
Many months went by, and Naruto would be honest with herself and admit that she hadn't been keeping track of them. But then again, what was the point in that? The place she had come from didn't even exist yet, and it was shifting to accommodate the changes she had already made. Sakumo was still alive, and Kakashi was a hard ass, but he wasn't rule obsessed.

Speaking of Kakashi, his birthday was around the corner. He'd be turning six in one week, meaning Naruto would be hitting six in one month.

Naruto spent her time training and hanging with her loser squad, (a name some of her Academy peers had taken to calling the blonde and her three troublemaking friends). The blonde wasn't clumsy in her taijutsu anymore, and she had finally mastered Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rocks Jutsu, as well as basic chakra control. Naruto had also been practising with kage bunshin, as it had been one of her signature moves, but she was trying not to be so blatantly dependent on them. So far, she could make eight without collapsing.

Kakashi sometimes taught her a bit of kenjutsu, and Naruto had a surprising aptitude for the art. Sakumo had promised he would take the time to refine Naruto's talent for kenjutsu alongside Kakashi on his days off. Magnet Release was something Naruto was planning to perfect later. The natural cursed seal markings on a Magnet Release Rasengan would be useful in immobilizing some of the people the blonde would have to hunt down when she got older. She was planning on using the rasengan only when absolutely necessary, because from what she knew, her father hadn't even finished creating it yet.

Naruto played around with her sage arm a bit throughout the months as well, and found that its chakra had the same healing abilities as her Six Paths Sage Mode.

The blonde had even had time to 'spar' with her three friends, subtly teaching them and correcting their mistakes. Obito (who could finally make a fireball), Anko (who'd discovered a love for sharp things), and Guy (who was monstrously strong) all knew the basic chakra control exercises when their peers were still learning how to throw a bullseye with shuriken and punch someone without breaking their own hand.

It was really something to watch someone who thought it was funny to bully others get their butt kicked by someone from the "loser squad". And they never got in trouble for it, because the class had mandatory sparring sessions every Monday and Friday. (Well, accept for Anko, she loved picking fights...)

Somewhere along the line, Anko, Guy, and Obito began spending more and more time in the Hatake compound, so much so their sleepovers turned into them practically living there.

Guy had taken it upon himself to officially declare Kakashi his rival, which was seconded by Obito, but he wasn't such a dork that he actually said Kakashi was his rival.

Naruto knew Guy was training with Duy in the art of the Eight Gates, and his taijutsu was showing his hard work. The Academy kids had begun calling him 'beast' behind his back, much to the blonde's amusement.

'Just wait until his days as Konoha's Sublime Green Beast come around.' She thought, blue eyes snapping open as she roused from the deep pool of meditation she'd sunk into.

The blonde looked out over the koi pond of the Hatake compound, the evening wind tousling her hair and blowing away a few scattered cherry blossom petals that had drifted atop the golden strands.

The sun was making a slow trek across the horizon, its reaching arms spilling across Konoha in an a assemble of pink, gold, and orange rays.

Naruto stretched, masked mouth opening wide in a deep yawn.

The blonde slid off her perch atop the large rock that bordered the koi pond, snickering at the sight of Anko, Guy, and Obito lying passed out, snuggled together after a long Saturday of training and bickering.

Naruto's blue eyes softened at the sight of the three people that had become her best friends. Whether they knew it or not, they helped keep Naruto's heart from falling into the dark hole of her memories and breaking.

She gathered chakra to create a pair of large chakra arms that could carry all three of her friends, so that she could take them to her room to sleep more comfortably, (because they were spending the night again).

Though, the blonde instead had a single chakra arm burst from her side and bat away the volley of shuriken that had been launched at her back.

The golden appendage retreated back into her coils as she dropped into a crouch, swiping up the wooden tanto lying haphazardly at her feet from her earlier training.

Naruto placed her bandaged hand on the ground, and used it as leverage as she swept her legs around in a complicated motion that brought her facing her attacker. The blonde held the tanto in a reverse grip, shooting to her feet while lashing out with the practice weapon. The person attacking her held an identical weapon in an identical grip, and their blade locked against hers with a muted clank.

"You seem pretty cocky." They said. "You think you can fight with kenjutsu when you barely started training with it three months ago?"

Naruto rolled her eyes. "Whatever 'Kashi. We both know if I don't use it I won't get any better."


