We're All Crazy

So far, so terrible. The fact that the snake blood on his pants had started to sting. Just slightly. As the swordsman had just about had it with life, because, pffft who needs it? Zoro was mad, hungry, and so tired that when he got the chance, he would sleep like the goddamn dead. But more than anything, he was distraught. He had just become friends (were they, maybe umm insert zoro panicking af) and he was ready to confess, and, and-

"Hold up!"

Zoro spun around so violently that the ground shook ever so slightly. "Franky!" From some trees from far away, he noticed some movement, then a tinge of neon blue hair. "Zoro?! Ey, glad we found you," the cyborg idiot said, running towards him, the tiny Chopper following behind. "Zoro oh thank god there were spiders and scary birds and a plant almost killed me-" He slurred, crying. They reached Zoro, out of breath. "You guys don't know how happy I am to see you guys." Zoro said, the weight on his shoulders decreasing slightly. Franky pulled his shades up, "What do you mean, what happened?" "Is everyone ok?!" Chopper asked, shaking Zoro's leg. Zoro sighed, "I'll tell you while we walk, we need to get back to the Sunny. And fast."

When Zoro finished telling the sad tale that was his reality, (ofc he left out all the lovey dovey feelings hahahahaha) Franky and Chopper went silent, taking in all that the duo missed. "Well Chopper, what do you think he's got?" Franky asked, eying the reindeer doctor intently. "I think the cause is the fruit you mentioned, Zoro, but the symptoms are a bit off..." The little Chopper murmured. "What do you mean 'off'?" Zoro asked. "If I'm correct about the type of plant he ate, it would've caused vomiting... you say he drank something?" Zoro nodded. At this time, the trio was close to the shore, so close, they could hear Luffy screaming his ass off. "Oh god, it's Luffy," Franky said, the three pirates starting to run towards the sound. They stumbled onto the shore, they had made it in record time, thanks to Franky having some sense of direction.

Ussop was on the shore with Robin and the childish captain. "Hey!" Chopper beckoned to Ussop. Zoro ran past everyone and scrammed onto the ship. He had to see if Sanji was okay. "Sanji..." He said, out of breath. He entered the room to find Nami sitting on a stool next to Sanji's bed. "Zoro! You found Chopper? Right? I tried-" "Could you please get Chopper, Nami. Please, just go get him..." Zoro cut off. She gave him a worried look, "Okay, Zoro." Zoro sat on the stool and saw Sanji. The blonde was paler that usual, and he had glossy eyes. "Hi, mosshead." Sanji said, his voice soft. "Hi. I found Chopper and Franky. He'll make you better." Sanji managed a smile, "That's nice." Zoro swallowed, "Sanji, listen..." Right when Zoro was about to profess his love... the goddamn crew hurried in.

I mean, can this guy get a break?
