Ready for landing?

I looked at my watch and sighed. It was 11:00am and I'm right now in this aircraft flying to Dubai. It's almost been a year since I started working as an air stewardess and a lot has happened. Damn, time goes by fast. I thought as I was serving passengers. I looked at my watch again. 11:30am, 20 minutes till we reach. I started walking back to put the food cart back into where it came from when I stumbled across a few pretty female flight attendants taking photographs. "Sorry," I muttered. They didn't care and continued to take pictures. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be as pretty as them. Guess there's nothing I can do, right? Then I saw Alan walk in. Alan was my best friend, well, guy friend. "Hey," I said enthusiastically. "Hey," he replied. "Do I look pretty?" I asked. "YES! For the millionth time," he replied. "Well I don't believe that," I sighed. He looked at his watch for a moment and said "Well, at least it's almost time for us to land,". "Yeah,".


I watched as she got ready for landing. It's cute how she never realises that she's pretty. She's my best friend and I will never lie to her, she just doesn't know that she's pretty. I started to get ready for take off. "We will be reaching Dubai at 11:50pm. All passengers please be seated. Please put on your seat belts when the seat belt button is on. Thank you for flying Emirates. We hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we enjoyed serving you. We hope that you will fly with us again. Thank you." The pilot said. After a few minutes, we reached Dubai. I saw Elena saying goodbye to passengers. After everyone left, I went up to her. "So whatcha gonna do after this?" I asked as we were walking. "I dunno, take a shower and go to sleep? I'm exhausted" she replied. "You don't wanna hangout or something?" I asked. We always hangout after work. "Maybe. We'll see," she replied. "You always say that, yet, you still come," "That's only because you're my best friend," she said. "So... hangout at the cafe near the mall?" "Yeah, see you at 1:15am, is that okay?" I said. "If I get the urge to get out of bed," she replied. "See ya then," I said. Then we went separate ways. I started running to my car and drove home.
