so I can meet her?"

"Not at all." Ambrose said as he held the door open for her and the pair entered the loud and rambunctious classroom.

It appeared as if a large argument was currently going on between the perverted trio and a young brunette with gold eyes and glasses. They were currently forming a small circle with Asia Argento off to the side who watched helplessly as the four quarreled back and forth.

"You bitch!" Issei yelled at the female student while pointing his finger at her. "Don't say unnecessary things like that."

"Why not Hyoudou? It isn't as if you have anything to be ashamed of." The pig tailed brunette said before turning to the blonde nun next to her. "Asia, you should probably snag Issei while you can. While he has low prospects for the future, he might be worth breaking in."

"Breaking in?" Asia inquired with confusion.

"Hey, stop filling Asia's head with nonsense, Kiryuu" Issei vehemently protested. "She doesn't need you to corrupt her."

"You mean, you want to corrupt her all by yourself." Aika teased before turning her ominous gaze towards the remaining pair of the perverted trio.

"Damn you!" Matsuda shouted as he and Motohama quickly covered their crotches with their hands in an effort to defend themselves from an unseen attack. "Don't think you can match Motohama's scouter ability!"

"Covering it up is useless. It only increases the details of my scouter. Looks like you both are well below Japan's national average. You're doomed to be virgins for life." Aika Kiryuu replied with a sinister grin as she adjusted her glasses, causing a glare of light to reflect off of them. "You can't hide from my scouter, all your measurements are laid bare before me."

"Yo, Asia!" Ambrose said, calling out across the room to the noisy crowd.

As one, the rowdy group all turned their attention to the pair who entered the room, when suddenly...

"Puar!" Aiki Kiryuu yelled as a massive nosebleed erupted like a geyser from her and she fell to the floor in a dead faint.

"Aiki-san!" Asia called out in alarm, who then rushed to her friend.

"Kiryuu's Down!"

Tomoe and Ambrose quickly rushed over to the fallen girl who was bleeding from both nostrils. Her eyes were swirling; she appeared to be dazed and confused while babbling to herself. "~It's over 9,000~"

"She's bleeding." Tomoe alarmingly exclaimed. "Did she hit her head?"

"I think she's just bleeding from the nose." Ambrose observed as he knelt down next to the girl. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, gently patting the girl's cheek.

"Ehhh..." Aika moaned as she slowly came too and saw the crimson haired young man kneeling down in front of her. Her face immediately turned red, her eyes rolled back up in her head and she passed out again.

"Auuu, we should get her to the clinic." Asia said, wringing her hands in worry.

"I'll carry her there." Ambrose said as he picked up the fallen student in a bridal carry style, causing the girl to giggle in her delirious state.

"You two should follow me, I'll show you where it is." Tomoe offered, her customary smile now hiding a deeper meaning. Now she felt assured that her initial impression of her [King]'s new fiance were, in fact, true. He was kind and helpful to strangers, only saving his ire to those who have earned it. He also appeared to have a sense of humor, if in an innocent way. Ambrose was also devoted to Sona, judging by how he ignored Aika Kiryuu swooning in favor of seeking out medical attention for the biggest female pervert of Kuoh. All in all, Tomoe was satisfied with her inspection of Sona's fiance and happily vowed to support their relationship.

Sona Sitri had spent the entire day doing something that was a bit out of character for her; she was ignoring a problem, hoping that it would go away and solve itself. After Sona had retrieved Asia from her apartment last night, Ambrose had returned shortly after and informed them that it was Rias who was responsible for trying to breech the wards, along with another devil who he believed was called "Grayfia".

Sona had quickly put the pieces together from that point; however, there was little she could do about it at the time. Asia had to be reassured that she wasn't in danger, and after that Sona had to return to her own apartment so as not to upset her sister any more than she already was. She still hadn't found all of those magical surveillance devices and trying to disable them would only exacerbate the situation between her Onee-sama and fiance. In the meantime, Sona didn't know what to think about Rias's attempt to break into Asia's apartment but the presence of The Strongest [Queen], Grayfia, was telling indeed.

"The time has come for Rias to fulfill her obligation to her family." Sona realized with a frown marring her features.

Going by the recordings from her counterpart, Sona had originally guessed that Rias had about two more weeks until Riser would push for the pair to marry. That was two more weeks Sona had planned to use in order to try and convince her fiance that helping Rias was in their best interest. But it seemed that the barren and desolate future Ambrose had shown her was rushing to meet them head-on ever since they both had returned to the present. They hadn't even arrived back from the future for 24 hours before Rayner had made her first move, and ever since then Sona felt like they were constantly playing 'catch-up' in order to get a handle on things. While they did manage to deal a decisive blow against the Old Satan Faction of the Khaos Brigade, it still seemed like it wasn't enough.

It was because of this hopeless feeling of trying to change fate itself, that Sona understood her childhood friend's desperation. But Rias had to have realized that her ham-fisted attempt to barge into Ambrose's home in the middle of the night in order to some how convince him to help her was doomed to fail from the start.

"If only she had been this determined from the beginning and used that desperation to train her peerage for this moment."

Unfortunately, it seemed that time had run out for Rias to help herself and for Sona to help her friend. Getting Ambrose's assistance with Rias's fiance situation was a long shot ever since she tried to turn him into a devil against his will. Any good will her childhood friend had earned through his contract with Gaspar seemed to have all but evaporated with her attempt at breaking and entering last night. Further complicating the issue was the discovery that Rias was spying on Ambrose for the Maōs, likely ruining any future attempts at friendly overtures between the alchemist and the leaders of the Devil Nation.

"It's a wretched state of things when my friends are causing more problems than my enemies."

