Chapter 30: Taken the Wrong Way...

Team: Ice Cube & Team: Iance

They meet a familiar face. 

*Crunch* Bomby was eating a bag of chips from the pantry, looking outside at the wildlife. Ever since his team played their minigames, they have grown closer and less wary of each other. In fact, most of their team was out hunting for food right now. The only ones left in the house was himself and Donut, who had asked to stay behind due to lack of sleep. Bomby got out of his chair and stretched. He then walked out of the door and into the trees. As much as he enjoyed his team's company, he preferred to be alone and do solo activities rather than teamwork building. He was about to sit on a stump he found when he heard a twig snap. He stood up immediately, grabbing a stick with a broken and sharp end. He was met with Pencil, and Flower limping next to her. Pencil had not noticed him yet and was rather focused on something else. He ran towards them and slammed Pencil to the nearest tree. This caused Flower to become unbalanced and fall to the floor. He held Pencil to the tree and off the ground, pinning her to it and immobilizing her. He grabbed the broken stick and held it up to her face. he asked her,

"Why are you here? Didn't we let you go and tell you not to return?"

"Listen, we're missing some members, and we like, need to find them. Did you see Match and Snowball around?"

"No, and why- Ack!"

He let her go and held his leg. He looked at Flower, and saw a spear in her hand, covered in nitroglycerin. Angry, he took a deep breath and charged at Flower. Due to her condition, she couldn't move and was unable to dodge his tackle. The next thing she knew, he was on top of her and grabbing the spear. She held onto it with all the strength she had. If she was to let Bomby have the spear, he would immediately end her. She looked at Pencil, who was grabbing the area that would've been her neck and massaging it. 

"Pencil! Come help me!"

"Like, wait a minute! Bomby's grip was really strong..."

Pencil was touching her neck, trying to adjust to the large amount of air filling her lungs. She stopped to look at Flower's progress and could see that it was all she could do to just hold on to the spear. Pencil dashed over and leapt onto Bomby's back. This caused him to get distracted, and Flower managed to get hold of the spear and release his grip. Now she was resting for a slight second to regain her strength, leaving Pencil and Bomby to fight. She prepared her spear again and approached the two. Bomby was panicked, as Pencil had managed to light a stick-on fire and was trying to set him on fire. She steadily aimed her spear at Bomby and threw it. She closed her eyes after she heard a yell of pain. She opened them again, only to see a horrible sight. Instead of hitting Bomby, she had hit Pencil near her eye, and she fell to the floor with the stick disintegrating. Thankful for the miss, he quickly grabbed the spear out of Pencil and looked around. Flower had disappeared, but he could hear her in the distance. Sighing, he walked back the direction he came from and suddenly fell to the floor. He looked at his leg, with the nitroglycerin spilling out larger than before. He grabbed it with his left arm and searched around. He was too far away from any trees and couldn't exactly move. He heard a rustle and grabbed the spear. Fortunately, it was Spongy and Firey Jr, and they approached him with concern. 

"Oh gosh! Bomby, are you ok?"

"Uh, no? My leg is bleeding out."

"Don't worry! Spongy, carry him, ok?"

"I don't think-"

"Great! Now Bomby, just come over here..."

*Slam* Donut's eyes opened in alarm. He got out of his bed and ran down the stairs. He saw Spongy and Firey Jr helping a hurt Bomby and got the first aid kit out. He cleaned the liquid off and started wrapping it in bandages.

"So, any idea how this started?"

"Long story short, Pencil and Flower paid us a visit."

"What?! We need to track them down-"

"Don't worry Donut! We saw Pencil's body near Bomby, and I think we saw a fleeing Flower."

"Oh, well, I guess you got lucky this time huh Bomby?"

Donut finished wrapping his leg and told Bomby to sit for a while and give his leg a rest. After he had walked away and was about to climb the stairs when he saw Naily and Barf Bag enter the base, waving hi to him.

"Hey Donut! Unfortunately, we didn't get any food, but we did find some useful traps on the border of...."

Barf Bag continued talking, but Naily muted her out. She saw Bomby limping towards the couch and concerned, asked,

"Why is Bomby's leg wrapped up in...?"

"Oh, he got into a mishap with Pencil and Flower, but he managed to leave with only that."

"Oh, my SAP! Are you sure nothing else was injured?"

"Pretty sure, he looks fine besides his leg, and his next worst injury would be his scratched hands, which will heal with time."

"That's good, well, see you two later! All that hunting made me tired. Have a good afternoon!"

"See you Barf Bag! Come on Naily, I think Bomby would enjoy a friend to talk to."

