Chapter #5.5=== war ===

Mega's Pov

Ok, it was a long day in invaded lands today... I can finally go home. Or first I will check the staff leader bored and see if anyone managed to get on it better then me finally. I'm so bored If not having an- WHAT SO THAT LITTLE FURRY FREAK GOT MORE STAFF POINTS HUH? HE IS GONNA PAY.

3rd person pov

As mega looked pissed at the staff points, Luke (Luke loves candy(admin)) came up to take his stuff from the locers and spotted mega raging at the board. Of Course after them was neon and other staff, but mega looked pissed.

"yo Mega you look pissed, I guess it wasn't that "impossible" as people say it is"

"shut up you idiot"

"oh come on~"

"I said go away already"

"ok then Megaaaaa"

As Luke gone away mega followed and needed to make a new plan to make it to the top, It was nice before but now it's war... 