Sadly, she had been unable to get a moment alone with Ambrose in order to gauge his mood on last night's events. Sona's duties as student council president meant that she hadn't had time to speak to him during their lunch break; she even had to turn away Rias who came by to try to explain things again. Truthfully, Sona didn't know what to tell her friend, or perhaps she just didn't have the heart to tell Rias that she had done all that she could to help.

Nevertheless, Sona knew that she couldn't ignore the problem indefinitely; once again she was being asked to mediate in a dispute between Ambrose and Rias. She didn't know Ambrose's purpose behind requesting another meeting with Rias, but Sona could definitely tell that he was tired of her antics. There was a certain "finality" to this meeting that left her feeling a bit apprehensive.

And so it was, with a heavy heart, that Sona and Ambrose left for the Occult Research Club after she instructed Tsubaki to take over her responsibilities for the day. The couple didn't speak to each other the entire way, and quite frankly Sona didn't really know what to say. Ambrose had been correct that trying to break up the engagement between Clan Phenex and Clan Gremory might have serious repercussion for her own Clan. As much as she wanted to help Rias, her hands were effectively tied.

As they approached the building, she listlessly greeted Kiba, Hyoudou, and Toujou, who met them as they made their way to the old school building.

"Hey, Kaichō. You've known Buchou for a while, haven't you?" Issei hesitatingly asked as they climbed the steps leading to the old school building, "Do you have any idea what's been bothering her lately?"

Sona couldn't help but let a sigh escape her lips. The gravity of the situation was impressed even further since the normally oblivious Hyoudou could tell there was something wrong.

"It isn't my place to say." Sona replied with a shake of her head.

The small group entered the Occult Research Club and into the main gathering room where most of the business for the Gremory peerage was held. Inside, Rias was sitting behind her desk with her [Queen], Akeno standing next to her. And there, standing in front of the desk, was Grayfia Lucifuge the [Queen] of Maō Lucifer.

"Whoa, a hot maid!" Issei excitedly stated, "Buchou, are we all going to eventually get hot maids for our service to the club?"

"Damn pervert." Koneko muttered, stomping on Issei's foot as she marched past him to claim her usual seat.

Sona didn't respond to Hyoudou's typical perverted statement nor his antics of hopping on one foot while holding his injured one in pain. She simply watched the newly turned [Pawn], and began to feel as if she might have actually hindered her friend by allowing him to join Rias's peerage.

"Issei..." Rias said, frustration lacing the tone of her voice. "Behave yourself."

"This is him?" Grayfia curiously asked with a bit of uncertainty, "The Red Dragon Emperor?"

"Yeah, I guess so..." Hyoudou hesitatingly admitted.

"How do you do? I am Grayfia, a servant of the Gremory family." The maid said before respectfully bowing.

"S-Same." Hyoudou replied, uncomfortable with the maid's formality.

Grayfia then turned her attention to Ambrose and left Rias's side to approach him before bowing specifically to him. "And you must be Ambrose, the alchemist I've heard so much about. I am very pleased to meet you."

"Likewise." Ambrose guardedly replied, giving a small nod in return though he never took his eyes off of her.

"I'd like to apologize for my role in the events of last night." Grayfia politely began, "It was not my intention to offend you, nor to trespass onto your property."

"You were simply following Gremory, correct?" Ambrose deduced and received a nod in confirmation from the maid in return. "It's quite alright. You're not the only person who's gotten into trouble due to Gremory's thoughtlessness." he said, causing Rias's face to twitch in annoyance.

"I understand Milady has not been behaving as a proper noble should." Grayfia apologetically continued, "The Maōs have been made aware of her attempt to force you into her peerage."

"Are they planning on doing anything about it?" Ambrose asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Unfortunately there's nothing the Maōs can do since she technically didn't break any of our laws." Grayfia replied with a shake of her head. "Had she actually succeeded, then she would have been punished according to our laws. As things currently stand, her punishment will be decided by Lord Gremory."

"I doubt Rias's father will kick up a huge fuss over this." Sona doubtfully thought. "It's no surprise that Lord Gremory would spoil and protect his daughter, and any damage to her character at this point might jeopardize the marriage between Rias and Riser."

"So then, nothing will happen?" Ambrose rhetorically asked, giving Rias an irritable look. "I'm done." He suddenly said with a shake of his head before turning to the exit. "I shouldn't have even bothered to come."

"Wait!" Rias called out in alarm. "Please, I want to apologize."

"Save it." Ambrose snapped, turning his attention back to Rias. "I'm not even mad about you trying to break into Asia's apartment. I've come to expect such behavior from you. I don't want your apologies because quite frankly they don't amount to anything. You've been spying on me since my first day of school while you plotted to turn me into a devil against my will. You apologized for that, only for me to catch you and your [Queen] skulking around the church while I was doing all of you a favor. You say you went there to help me, despite being warned not to show up at all. Though to be honest, I can't be certain you weren't trying to turn me against my will once again. How many times have you apologized for you actions only to turn around and show that you're not sorry at all? Despite all of this, I sat by and said nothing while you were introduced to your newest [Pawn], a young man who I literally brought back from the dead. I even agreed to form a contract with Gaspar, despite my reservations. I've been more than cooperative when you consider my list of grievances. Now I discover that you've been reporting on my activities to the Maōs who are now spying on me as well. With a few words you've caused them to not only distrust me but you've also quite possibly ruined my chance for a good first impression with Maō Leviathan."

Both Rias and Grayfia stiffened in surprise at the accusation; though caught off guard neither of them denied it.

"Tell me, what have I done to earn such suspicion? Have I not been helpful enough? Was unraveling a plot to frame both peerages for the murder of Asia not enough? Was discovering a coup attempt against the Maōs not good enough to prove that I can be trustworthy?" Ambrose continued to angrily ask. "I've done all of this with out asking for anything in return. What is it Gremory, what more do you want from me?"

