The Eagle

The Fox waited for the Eagle finishing her lunch.

Later she stood in front of the Eagle and remembered the words that the snake had told her.

(If you entertain the thought of fear, you will allow it to consume you and enslave your mind slowly. You give power to an external force; something or someone will have control of a side of your mind.

Only when you lose yourself to the things that you nonsensically fear. Only then will you notice that you have gained your freedom.)

The Fox inhaled and approached the Eagle and asked.

"I need to cross that battlefield. Would you kindly take me to that mountain?"

The Eagle smiled and said. "You are brilliant. I saw you waiting for the moment that I finished my meal. I will take you there."

The Fox looked in the distance and saw two men leaving their homes. She asked, "Are they, warriors?"

The Eagle responded. " A soldier becomes a warrior when they find a reason to love. Without love, there is no reason to honor that force and strength. Those two men both have a family, different reasons to become a warrior. The first man became a soldier to sustain his family, and eventually, this was the force that drove him to become a warrior. He sacrificed himself to protect and extend the life of those he loves.

The second man became a soldier because he loved his people and searched for the honor of protecting them. He sacrificed his family because he loved his people. Those are the keys to the force that drove them to become a warrior. "

The Fox responded by saying. Thank you.