"Besides," Naruto grinned behind her mask. "You're obviously lookin' for a fight right now."

Kakashi's gray eyes twinkled, telling the blonde that he was smirking.

"You're right." Kakashi shrugged.

Naruto's grin turned wicked.

"Bring it Hatake."

Both kids lept back, and darted back in, slashing, parrying, and negating strikes with muted clanks as they danced around one another. Kakashi was quite obviously more skilled in kenjutsu due to more experience, but Naruto was fast, so she kept up with him well enough.

Suddenly, Naruto gasped as Kakashi's hand lashed out, taking hold of her wrist and yanking her forward and from her balance. The little blonde grunted as the littlest Hatake buried his knee in her gut as he released her. Naruto used her loss of footing to fuel the momentum of her backflip, sandaled feet clipping Kakashi in the chin.

The masked boy stumbled as he was kicked, and Naruto righted herself.

Panting slightly, the kids dove back into their spar, moving as silver and golden gleams across the koi garden.

The sounds of their weapons meeting time and time again woke Guy, Anko, and Obito from their sleep. All three kids watched in awe as Kakashi and Naruto attempted to best each other.

"Kakashi is a Genin." Anko muttered. "How's Naru keeping up so well?"

"I can barely even see them..." Obito mumbled.

Guy shrugged. "They are both very skilled. I bet it's only a matter of time before Naruto-chan graduates early."

Both Anko and Obito turned to Guy so fast the green clad boy worried if they gave themselves whiplash.

"You really think she'll graduate early?" Obito whispered, black eyes wide in wonder.

"I heard Akira-sensei talking about it with another sensei after school. He said she'd be rookie of the year if she just stopped pulling so many pranks." Guy said.

Anko smiled sharply at that, hazel eyes finding Naruto once more, who was directing her chakra arms to sprout out of the ground to try and grab Kakashi, but he was evading them with a grace and speed that was almost criminal.

"Naru is pretty cool isn't she?" Anko said.

"Hm, yeah." Obito agreed. "If she does graduate early, I just hope she comes to visit us in the Academy. It'd be lame without her."

Guy smiled softly, surprising his friends when he said quietly, "It is most youthful when you two talk without trading blows."

Both Anko and Obito shared a wide eyed look.

Anko scowled. "I don't like that stupid look you're giving me."

"What!?" Obito immediately took offense, shooting to his feet. "I didn't even do anything!"

Anko was squaring off against him in a matter of seconds.

"You wanna go?" The Mitarashi demanded.

Guy rolled his eyes heavily.

"I should've just kept my big mouth shut." He mumbled, grinning wryly.

"Bring it she-hulk!"

The two began brawling just as Kakashi caught Naruto in a vicious headlock.

"Looks like I win again shorty."

"Chump luck." Naruto retorted.

Kakashi just scoffed, releasing the sunshine blonde.

"Alright you bunch of brats, dinner time!"

Naruto stiffened for a split second, recognizing the voice of her teenage father.

"Sensei!" Kakashi said, dark eyes widening slightly in surprise.

"It's the youthful Minato-san! Hello!" Guy yelled happily, ignoring his still brawling friends as he grinned and gave the blonde teen standing at the back door a thumbs up.

Naruto's friends had met Minato a while back when he tagged along with Kakashi as he picked the little blonde up from the Academy. Unsurprisingly, they all took an instant liking to the teenage Jonin.

"Minato-san, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked, making her way to the back door.

Minato shrugged, rubbing the back of his unruly head sheepishly.

"Ah, Sakumo-san invited me over for dinner today when I ran into him in the mission hall."

"Cool." Obito said, walking up to fall into step beside Naruto, as if he wasn't just trying to keep Anko from scratching his eyes out.

"Did you bring dessert?" Naruto asked, grinning beneath her mask.

Minato snorted in good humor. "Yes you glutton." He confirmed blandly. "I did in fact bring dessert. It's a strawberry cake from that really nice bakery near that one weapon shop."

"The Nasty Kunai?" Guy asked.

"That's the one." Minato nodded, smiling.

"Oooh, that place is hella awesome!" Anko exclaimed, running over and fixing the ponytail Obito had yanked out previously in their fight.

"Language!" Sakumo reprimanded, poking his silver head out of the back door, a spatula still in his hand, and pale yellow apron wrapped around his waist.

"Ah, sorry Sakumo." Anko mumbled, scuffing her sandal against the ground.