Ambrose's clamoring monologue was cut short as magical circle appeared on the ground, bathing the entire room in an orange glow. It spun for a full rotation before a stream of fire erupted from the center and the loud screech of a Phoenix filled the room. From the depths of the flames, a lone figure appeared. His blonde hair framed his face except for a small bit that was pointed up in a tuft.

The figure gave a tired sigh before turning to the group. "I haven't been to the human realm in a while."

"Phenex." Rias whispered in disdain.

"This is it. It's really happening..." ." Sona depressingly thought.

"I have come to collect you Rias, my dear." Riser haughtily stated with an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Who is this guy?" Hyoudou asked in confusion.

"This gentleman is Riser Phenex-sama. A pure-blooded, upper class devil and the third son of the Phenex family." Grayfia said, introducing the latest guest to the Occult Research Club.

"Phenex family?" Hyoudou inquired.

"He is also the fiance of the Gremory family's heiress apparent" Grayfia dutifully explained.

"The Gremory family's heiress apparent?" Hyoudou repeated, unable to comprehend what was going on around him.

"Do we have to spell it out for you, Hyoudou?" Sona irritability thought.

"That is to say, he's engaged to Lady Rias." Grayfia explained with more patience than Sona thought she could muster.

"Lady Sona, what an unexpected pleasure to see you." Riser unctuously said, his words giving off a smug and oily feeling. "Would you care to join us for tea? It might be awhile before you see your friend Rias again after today."

Rias visibly twitched at the irritating remark.

While put off by Riser's disingenuous attempt at feigned politeness as well as his presumption to invite her for tea in a territory that was not his own, Sona knew that to refuse would be impolite. No matter how much she hated to look at his smarmy face, Sona could not afford to upset him; her family depended on the Phenex Tear Elixir.

"Thank you." Sona replied, her tone measured and emotionless to giving away nothing.

Rias and Riser sat next to each other on the couch, while Sona sat down across from them with her fiance sitting next to her.

"What's this?" Riser asked, his attention drawn to Ambrose. "Someone needs to teach their servants that it's impolite to sit with their betters. Who is this person?"

Sona gave an annoyed sigh, "I should have expected this from an elitist like Riser."

"This is Ambrose, the magician who I've recently made a pact with." Sona explained to her fellow peer while internally bracing herself for the condescending remarks she knew were about to come. "He's also my fiance."

"Fiance?" Riser asked in surprise as he looked over at Ambrose curiously. "You're engaged to a magician?"

"That's right." Ambrose stoically replied, offering nothing more.

Riser patronizingly shook his head in disappointment. "How far the Sitri Clan has fallen, to resort to engaging themselves with garbage like this. It's a shame that the only decent pure blood devil who was willing to take pity on you eventually broke your engagement. You could at least turn this magician into a low-born trash devil before publicly claiming him as your fiance, it would still be a sight better than being engaged to a human."

"Mind your place, Phenex." Sona said, her eyes narrowing in anger. "While the Phenex Clan may hold the title of Marquis, I'll remind you that the Sitri Clan still ranks higher than both Phenex and Gremory combined."

"My apologizes." Riser placatingly said with a false smile as Akeno set a pair of tea cups on the coffee table before Rias and Riser.

Grayfia then approached Ambrose, serving him and then Sona a cup of tea before stepping aside to continue to observe the scene.

Riser took advantage of the lull in the conversation to reach for his cup and as he reclined back into his seat, he draped his arm over Rias in order to play with her hair before taking a sip. "My Rias's [Queen] prepares quite delicious tea."

"Thank you for the compliment, but this tea was prepared by Grayfia-san" Akeno replied without smiling before moving to stand next to the aforementioned maid.

Sona took a moment to calm down by taking a sip of the tea that Grayfia prepared.

"It's surprisingly good." Sona thought, realizing that she had never been served tea prepared by the maid before. Curiously, she looked over at the [Queen] of Maō Lucifer, only to see that Grayfia's attention was glued to her fiance.

"Cut it out already." Rias said, interrupting Sona's train of thought as she slapped Riser's hand away from her thigh before standing up and away from Riser's embrace. "Riser, I told you last time that I don't intend to marry you."

"But Rias," Riser pretentiously began, "This isn't the time for you to be selfish. Both of our families agreed to this match for the good of our people. The entire devil nation struggles to preserve the lineages of pure-blooded devils after the loss of 39 extinct clans. Even some of the remaining 33 pillars are sullying their lineage with trash." Riser finished, shooting a dirty look at Sona who then gave her own scathing look in return.

"My family is worried over nothing. I will get married one day, but it will be to a man of my own choosing. That man will never be you, Riser." Rias firmly declared.

Riser's response was immediate, he quickly invaded Rias's personal space, cupping her chin between his fingers as he harshly whispered, "You realize that I am the face of the Phenex Clan. I will not allow you to sully my honor and the honor of my family. I will take you back to the underworld, even if it means burning all your servants to ashes."

Riser's irises began to glow with an internal flame as Rias began to gather her own power.

"Buchou!" Hyoudou yelled, ready to fight for his [King].

"Everyone, please calm down." Grayfia coolly stated, immediate calming the hostile environment by her presence alone. "Milady, Riser-sama, as I am here on the orders of Maō Lucifer I do not intend to stand idly by and let you both bring dishonor to both of your clans."

"Who am I to argue with the mightiest queen?" Riser stilted with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Maō Lucifer expected that this might happen. As such, I have been charged to carry out a last resort measure if no agreement is reached." Grayfia stated as a matter-of-factly.

