'Can you please return my calls?'

'I owe you an apology. At least let me explain.'

'Can we meet? I don't wanna do this over the phone.'


'Please. I'm begging you.'

'It's been two weeks, talk to me please.'

Jordan scrolled through the text messages with a sigh and a stomach tied up in knots. It had been thirteen days since he found out about Lydia's affair. He still couldn't dismiss the thought of Lydia cheating on her own husband with him. He started to rewind his memories to that day at the cemetery where he had seen her for the first time since Millie's funeral. Every encounter they had flashed in front of his eyes - was he the one giving off the wrong intentions? Did he unknowingly lure her in, was he to blame?

Jordan wasn't the type to start something without the consent of the other sex. He was certain he didn't force her into anything, that much was for sure. Lydia could never blame him for instigating this affair - if anything, he was the victim.

Frustratingly running a hand through his hair, Jordan shoved his phone back in his pocket after putting it on silent. Jordan looked at the empty spot by his side and came to a sudden stop. He turned around, noticing Noah a few paces behind. Jordan waited patiently until his little brother caught up with him.

"You okay, kiddo?" Jordan asked, taking Noah's backpack and slinging it over his own shoulder.

"I'm fine," the boy mumbled none too convincingly.

Jordan ran his fingers through the long blonde bangs. "Did something happen at school?"

Noah twisted the corner of his lips. "I got an F on a test. The second one this week."

Jordan looked down at his brother - affectionately rubbing the nape of his neck. Noah was a clever boy who rarely brought bad grades home. Jordan had no reason to be worried though, everyone fails a test every once in a while. It happens to the best students.

"Did you study?"

"Duh," he almost sounded offended. Of course he studied. Noah was one of the top students in his grade and he took great pride in that. "I had a hard time concentrating though," he admitted feebly.

Jordan's attention was drawn to this. "Everything okay back home?"

"Mhmm, yeah. Why?"

"No reason, just asking." Jordan cleared his throat, subtly questioning him further. "Are mom's friends still coming over?"


"Do you have a hard time concentrating when they're around?" Jordan had to ask because he had to know. If Noah's grades were dropping because of their mother's company, he'd have to do something about it.

"Not really," Noah shrugged. "They usually come when Jade and I are already in bed."

"So, you don't see them?"


"What about - what about that one friend, Adrien. You seem him often?"

Noah looked confused. "Who's Adrien?"

This made Jordan frown. "You don't remember Adrien?"

"No ..."

"That one guy who was searching for mom when she left for a few weeks. The one you met at school a couple of months ago. Tristan and I caught him hanging around the house a few times." You know the guy, he's your dad.

Noah racked his brain when suddenly the lightbulb above his head lit up. "Oh! Yeah, I forgot his name was Adrien. Uhm no, I haven't seen him in a long time. Sometimes I hear his voice downstairs when I'm already in bed. I mean I think it's his voice, I'm not sure. See, that's exactly what I mean, Jordan, it's like my brain turned into a sieve. I keep forgetting things."

"That sounds a lot like dementia," Jordan teased. "Do you still remember your own name? What day is it today?"

Noah backhanded his brother's stomach, not amused. "It's not funny. If I continue at this rate, they'll hold me back a year."

"It was just a test - "

"Two tests. In one week," he pointed out, emphasizing each word.

"Okay, two difficult tests. Don't beat yourself up about it too much," Jordan reassured him.

"I don't know what happened, I knew the answers to every question but I just couldn't remember. It's like I blacked out," Noah huffed, visibly disappointed in himself.

"There will be other tests, I'm sure you'll get your grades right back up again."

Noah craned his neck to look up at his brother. "Are you gonna tell mom?"

Jordan wrapped his arm around his shoulders, pulling him into his side. "Tell her what?"

The left corner of Noah's lips pulled up into a small smile. Jordan winked at him.


"Where's Jade?" Noah wondered out loud.

Jordan looked around his sister's classroom. He spotted Jade's friends in the corner, playing with the toy kitchen, pretending to cook some meals for their stuffed animals. His little sister was nowhere to be seen though.

"Hey Lauren," Jordan smiled as he crouched next to his Jade's best friend.

Lauren stopped feeding her plush panda bear and smiled shyly. "Hi."

"Have you seen Jade?"

"Uhm, I think she went outside."

"She didn't wanna play with you girls?" That didn't sound like his little sister.

"No." Lauren shook her head, lips slightly pouted. "And she was supposed to make food for our pets today."

"It was her turn," Sophie, Claire's little sister, joined the conversation. "She makes the best porridge. Ours doesn't taste as good as hers."