"It's okay Anko-chan. Just be more mindful okay?"

The purple haired girl nodded in affirmation.

Naruto looked at Sakumo's pale apron, snickering slightly at the little pug dog designs all over it and hot pink letters across it reading, 'Master of The Doghouse'.

"Cute apron." The blonde said.

"Why thank you sweety." Sakumo smiled.

Naruto immediately took note of the flush threatening to shoot past the rim of Kakashi's mask.

"Dad, what the heck are you wearing?" He hissed.


"What is that?" Kakashi said, the visible portion of his face now bright pink.

Sakumo looked down at his attire, and Naruto couldn't hold back her grin as Sakumo's dark eyes took on a devious gleam.

"What? Is it embarrassing you or something?" The oldest Hatake asked. "You're the one who gave it to me. On father's day last year, remember?"

Minato poorly smothered away a snicker behind his hand.

"Don't tell me you're embarrassed son?" Sakumo continued evilly. "If this is enough to ruffle your feathers, then I guess you really wouldn't want anyone to know that you still like to sit on my lap while you read scrolls..."

"DAD!" Kakashi screeched, face beet red.

Sakumo burst out laughing, ducking behind the back door to evade the shuriken hurled at his smirking face. Said hazardous weapon harmlessly lodged itself into the door frame where Sakumo's head had been as everyone present laughed at Kakashi's expense.

"K-Kakashi," Obito sniggered. "I can't believe you go on about being legally an adult and you still sit on your dad's lap!"

Anko was rolling around on the ground, kicking her legs up in glee. "Oh my gosh that's gold!" The Mitarashi howled.

"Shut up!" Kakashi spat.

"Awww don't be embarrassed Kashi." Naruto said, trying (and failing) to quiet her laughter. "I think it's cute."

Kakashi looked at Naruto.

"Both the apron and the lap sitting."

A sniggering Guy rushed over to hold up the blonde as her burst of laughter made her knees weak.

"Not so hip and cool now, eh Kakashi?"

"I can't stand you guys!" Kakashi huffed, storming into the house with flaming ears.

"Kakashi wait!" Minato guffawed. "We're sorry, right guys?"

Obito tried to answer, but he only managed to release more tears of laughter.

Kakashi slammed the door behind him. Naruto buried her face into Guy's mirthfully quaking shoulder as she tried to calm down.

'I swear these guys just make me love them more and more everyday...'

It was half past eleven at night, and everyone except for Minato, Naruto, and Sakumo were asleep.

Sakumo was in the living room, cleaning up the board games and snacks the kids had torn through after dinner.

Naruto was sitting once again on the rock bordering the Hatake koi pond, meditating while she could because she knew as soon as Sakumo was done cleaning up, he'd send her to bed.

She sensed Minato behind her before he even sat himself on her rock, his back so close it almost touched hers.


The blonde felt her heart squeeze at the gentle tone of her father. He had used the same kind tone when he last spoke to her at the end of the war.

"Happy birthday Naruto..."

Blue eyes blinked away a sudden welling of liquid.

"Hm?" Naruto hummed, because she was fighting off the lump rising in her throat.

"Can I ask you something kind of personal?"

Naruto's blonde brows furrowed in confusion.

'What could dad possibly want to ask me where he thought it necessary to warn me?'

'Why don't you say yes and find out?' Kurama grumbled, head lifting from its resting position in her mindscape.

"Uh, yeah I guess." The little blonde mumbled.

"Are you an Uzumaki?"

There was a long pause.

Naruto was careful about not reacting at all to that question.

'I need to tread very lightly right now.'

'Think logically. I am giving you exactly ten seconds to come up with an acceptable response.'

'Okay. Either Dad knows I'm from the future somehow, he recognizes my resemblance to Mom, he's generally curious because of valid information, or he's trying to make conversation.'

'You deserve to be slapped for that last one.' Kurama deadpanned. 'Repeatedly.'

'Why don't you go lick your tails in a corner or something?' Naruto thought spitefully.

'How dare you? I'm not a bloody cat!'

'I've decided I'll play ignorant.' Naruto thought, completely ignoring the fox. 'I've gotta remember Sakumo thinks I'm from another village, so whatever I say to Minato has to match up to my story of being a child soldier in Sakumo's head or else he'll start asking question I don't need.'