"You mean a rating game, don't you Grayfia?" Rias asked with a frown while stubbornly crossing her arms.

"Correct." Grayfia replied, "If you two can not come to an agreement, then you're both welcome to settle the issue through a Rating Game."

"Rating Game?" Hyoudou asked, unfamiliar with the term.

"Honestly, Rias. Did you teach your [Pawn] anything at all?" Sona thought in disappointment.

"It's a game that resembles chess." Kiba Yuuto helpfully explained, "where upper-class devils fight using their servants like chess pieces."

"Chess?" Hyoudou asked, still not understanding the concept.

"It's why our powers are similar to chess pieces. Why we're called [Evil Pieces]." Akeno clarified for their newest member.

"I have played many rating games before and won many times as well." Riser arrogantly boasted to Rias with a smirk. "You're not an officially qualified player, nor do you have any experience what so ever. Rias, are you sure you wish to face off against me with so few servants of your own?" Riser asked with a dark chuckle and snapped his fingers.

Another Phenex Clan transportation circle appeared, and from within its orange flame came Riser's entire peerage. Though Sona had never personally seen them before, she pretty much knew what to expect. A peerage made up of 15 young women and girls, from nearly every perverted genre type that existed.

"Behold, my ultimate harem peerage." Riser exclaimed proudly as he presented his servants for everyone's inspection.

"Ahhhhhh!" Hyoudou loudly shouted, causing everyone in the entire room to look at him in surprise. "Fifteen Beautiful Girls! He's Got Them All! Maid Girls, Chinese Girls, Dark Skinned Girls, Samurai Girls, Western Sword Girls, Kimono Girls, Girls With Huge Breasts, Girls With Small Breasts, Loli's, TWO SETS OF TWINS!" Issei shouted out loud with tears pouring down his eyes. "What A True Man! I'm so jealous."

"I can't believe I foisted this pervert onto Rias's peerage." Sona shamefully thought.

Even Riser Phenex was taken back by Hyoudou's outburst. "H-Hey Rias that servant of yours is crying out loud while looking at me." He uncomfortably observed.

"Forming a harem is his dream." Rias embarrassingly admitted as Issei continued to cry in the background.

"That's creepy." said a small devil whose blonde pigtails spiraled down like drill bits.

"He even has his little sister in his peerage?" Sona realized, recognizing Ravel Phenex by her reputation. "That's what I would call creepy."

"Oh, I see what's bothering your servant." Riser darkly chucked before calling his [Queen] over. "Yubelluna."

"Yes, Riser-sama." The purple haired devil, known as the Bomb [Queen], replied as she obediently approached her [King].

Riser turned to his [Queen] and cupped her chin before lewdly kissing her deeply in front of everyone. Rias and her peerage were shocked by his display of affection, and quite honestly Sona felt a bit of revulsion from the scene. Riser continued to ignore them all until the kiss ended and he turned to Issei while vulgarly groping Yubelluna in front of him.

"Hey kid." Riser taunted with an arrogant smile, "You'll never be able to do things like this, you'll probably die a virgin."

Hyoudou's face visibly twitched and grew red in anger at that last remark. "Shut Up! How dare you flirt with other girls even after saying you plan on marrying Buchou!"

"Hyoudou, you're in no position to judge him. Your life's dream is to have a harem." Ambrose suddenly spoke up, incredulous at what Hyoudou actually had said. "What exactly do you think happens in a harem?"

Hyoudou's bluster fizzled out as he realized that being in a harem literally meant being in a relationship with multiple girls at the same time. "I don't care." He then shouted, shaking himself out of his stump and summoning his twice critical [Boosted Gear]. "We don't need a rating game, I'll take this chicken shit down right here!"

"Mira!" Riser called out, gaining the attention of a small blue haired girl wearing a white haori with a red obi. The devil, Mira, jumped out from Riser's peerage and stared at Issei with her light brown eyes, clearly unimpressed by what she saw.

"Wait, I can't hurt a girl." Issei said out loud to himself as he faced off against the petite bluenette.

"Idiot." Sona thought, recalling all the times Hyoudou had been beaten by nearly every single female club member at Kuoh Academy.

Mira responded to Hyoudou's hesitation be jabbing him in the stomach with her wooden staff before flinging him up in the air. Hyoudou, reacting as if he had the wind knocked out of him, fruitlessly gasped for air as the inertia left him up on the ceiling for a full five seconds before he limply fell to the floor.

"Issei!" Asia cried out and rushed to his side to heal him.

"Issei!" Rias yelled as she rushed to check on her unconscious [Pawn].

"Is this all you have to offer, Rias?" Riser asked in mock disappointment. "My ultimate harem peerage against your five servants."

"Four servants." Grayfia corrected. "The young blonde is not a member of Milady's peerage and her fifth servant is unable to participate in a rating game."

Riser derisively laughed loudly at that. "Four servants against my peerage. Rias, you might as well give up now."

"I'll never give up." Rias defiantly glared at Riser as she continued to kneel next to her fallen [Pawn]. "I will never willingly marry you, ever."

"Tell you what; if you're so determined to fight me then it's only fair I give you an actual chance." Riser tauntingly replied, "I'll not only give you 10 days to train your peerage, but I'll let you recruit any free piece you can in order to make things a little more fair. I'm sure Lady Sona would be willing to provide you with a member of her peerage."

Rias immediately looked to Ambrose in hope; however, Sona withheld her consent for a moment in order to ensure her own Clan's protection. "If I allowed such a thing, it might reflect poorly on the relations between my Clan and Clan Phenex."

"Not to worry." Riser replied while dismissively waving his hand, "I've been granted the authority to negotiate on behalf of my Clan for the duration of this meeting, and I promise you that the Sitri Clan will suffer no ill repercussion from lending a piece to my future bride."

That all but sealed the deal in Sona's mind, and she quickly turned her head to implore her fiance to accept.

"You have got to be kidding me." Ambrose muttered in disbelief.

"Please." Rias begged, falling into a kowtow position; with her forehead touching the floor. "Please, I know you have no reason what so ever to help me, but please. I'll give you anything you want, anything at all. Please, I beg you to help me."

Sona watched her fiance carefully, trying to glean some sort of insight into what he was thinking or what he might do. He was remarkably unreadable in this moment, though there was a bit of irritation present. Ambrose had been decisively verbal during his diatribe against Rias, but ever since Riser Phenex made his unannounced visit to the Occult Research Club her fiance had remained strangely silent. He only spoke two words to Riser, and the only other time he spoke was to express his disbelief that Hyoudou would object to Riser's treatment of women since Hyoudou, himself, wanted a harem of his own.

Ambrose continued to watch Rias as she prostrated herself on the ground. He then turned to look at Grayfia of all people.

"Most likely trying to figure out what Maō Lucifer might want." Sona reasoned, though she knew the Silver-haired [Queen] of Annihilation would give away no visual clues.

He then turned his attention to Sona.

"Please," She silently begged, "Help her."

"Rias, my dear. Stop begging in front of the help. It's unbecoming of a person with your station and quite frankly, embarrassing." Riser haughtily scolded.

Suddenly, Ambrose abruptly left Sona's side and rose from the couch, startling the entire room. Sona's alarm quickly turned to curiosity as she watched her fiance walk past the entire group and headed straight for Rias's desk. Sona, Grayfia and both peerages bewilderingly observed as he began scribbling a few words on a piece of scrap paper with a pen before folding the paper in half and marching up to Rias.

"There's nothing you have that I want." Ambrose began before reluctantly adding, "But you do have something that I need."

Rias looked up at him for a moment before focusing on the piece of paper he held; hope filled her eyes as if that scrap of paper held her salvation.

"This is going to be a contract, a contract between you and me Gremory." Ambrose heavily explained, holding the paper in front of Rias yet out of her reach. "I will dissolve your engagement to the Phenex Clan for a price. This is what I need." He said, waving the paper in front of her. Rias reached to grab it, but Ambrose continued to hold into it firmly, not letting go until he fully explained himself. "There will be no negotiating. It's either this or I walk out of here. If you accept this contract, then I'll expect my payment within 24 hours of terminating your engagement to the Phenex Clan. If I fail, then I owe you nothing. If I succeed, then I owe you nothing; no taxes, no hidden fees, no alliances, not even a thank you. If you can not deliver this to me, let me know now because I will be beyond furious if I break up your engagement and you cannot pay. Do Not Turn Me Into A Creditor." The alchemist warned before releasing the paper for Rias to read.

Sona was at a complete loss on what her fiance wanted, "No, not wanted, needed." she corrected herself.

Rias seemed a bit confused herself, but opened the paper and went pale as she read the contents. Her eyes went wide, her mouth was open in astonishment and she looked up to Ambrose only to abruptly close her mouth with an audible 'click' when she saw him checking the time on his pocket watch as if he had more important places to be.

Sona watched in complete astonishment as Rias actually hesitated before agreeing. "Just what the hell is on that paper?"

Rias looked down at the note again, as if the words would some how change into something different a second time. "I-I..." She stuttered before closing her eyes tightly and shouting out "I accept!"

The entire room held a moment of silence. Sona noted that even her fiance seemed surprised that Rias had accepted his offer before smiling and turning his attention to Riser Phenex.

"So, the little magician thinks he can defeat me in a Rating Game?" Riser said with an amused chuckle.

"Rating Game?" Ambrose asked, looking a bit confused. "I never said anything about a rating game. I am just a magician, an alchemist. And when all's said and done I am also a merchant; just one with interesting wares to offer." He finished before placing his hand on the coffee table and activating his own summoning circle. From the magical light, two items arose, two very familiar items which caused Sona's eyes to widen and a smile to bloom on her face.

There on the table before them was the frozen remains of Saffron Phenex and the ancient Kettle of Plenty which produced the legendary jusendo water that was a crucial ingredient to produce the Phenex Tear Elixir.

"Instead of fighting in a rating game, let's make a deal instead." Ambrose suggested and gestured to the Phenex egg encased in ice. "I believe this used to be one of yours, your ancestor Saffron if I recall."

Riser was visibly stunned; gone was the arrogant smirk and the mockery hidden in the depths of his eyes. His eyes were now wide and his entire focus was on the remains of his grandfather. "Where… Did… You… Get… That?" He demanded, his voice straining against his own disbelief.

"China." Ambrose evasively replied. "The Bayalanka Mountains, as a matter of fact. I believe that's where he made his last stand."

"Give him to me." Riser demanded as his eyes began to glow from his internal flame.

"Ah ah ah." Ambrose scolded while wagging his finger back and forth. "As I said, I am a merchant and I will happily hand him over once I am properly paid. And before you begin to think that you can simply take him, please be reminded that Ms. Grayfia has been instructed by Maō Lucifer, himself, to ensure that this meeting remains peaceful."

Riser visibly flinched at that reminder before cautiously looking over to Grayfia to confirm what the alchemist said was true.

The maid simply nodded in reply to his unspoken question.

"Relax Riser, this is a great opportunity for you." Ambrose cheerfully said with a smile, drawing Riser's attention back to him. "Today you get to be the hero, the one who finally brings home the lost remains of your ancestor. You will make your Clan whole once more and you'll be free to marry a girl who would not only appreciate you but also support you relationship with your peerage."