"I never really knew my parents." Naruto finally said, playing it off like she had been troubled by the question, instead of trying to come up with a plausible lie. "Maybe I am related to them. But, I can't tell you, and to be honest... I don't really want to think about it. I'm happy for what I have now."

She heard Minato shift around to face her, and he scooted across the rock so that they were sitting side by side.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds Naruto-chan." Minato apologized. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"No it's okay." The little blonde assured him, looking up at him from the corners of her eyes. "What made you ask me that anyways?"

Minato shrugged, scratching the back of his unruly spikes.

"It's just, I've always been kind of curious about your chakra arms. And I don't know any other clan then the Uzumaki who could manifest their chakra in such physical ways." He explained. "Though, they used chakra chains..."

'So he's just generally curious because of valid information.' Naruto thought. 'What a relief...'

"Hm, yeah." Naruto said easily, glancing down at the chipping bright orange nail polish on her fingernails, (the result of visiting Anko at the orphanage a week ago). "Jiji told me about the Uzumaki clan. They seem like they were super cool people."

'So vain.' Kurama snarked.

'Shut up. I'm awesome and you know it.'

The bijuu scoffed.

"They're something alright," Minato chuckled, cheeks flushing slightly as he got a reminiscent gleam in his eyes, no doubt thinking about a certain red head.

"Wait." With slightly wide eyes, Minato looked at Naruto. "'Jiji'?" He questioned.

"Oh," Naruto grinned at her father with absolutely no shame. "That's what I call old man Hokage."

Minato's eyes bugged out as he began choking on his own breath.

"Naruto-" He strangled out. "You can't talk about the Hokage like that! That... that's got to be some kind of blasphemy... and... He's not even old! He's in his prime!"

Unknowingly, Naruto relaxed completely for the first time around her father as she grinned impishly.

"He's Jiji. And m'not changin' it." The blonde said.

Minato was finally able to stop sputtering.

He looked at his fellow blonde, noting the happy tilt of her blue eyes. He couldn't help smiling in return.

"Naruto, you are something else." He said, shaking his head fondly.

The little blonde beamed.


Twenty minutes later, Naruto was tucked in her bed beside a quietly snoring Anko, and the two people still awake stood in the kitchen of the Hatake compound.

"So basically you think she's not interested in knowing her heritage." Sakumo said, sipping a cup of black coffee as he leaned against the kitchen sink.

Minato nodded, crossing his arms.

"I could see in her eyes that she loves whoever her parents are, but sadness too. So, they're probably dead."

Both Jounin winced at the thought.

After Sakumo had chased Naruto off to bed, Minato approached the oldest Hatake, asking if he knew where Naruto's origins came from.

Sakumo answered honestly and said that he did not, only admitting that Naruto was in his temporary custody until the Third could find her someplace to live permanently.

"Well, if Naruto isn't worrying about where she comes from, then I won't either." The blonde Jounin said.

"I think that's wise." Sakumo hummed, sipping at his steaming mug.

A comfortable silence went by, before the younger of the two Jounin began wondering about something.

"Have you thought about adopting her?" Minato asked.

Sakumo smiled over the rim of his puppy patterned mug. "Yes. Though, I've yet to take it to Hokage-sama. I've been so busy with the flood of B-ranked missions and bloody guard duty I just haven't said anything."

Minato snorted, sympathizing, for he too knew the horrors of border patrol.

"I'm sure Naruto would love to become a permanent member of your house." The blonde teen said.

"I should hope so." Sakumo chuckled. "She's such a little fireball that girl. She may think I don't trust her to take care of herself."

"Ha, I wouldn't put it past her." Minato said, shaking his head with a fond grin. "You think she'd try and give you one of those evil wedgies of hers for insulting her?"

Sakumo's eyes bulged as he choked on the sip of coffee he'd taken in, as well as a snort of laughter.

Minato smothered his laughter, taking mind of the sleeping children down the hall.

"Minato!" Sakumo choked in reprimand.

"Sorry sorry!" Minato said quickly, though, his amused expression told how sincere his apology was.

Sakumo set his coffee onto the counter, placing his hands on his hips sternly.

"Are you trying to kill me boy?" He asked, before he smirked. "I demand two hundred squats of apology."

It was Minato's turn to choke.

"Guy what the heck are you doing?" Obito grumbled, feeling his friend get up from the bed they shared. The little Uchiha absently shoved Kakashi's foot out of his mouth, and blearily peered at his green footie pajama clad friend.