"It will take years before we would be able to revive him." Riser argued, glaring at Ambrose.

"But you would, in fact, be able to revive him." Ambrose explained before picking up the ancient kettle and pouring the tea from his cup in it, "And I happen to have something here that should help speed up the process. This here is the Kettle of Plenty; a magical artifact capable of instantly creating the jusendo water you need to not only revive your ancestor but to mass produce the Phenex Tear Elixir. I picked this little miracle up in Eastern Europe. I am willing to sell you all the magical water you'll need to not only revive your ancestor, but to also increase your production of Phenex Tear Elixir."

Ambrose then poured the liquid from the kettle, and everyone watched in astonishment as the tea was now pure and clear water with a noticeable magical aura.

"Please, take this as a sample to ensure that it meets with your own quality standards." Ambrose offered, handing the teacup to Riser.

Sona watched in complete astonishment as Riser Phenex reverently took the teacup, inspecting it for a moment before passing it to his sister who immediately sealed the cup up with magic and stored it away.

"I want that kettle." Riser stated after a moment.

"I'm afraid it's not for sale." Ambrose humbly replied, though the smile he wore throughout the negotiation was now completely absent. "I require it for far too many potions; however, I will be willing to sell you..."

"I Want That Kettle." Riser angrily demanded, "If you want me to give up my engagement then you'll give me Saffron-sama and that kettle."

"The kettle is not for sale." Ambrose unrelentingly repeated, "You can buy the water off of me, but the kettle too valuable to sell for what Rias is offering. You'll still get Saffron back, and you'd get all the jusendo water you'd need for a reasonable price. I'd wager all that is worth the price of an ungrateful fiance who doesn't love you."

"Hmm." Riser grunted in frustration before crossing his arm before asking. "You'd wager, huh? Are you a gambler?"

"I have been known to take a chance, from time to time." Ambrose dismissively replied, "Provided the stakes were right. However, in order for me to bet this kettle on a game of chance you would have to risk something of your own."

"Something like…" Riser trailed off, urging Ambrose to continue.

"The recipe for Phenex Tear Elixir." Ambrose suggested with a smile.

Riser immediately drew back in shock as he snarled, "You Dare!"

"Of course I dare." Ambrose interrupted, his smile still present. "My best selling potions require this kettle, if I'm going to risk my livelihood then the reward must be worth it."

Sona watched as Riser physically withdrew from the negotiation. He sat back in his seat and folded his arms around his chest, as if he realized he had reached an impasse and there was nothing additional he could bargain with.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter." Ambrose regretfully said, effectively reading Riser's body language. "I thought you said that you were someone who could negotiate for your Clan for the duration of this meeting but there's no need to worry. I can still trade you Saffron and sell you as much jusendo water as you want in exchange for agreeing to end your engagement."

"That's bait." Sona thought to herself.

"No, I can negotiate for my family." Riser arrogantly declared, "I'll wager the recipe for Phenex Tear Elixir if you're willing to put up the Kettle of Plenty."

"And he just swallowed the bait whole." Sona astonishingly thought.

"Mmm, what kind of game did you have in mind?" Ambrose curiously asked, though everyone present already knew there was only one game Riser would find acceptable.

"A rating game, of course." Riser confidently replied. "That was the original agreement before you took on this contract with my lovely Rias."

"I suppose you got me there." Ambrose admitted with a frown.

"You have ten days to prepare yourself." Riser boasted and then turned to Rias, "Ten days before I not only take you as my bride but completely restore my clan as well."

"Before we end this meeting there is one additional thing I'd like to add." Ambrose spoke up. "I'd like to ask Ms. Grayfia to continue to be our mediator and to take custody of our individual wagers until the end of our rating game. I will give her Saffron and the Kettle and you, Riser, can give her the recipe for Phenex Tear Elixir."

"I accept your terms." Riser said as he joined his peerage, "And I'm looking forward to our match. Expect no mercy." he said before he and his peerage disappeared a bright flame.

The entire group seemed stunned at what just happened, Rias especially seemed flabbergasted.

"He almost got Rias out of her engagement by negotiation." Sona astonishingly realized, "And now he has a chance to become the second creator and distributor for the Phenex Tear Elixir!"

"Well, it appears that we're going to have a rating game after all." Ambrose said in disappointment, "And I had hoped we could have wrapped this up by the end of the day. Ms Grayfia, would you mind taking custody of these two items?"

"Of course." Grayfia replied, before she inquired. "Is this really the remains of Saffron Phenex?"

"Indeed it is." Ambrose commented with a bit of pride in his voice.

"And… I gather you were the one who defeated him?" Grayfia continued to inquire.

"Yeah, it was about five or six years ago." Ambrose recalled. "Both he and the Dragon Prince Herb wanted the kettle for themselves and we got into a three way fight over it. I came out the victor."

"You realize you can't defeat Riser using the same method as you did with Saffron." Sona reminded her fiance, unwilling to actually name the [Master Key]. "This is a rating game, a contest between devils. While holy magic isn't expressly forbidden, I don't believe any rules exist stating you can use it."

"It's true then?" Grayfia asked Ambrose, almost in disbelief. "You can use holy magic?"

"Yes, it's true. Though I wasn't planning on using it anyways." Ambrose admitted with a frown.

"That would be in everyone's best interest." Grayfia absently replied. "While this is not an official rating game, nor is there any specific rule forbidding you from using holy magic, we ask that you refrain from doing so until the Maōs rule on whether or not holy magic will be allowed in future rating games."

"But you can still win, right?" Rias desperately asked, "You can defeat him?"

"I'm not saying it'll be an easy fight, but I think I can beat him without holy magic." Ambrose replied to Rias. "The trick will be ensuring that your peerage can take out as many of his servants as possible."

"You may use the mountain retreat as a training ground in order to prepare for your rating game, Milady." Grayfia offered. "I believe it has everything you'll need."

"Thank you, Grayfia." Rias gratefully replied before turning back to Ambrose. "You will, of course, be joining us."

"I'm afraid I can't." Ambrose replied, "I have to prepare for this month's batch of the cure for lycanthropy. I'll be far too busy to help you train."

"Am-chan, you promised you'd break Rias's engagement and they'll stand a better chance at winning if you helped train them ." Sona said, reminding her fiance of his obligation.

"Sona..." Ambrose replied, giving her a look that she couldn't decipher.

"You also have a three month supply of the cure for emergency situations." Sona said firmly, interrupting his protest.

"Yes, for emergencies." Ambrose insisted before relenting under Sona's scolding look. "Fine, but you're helping me pack."

"Don't worry, I will." Sona agreed while thinking to herself, "And if you behave I'll give you something to remember me by before you leave for nearly two weeks."

"There's always a catch to contracts." Ambrose muttered before turning to Rias. "I have an additional condition of my own. I want you to prepare my payment in advance and hand it to Ms. Grayfia. Since she's acting as the custodian of all the other wagers, one more shouldn't be a problem."

"You want me to hand it to her?" Rias asked in disbelief.

"Yes, your family will probably need some time in order to prepare." Ambrose explained, "This way you'll have ten additional days before I'll be taking it off your hands."

Rias appeared to be uncomfortable, though Sona didn't understand why. "Just what did you ask for, Am-chan?"

"Alright then, now that that's settled when do we leave?" Ambrose asked the group, wanting to move things along.

"Tomorrow morning, at 8 am." Rias replied, before turning to the ex-nun. "Asia, I know it's a lot to ask but do you think you could come with us? While you won't be a part of the rating game, your ability to heal us while we train would be invaluable."

"Of course." The nun unhesitatingly replied, "Issei will need me to support him, and in turn I'll help support all of you."

"Excellent." Rias said with a hopeful smile as she addressed the entire room. "We'll begin our training tomorrow."

Sona and Ambrose teleported to his home immediately after their meeting with Rias. Though Sona was extremely pleased with how everything turned out, she could tell that something was troubling her fiance.

As soon as they arrived Ambrose turned to her and directly asked, "Why did you insist that I go on this training trip?"

"He's the one who set the conditions to his contract with Rias, why was he being so stubborn about going on this training trip?" She bewilderingly thought, wondering why he was kicking up such a fuss over this. "Like I told you, it will improve your chances to actually win the rating game."

"And what's going to happen to you while I'm gone?" Ambrose asked to Sona's confusion.

"What do you mean? I'll be here in Kuoh." Sona replied, not understanding why he was so upset.

"Yes, you'll be here in Kuoh while Rias, her entire peerage, and I will be who knows where." Ambrose retorted, "You'll be all alone while Kokabiel is still out there. We don't know exactly when he's coming."

Sona paled dramatically. "I forgot about Kokabiel."

"Yes, I figured that out when you insisted that I leave your side." Ambrose tiredly replied. "I couldn't exactly bring it up in front of the others."

Sona's mind whirled at the implications, while she wanted to help her friend become free of her engagement she definitely didn't want to risk being alone in Kuoh. One thing they knew for certain was that Kokabiel was coming to kill either her or Rias in order anger the Maōs and restart the war between the three factions.

"But if Kokabiel's entire purpose is to kill either Rias or I, then there's no point in him attacking so long as neither of us are in Kuoh." Sona suddenly realized as a plan began to form. "I'll go to the Underworld."

"What?" Ambrose questioned.

"I'll take my peerage to the Underworld." Sona repeated, happy to have found a solution. "Rias isn't the only one who's peerage could use some additional training. In fact, I could take your Procreation Enhancers with me and give them to Onee-sama while I'm there. That way neither peerage will be in Kuoh so there won't be anyone for Kokabiel to attack."

"That could work." Ambrose thought while scratching his chin.

"There is one thing I've been wondering, what exactly is Rias paying you for this job?" Sona inquired, genuinely curious as to what made her friend hesitate after seeking Ambrose's help for weeks.

Her fiance turned to her with a smile that was both extremely excited and amused. "Do you remember when you, Onee-san, and I were discussing possible sites for a future sanctuary in the Underworld?"

"You didn't." Sona astonishingly replied in disbelief.

"The entire Seere Valley, including the Great Seere Lake. A lovely piece of property that unites five ley lines and is nestled between Dragon Mountain and Mount Ose." Ambrose dramatically exclaimed with his arms wide.

"Oh My Maō!" Sona shouted in excitement as she rushed to embrace him. "That's a huge piece of property, it has to be at least 7 times the size of Oasis."

"Well, devils seem to like things big, so if I'm going to make a sanctuary for them it has to be big as well." Ambrose joked, "We'll have to go back and forth in time a few times in order to fully test it out, but at the very least I can ward it off completely from intruders in order to protect it for what lies ahead. We've got a lot more work ahead for us."

"I can't believe she agreed to that." Sona incredulously replied, "You realize that with that much land you could legally claim be a Lord, albeit a minor one. In fact, I've never even heard of a devil to entrust so much land to a non-devil before."

"Well, we haven't gotten it yet. I still have to defeat another immortal fire bird while you're off training in the Underworld." Ambrose sadly said with a frown.

"Two immortal fire birds." Sona corrected, "Riser's bishop is his little sister, Ravel; she's a Phenex too."

"Wonderful." Ambrose sarcastically commented. "It seems we both seem to have our individual tasks. I don't like being separated from you."