Obito's mouth fell open.

Guy was quite obviously still asleep, but for some ungodly reason he was doing squats.

"What the hell!?"

Kakashi groaned, rolling onto his back and lifting his head in irritation.

"What are you babbling about you baka?"

The littlest Hatake scowled at the Uchiha lying on the opposite side of his bed, rolling his eyes as he turned to look at whatever the idiot was shakily pointing at.

"I swear you are such an idi-"

Kakashi's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh my god!"

At lunch time the next day, Anko and Naruto were howling with laughter, listening to Obito's horror stories involving sharing a bedroom with Guy.

Said green clad boy was pouting with slightly pink cheeks as Obito waved his hands about wildly, telling tall tales of Guy's late night shenanigans.

"Naru-chan." A kind voice called.

"Yeah?" Naruto responded, wiping a stray humorous tear from her left eye. Anko was leaning heavily against the blonde's shoulder, still shaking as her guffaws quieted down to a few stray giggles here and there.

Naruto looked up at the tall shadow suddenly looming over her and Anko.

"Saki-chan!" The blonde exclaimed happily, shooting up and sending her purple haired friend falling onto her side with a yelp.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, latching onto one of the tall man's legs.

Sakumo's eyes arched as he smiled, and he held up Naruto's beloved toad backpack.

"I'm picking you up early today." Sakumo said. "It's my day off and there's something we both have to do."

"Awww," Obito whined. "See ya Naruto."

Guy stopped pouting and accepted the fist bump his blonde friend offered him.

"Sorry about laughin' at you buddy." Naruto said. "Y'know we love you."

Naruto rolled her eyes fondly when Guy nodded in understanding, rivers of tears pouring out of his eyes. "I forgive you!"

"Dang it. I wanted you to help me put that toad we found this morning into Akira-sensei's lunch after we finished ripping on Guy!" Anko pouted, crossing her arms.

"Oh yeah!" Naruto said, pulling away from Sakumo's leg slightly to fish around in her baggy pants pocket. Her hand met something slightly cold and moist, and she pulled out the small, docile, muddy green toad she'd picked up walking through the park the same morning.

The slimy amphibian croaked as Naruto gently placed it into Anko's carefully cupped hands.

"Make sure to tell me Akira-sensei's reaction in great detail." The blonde winked.

Obito sniggered behind his hand. "Sensei's gonna be so mad..."

"How unyouthful." Guy said, but his teeth pinged as he grinned mischievously. "Perhaps in Sensei's anger, his face will invent a new shade of red again."

"I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear the last minute of conversation here." Sakumo said blandly.

"You're the best Sakumo!" Anko cheered, rushing forward to hug his other leg.

Obito and Guy hugged the silver haired man around the waist, snickering like the little hellions they were.

"You've gotta be the coolest old man in the world!" Obito yelled.

"I'm not old!" Sakumo choked.

"Alright alright." Naruto stepped in. "I'm sure Saki-chan came to get me for somethin' important, so I'll see you chumps later."

"You're a chump!" Anko grinned, blowing a raspberry as she pulled away from Sakumo.

"See you later Naruto-chan!" Guy said, flashing his teeth again as he gave her his trademark thumbs up.

Naruto flicked Obito's nose with a smile, dancing away before he could retaliate and running towards the Academy to get away.

"Come on Saki-chan or he'll catch up!" The blonde shrieked, laughing as Obito screamed bloody murder.

"I'm gonna get you later Naru!" The little Uchiha warned. "You better watch your back blondie!"

"Run Naru run!" Anko yelled after her, laughing.

Guy waved exuberantly as Sakumo ruffled the children's hair fondly. After showing the three kids a bit of affection, the oldest Hatake calmly took his leave.

Sakumo helped Naruto into her toad backpack, pulling her long locks out from behind it.

"Thanks!" The blonde chirped.

Sakumo smiled, taking her hand and pulling her along gently.

The two quietly made their way away from Naruto's school, until they reached the village market place, which was buzzing with business and cheerful vendors as usual. A few times the duo were stopped because some random chick either wanted to coo at Naruto and pinch her masked cheeks, flirt with Sakumo, or both.

Escaping from a plump woman that had Naruto's cheeks stinging, the blonde huffed, taking Sakumo's hand and pulling him away. Curiously, she realized that they hadn't made much conversation, so she decided that she would.

"So, where are we going Saki-chan?"

"We're going to pick up Kakashi's birthday present." Sakumo returned, his eyes gleaming with love and pride. "It's just around the corner you know. My boy is going to be six years old."

The silver haired man chuckled when Naruto beamed up at him behind her face mask.

"Of course I didn't forget!" She huffed.

"But you still haven't gotten him anything have you?"

Naruto pouted.

"No," She admitted. "I'm almost never alone, and I wanted whatever I get Kashi to be a surprise."

"Well I'm sure you'll find something nice for him where we're going. And I promise I won't tell anyone what you get him." Sakumo said, swooping the blonde up into his arms so that she could sit on his shoulders, grinning when the little blonde began giggling uncontrollably at the light feeling.

"You've got money to pay for a gift, don't you?" He asked.

Naruto slipped her fingers into the few soft stray strands hanging out of Sakumo's spiky ponytail, before she hummed in affirmation.

"Yup! I've been saving up the allowance Jiji gives me every week for two months!"

Sakumo winced slightly at Naruto's demeaning nickname for his kage, knowing no matter what he said, Naruto wasn't going to change it, and that for some unfathomable reason, the Third didn't demand she call him more respectfully.

"Two months?" Sakumo said, impressed. "Isn't that a little over the top? I don't think you need to get anything really expensive. I'm sure Kakashi would be pleased with whatever you decide to give him, even if he may act otherwise."

"I know that," Naruto said. "But I wanna give Kashi something that'll make him happy and it's really nice."

'Such a sweet little doll.' Sakumo inwardly gushed.

"Whatever you think is best Naruto." The silver haired man said, smiling.

"Oooh!" Naruto called after a minute of companionable silence. "It's that bakery Minato-san got cake from yesterday!"

"Which means we've reached our destination." Sakumo said, walking past the garishly pink building and to the beat up leaning wooden establishment next to it.

"The Nasty Kunai?" The blonde on his shoulder's asked.

"Mhm," Sakumo hummed. "Did I never tell you that my hobby is forging swords?"

"What!?" The blonde blurted. "No way did you tell me that! That's super cool!"

Sakumo laughed softly. "Yes, well, my own father was the one who forged the White Chakra Saber that I wear on missions. I created a replica a few months back, and I took it here because the blacksmith is a good friend of mine, and I knew he would be able to put the finishing touches on it to make it perfect."

Naruto looked around the place with wide blue eyes. Taking in the assortment of pointy things all over the place, hung up on every inch of the store's walls and polished to perfection.

"Whoa, Kashi will love a real tanto." Naruto breathed, eyes taking in all the sights.

"I sure hope so." The Hatake returned.

"Don't worry Saki-chan, there's no way he won't. But if for some stupid reason he doesn't, I'll set him straight."

"Thank you Naruto." He said, chuckling.

The little blonde simply told him not to mention it, and Sakumo pulled her from his shoulders, setting her on her feet, making her blush when he fussed over her a bit, straightening her clothes out and dusting off her little bum.

"Don't baby me like that." Naruto huffed, face scarlet.

Sakumo held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry sorry." He said, mouth tilting in obvious amusement.

"Hmph!" Naruto shook her head at the silver haired man, before she wandered off, looking around at all the goods.

The Nasty Kunai smelled like metal and weapons polish, and as the blonde walked around, her blue eyes slid over the many glass cases holding customized small weapons such as shuriken, kunai, and retractable blades. The little girl made her way over to a corner of the spacious store that mostly held armor, and her eyes widened at the perfect gift for Kakashi.

'Picking out presents is easier then I thought!' She grinned.

Up on the highest point and in the farthest corner of the wall, was a sword holster/sheath. It was made of fine brown leather, and when worn, it would criss cross over the user's chest in an X formation around to their back. It was also adjustable, so as long as the owner of it took care of it, they could have it and use it for years.

"Four thousand yen that one girlie."

Naruto looked up and beside her, at a bear of a man with waist long curls, a full scruffy beard, and miscellaneous stains all over his holely gray shirt.

"You work here?" Naruto asked, already in the process of pulling her frog coin pouch out of her track jacket pocket.

The man grinned, baring his fangs and adding to his bear-like appearance.

"Kid, I own this place."

"Cool." Naruto said, snapping open her coin purse and pulling out a wad of bills. As she placed the money into the man's big oil stained hands, a chakra arm was unfolding from her back, stretching out and taking hold of the leather sheath she had her eye on.