"Oh? Are you going to miss me?" Sona coquettishly asked with a smile.

"We've been inseparable for over a year now." Ambrose reminded her with a smile of his own. "Of course I'll miss you."

"Then let's head upstairs and I'll give you something to remember me by."

Grayfia stoically walked through the halls of the castle that belonged to husband and [King], Maō Lucifer, as she reflected on all that had transpired. She knew before leaving for Earth that preparing Rias for her engagement would be a difficult assignment, but nothing could have prepared her for what awaited her. Whatever she expected, seeing her lost son who she once believed was dead had truly left her feeling overwhelmed.

Both her and Sirzechs had been warned; Lady Sona's peerage had told them about the alchemist and how he looked like Sirzechs. But at the time, Grayfia refused to believe it; her heart feared being ripped apart once more when it would be inevitably proven that this alchemist was not Millicas.

But then, she saw him. She didn't care that she was covered in muck, nor did she care how he was still alive. She only cared that he was still alive, as she kept repeating the phrase over and over in her mind since she first laid eyes him.

"He's alive. My son is alive."

Every motherly instinct of hers screamed for her to rush to her son, to hold him close and never let him go. However, he quickly disappeared and she was suddenly left in the sorrowful wake of his absence once more.

Afterwards, she insistently questioned Rias for every detail she knew, every thing that had happened since her son arrived in Kuoh. What she learned was shocking to say the least; he distrusted Rias and most likely Sirzechs by proxy. She also knew that not only would her husband and the Gremory Clan require more proof, but her son would need to be convinced of his lineage as well. Until then, she vowed to silently support her son from the shadows until she could fully embrace him once more.

It was an agonizing wait until she could see him again. The hours dragged by, and despite the fact that the imminent meeting between her son and Rias would not be a pleasant one, she desperately wanted to see him again.

When he arrived at Rias's little club, she couldn't help but drink his appearance in; marveling at how he had grown into such a fine young man. A feeling began to creep in her chest, one that she never thought she would feel again; the pride of a mother. Her son was remarkable and seemed quite accomplished despite his youth. Grayfia was especially proud that he had a hand in discovering the coup attempt against his own father, despite not knowing that he and Sirzechs were actually related. She even found herself silently supporting his rightful indignation against Rias's selfish actions. Most alarmingly of all, it appeared he was aware of Sirzechs' attempts to observe him, though he was wrong about the reason behind his father's motive for doing so.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't trust us. I will reunite my family and won't allow anything to tear it apart again." Grayfia vowed to herself as she entered her husband's private office.

"Welcome back, my dear." Sirzechs replied with a smile as he sat behind his desk and a mountain of papers. "How did everything go with Rias-chan?"

"I doubt he's actually done a single bit of work since I left." Grayfia frowned in thought as she considered her husband's work habits. "Lady Rias has accepted Riser's challenge to a rating game."

"I see." Sirzechs replied with a frown of his own. "I've done all I can to help her, though I doubt she has much of a chance to defeat Riser."

"Our son has agreed to help Lady Rias." Grayfia replied, breaking the ice for this difficult conversation.

Sirzechs stared silently at his wife for a moment in complete disbelief before he hesitatingly asked. "You're certain it's him?"

"I'm his mother, of course I'm certain." Grayfia firmly insisted. "I bathed him when he was a child, I know every inch of his body. I would find him in a sea of other faces."

"What's he like?" Sirzechs softly whispered with tears in his eyes, still in shock that it could be true.

"Strong, confident. He takes things very seriously." Grayfia proudly replied.

"Just like his mother." Sirzechs said with a smile that she then shared with him.

"He's also very suspicious of Rias and of you as well." Grayfia commented. "He knows you've been spying on him, though he believes it's in retaliation for threatening Rias."

"I don't know if I should be worried or proud right now." Sirzechs responded with a chuckle. "If he's suspicious of Rias, then why did he agree to help her?"

"He's charging her an exorbitant amount for the job." Grayfia replied before handing her husband the slip of paper with her son's handwriting.

"Oh dear the entire valley? Seems our son has a bit of cunning as well. Father won't be happy about losing the summer house." Sirzechs commented with amusement. "Though I think he might feel better when he finds out who exactly is extorting him."

"You plan to tell Lord Gremory?" Grayfia curiously asked.

"Not yet." Sirzechs replied with a smile. "We'll have to get definitive proof before he's registered back in the Clan. In the mean time, let's let father sweat."

Grayfia frowned at that, worried about how her son would react to reuniting with a family he's completely unaware of.

"Do you think he can help Rias?" Sirzechs inquired, incorrectly guessing why she was worried.

"He made a wager with Riser Phenex for the recipe for Phenex Tear Elixir in exchange for the remains of Saffron Phenex and a magical kettle." Grayfia answered her husband.

"Saffron Phenex? How did he…?"

"Apparently our son is the one who defeated him. I've been assigned as the custodian of the wages until the completion of the rating game. Currently I have custody of Saffron's egg which is completely encased in everlasting ice." Grayfia proudly replied. "It seems he's picked up my family's magic as well."

"Well, this rating game appears to have gotten more interesting." Sirzechs replied while wiping a few tears from his eyes.

"Indeed. Now, I have to inform Lord Gremory what his daughter is giving up in exchange for dissolving the engagement he's been looking forward to." Grayfia replied, dreading that burden. "Though if I tell him within the hour Lord Gremory will have time to vent his anger on Rias."

"If you'll excuse me" She said, before giving her husband a bow and made her way out the room.

"Grayfia." Sirzechs called out before she made it to the door. "Our son, do you think he'll forgive us once he learns what we did?"

Grayfia turned towards her husband, the only answer she could give him were the tears that began to spill down her cheeks.