The bear man gawped at the money in his hand as the little blonde stuffed the holster into her toad backpack, and tucked away her still quite loaded purse.

"Keep the change." She said cooly, strolling off to meet back up with the eldest Hatake.

"Takahashi what's taking so long?" Sakumo called from up front. "I thought you said you had to show some broke kid to the door?"

On the same day, Sakumo had left a Kage Bunshin at the compound to watch over Kakashi and Naruto as they slept. It was nearly midnight, and the silver haired man knew Hiruzen would still be at the office.

So, he got clearance from the Hokage's secretary, exchanged pleasantries with his boss, and then proceeded to smoothly breach the subject of adopting Naruto.


"Sir?" Sakumo couldn't help but question, feeling confused and slightly hurt. Did Hiruzen not trust him with Naruto or something? Didn't he know that he cared for the girl almost as much as he did his own son?

"Now don't give me that look Sakumo," The Third chided, pulling his pipe away from his lips and blowing out a regal ring of smoke.

Sakumo quickly schooled his expression, wiping away all traces of disappointment his kage had picked up on.

"Let me ask you something Sakumo."

"Of course sir."

"What are Kakashi and Naruto doing at this very moment?"

Sakumo wasn't quick enough to mask his confusion, but he answered easily.

"They're sleeping sir."

With a slight chuckle, Hiruzen opened one of the many drawers behind his desk, pulling out a transparent violet orb.

The Third placed the sphere onto his desk, and channeled a bit of chakra into it in a practiced manner.

Sakumo's eyes bulged at the image that shimmered into focus across the orb. Naruto was sitting on her bedroom floor, one of her little feet held in his scowling son's hand, his other holding a small brush with glittering orange nail polish on the tip.

"Why am I doing this again?" Kakashi gritted.

"Because you know it'll make me happy, and plus you need help with water walking." Naruto said, examining her freshly painted fingernails. "Which we both know I'm better at."

Kakashi huffed, but still carefully applied the garish polish onto the neat nail of Naruto's big toe.

'Those little brats!' Sakumo thought. 'They pretended to go to sleep and everything! I am definitely going to give them a good talking to in the morning about how important bedtime is.'

"Now please tell me something Sakumo." Sarutobi said, taking a long drag from his pipe, before blowing out another easy plume of smoke.

"What does that look like to you?" His kage asked.

'Like they need a lack of dessert for a few weeks?'

"Hm, I'm not sure Hokage-sama." He said instead.

Sakumo's eyes bulged when his kage threw his head back and laughed.

After a minute of the White Fang gawking, Hiruzen finally calmed down, wiping away a humourous tear.

"Please, the boy is whipped Sakumo." The Third said, chuckling. "If you adopt Naruto, I'm sure it would make her future relationship with Kakashi somewhat strange..."

"E-excuse me?" Sakumo choked. 'Is he insinuating what I think he's insinuating?'

"He belongs to that girl." Hiruzen continued. "Just like that girl belongs to him. They just don't know it yet."

"Sir? What could possibly make you think that?"

"Just watch those two for a while Sakumo." The Third said wisely. "It will all make sense if you just watch."

Sakumo regarded his kage almost skeptically, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Hai, Hokage-sama."

Kakashi's birthday came and went.

Sakumo had thrown a party for him, inviting Minato, Anko, Guy, Obito, and even Duy along for the ride. Anko had given Kakashi a custom kunai that was longer than the usual ones, (that she admitted to taking from a kid she beat up, but hey, the guy was trying to bully her). Obito showed him the hand seals for the Fireball jutsu, not caring that he'd nearly given the Uchiha clan head an aneurysm as a result, Guy gave him a set of weights, Minato gave him a scroll on the Shunshin Jutsu, and Duy had given him weapon polish.

From that day forward, Kakashi wore his brown sheath over his shoulders with his new tanto strapped to his back whenever he left the house, even if he was just going to pick up some milk with his dad.

Naruto teased him about it every chance she got, ignoring how he blushed and argued that 'one could never be too prepared'.

In October, Naruto admitted that her own birthday was due the day before it would happen, much to her friends' annoyance.

Naruto had told them that she didn't want to celebrate her birthday, that she never really had, and (truthfully), that she'd forgotten it.

So, imagine her surprise on her birthday when Minato, Kakashi, and Sakumo all walked her to school, and she entered her classroom to have all of her classmates jump out at her at once shrieking "surprise!" and blowing confetti everywhere while they clapped.

"Sorry if it seems like this is all last minute," Obito said, shoving a slice of cake on a paper plate into Naruto's hands, (despite it being morning). "It's just that we were told about your birthday last minute."

Naruto didn't even bother to roll her eyes at the snarky Uchiha, because for some stupid reason, they were welling with tears.

'It's so weird when people care...' She thought, remembering a certain scarred Chunin that had waited for her to get home with a birthday cake in her kitchen so long ago.

Naruto looked up when she felt Sakumo's hand atop her head, and Minato's on her shoulder.

They both smiled at the little blonde encouragingly, pushing her towards her cheering peers.

Minato had gotten her a set of kunai, which was on a table in the far corner of the room full of last minute, yet heartfelt presents. Sakumo bought her a pair of dark orange goggles with a tinted green uni-lense, Obito brang a tank for the toad she'd found in a park pond awhile back, and Anko gave her a necklace with a shuriken shaped charm on the end. Duy couldn't make it, but he had dropped off a scroll of taijutsu katas for the blonde.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY YOUTHFUL PAL!" Guy exclaimed, dancing over to his wide eyed friend, placing a ring of decorative plastic flowers around her unruly blonde head.

"Happy birthday my main bitch." Anko smirked, yelping immediately afterwards when Akira-sensei sent a super powered stick of chalk into the center of her forehead.

"Language!" He screeched.

Sakumo and Minato shook their heads as the purple haired girl rubbed the blazing red spot across her forehead, and Obito began pointing and laughing at her.

"Shut up princess!" The Mitarashi spat. "It's not funny!"

Obito's face soured. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me princess you stupid she-man!?"


Naruto smiled, watching everyone around her interact with a soft misty eyed look.

'I seriously need to get in control of my emotions...' The blonde thought, 'I've never almost gave into the need to cry so much in the past...'

She startled, feeling something trail through her hair.

Naruto looked to her right, finding her fellow masked six year old standing beside her, but looking away with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

Naruto reached up with one hand, her bandaged hand still holding her cake.

She fingered the new hair clip she felt pinning back part of her unruly bangs.

"You don't have to wear it if you don't want to." Kakashi mumbled, still looking away. "It's just a silly little thing I saw after training yesterday and I thought... ugh. I just thought you might like it."

Naruto's lips twitched as she watched the silver haired boy struggle to admit he bought the hairclip for her because he knew she'd like it.

"What's it look like?" Naruto asked gently.

Kakashi looked at her with wide gray eyes, surprised that Naruto was not taking the opportunity to make fun of him.

"It's an emerald frog face with ruby eyes." He said, and then muttered, "They didn't have any toads..."

Naruto's eyes widened.

"Don't start going on about how much it probably cost alright?" Kakashi huffed, hands unknowingly drifting from his pockets to take hold of the leather sheath he wore around his shoulders and chest.

'Honestly...' Naruto thought fondly. 'This guy...'

Naruto set her cake aside on a desk nearby, and used her unbandaged hand to take hold of Kakashi's, ignoring how noticeably uncomfortable he was at her proximity.

"Does it make me look cute?" She asked teasingly, grinning behind her mask when Kakashi looked away quickly and glared.

He shrugged.

"I... I guess." He mumbled.

Naruto squeezed his hand gently, not noticing how brightly that action alone made him flush.

"Thanks Kashi."

"Yeah, whatever shorty."

"Well I'll be damned." Sakumo muttered.

"I second that." Minato said, watching alongside Sakumo as Kakashi made no move to pull away from Naruto as she took his hand.

"They're still so young though..." Sakumo said.

Minato shrugged. "Which one of them do you think will realize it first?"

"Two hundred on Naruto realizing it after Kakashi, but only when he gets fed up with her being oblivious to it." Sakumo muttered, chortling under his breath.

Minato grinned. "There's no way I'm betting against that. It's probably dead on."

Both Jounin laughed, watching Naruto pull Kakashi over to their friends.




'Happy Birthday Naruto.' They thought.

I know I know, I need to stop with the squat jokes but... I just had to! XD

So, the timeskip to when Naruto is eight is next chapter and the story will kick off even higher... yay! Oooh, and we'll get to see Pervy Sage and Kushina too.

Later gators.

Chapter 6 End.