"Do you wanna taste it?" Lauren proposed. She picked up her empty bowl and spoon she had been using to feed her stuffed panda.

Jordan parted his lips when she lifted the spoon to his mouth. He pretended to nip at the food and made a face.

"It's not good, is it?" Sophie commented.

"Jade's is definitely better," Jordan agreed, playing along.

"My Tyrannosaurus Rex doesn't like it either," Sophie said, holding up her stuffed dinosaur. "His stomach hurts so I put a band aid on it. He looks a pit pale."

"I can tell." Jordan was momentarily impressed how perfectly she pronounced the difficult name.

He looked down when he felt a small hand tug at his sleeve. He found Lauren giving him a timid look coupled with a slight pout. "Can you ask Jade to play with us again, please?"

Jordan fondly rubbed the pad of his thumb down her cheek. "I'll try my best."

Noah walked up to his brother. "I found her, she's on the playground."

"Let's go get her," Jordan started saying, getting up from his crouched position.


He turned around and smiled politely. "Hey, Miss Liza."

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"... Sure," he spoke after a second, slightly alarmed by the cautious tone in her voice. He put his hand on top of his brother's head. "Noah, will you get your sister for me please?"

Noah looked between the teacher and Jordan, sensing how a 'conversation between adults' was going to take place, a conversation that wasn't meant for his ears. With an encouraging nod from his oldest brother, he reluctantly walked off to fetch his sister.

"Is everything alright?" was the first thing Jordan asked, swallowing hard in an attempt to push down the distress tightening his throat.

"I'm just a little worried about our Jade. I've noticed she hasn't been acting like herself lately."

He was alert now. "What do you mean?"

"She's been very quiet and doesn't actively participate in activities anymore. I'm used to her being very bubbly and talkative," she smiled wanly. "Have you noticed anything off?"

Jordan scratched the back of his head, apprehensive. "I know she hasn't been sleeping well. Is she ever tired during the day?"

"Sometimes," Miss Liza confirmed. "A few days ago, we watched a Disney movie, one of her favorites but she started falling asleep halfway through. She zones out often as well - it's like she's physically there but her thoughts are elsewhere."

"Did she ever mention something to you ..." Jordan trailed off. He knew the teacher was aware of their complicated family situation and the dysfunctions that came with it. Jade tended to run her mouth at times and Jordan worried about how much Miss Liza knew exactly.

"No, nothing," she said and Jordan almost let out a breath of relief. "She did once tell me something about a bad dream a few days ago."

Jordan's mouth felt dry. "What did she say?"

"About some monster with cold hands and how it counted her toes. She also talked about how Noah's bed is the only place the monster can't reach her but sometimes it would pick her up and put her back in her own bed. It didn't make a lot of sense, to be honest." Miss Liza wrung her hands, a worried expression sketched onto her face. "I don't want to alarm you or anything, I just wanted to make sure she's alright. I noticed she doesn't play much with her friends anymore. Yesterday she even asked me if she could stay inside during recess. That's not the Jade I'm used to."

"Thanks for expressing your concerns," Jordan forced a smile. "I've noticed a change in her behavior too. She told me about the nightmares but I thought it was just a phase she'd grow out of."

"It could be, kids are blessed with a very vivid imagination," she dispelled his fears. "I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about but it would put me at ease knowing you'll keep an eye out just as I will."

"Of course, I understand. Thanks." Jordan was grateful for her alertness. He hesitantly shifted his weight on his other foot. "Can I ask you something, Miss Liza?"

"Ask away."

"Have you ever spoken to my mother about this?"

"I'm not going to lie, I've approached her several times. She told me she didn't notice anything off about Jade." Miss Liza licked her lips, smiling nervously. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I've noticed your mother isn't the best person to address when it comes to this type of subject. That's why I wanted to speak to you today. I know you have your sister's best interest at heart and I know you'll do everything you can to improve her wellbeing."

"You can count on me, Miss Liza," Jordan shot her a strained smile.

Miss Liza returned the smile before excusing herself to attend to the other kids and their parents.

Jordan's smile abruptly dropped, the corners of his lips curled into a frown instead. He searched the classroom for his siblings. He instantly spotted them - Noah was helping Jade into her jacket, zipping up the zipper for her. Observing his baby sister, Jordan took note of the sullen look on her adorable face. The fact she allowed Noah to help her was very rare. Jade had entered that stage where she insisted to do anything by herself; the sight in front of him didn't match the adamant Jade he was used to.

"Hey, sweetheart," he greeted her, the same softness in his voice reflected in his eyes.

"Hey, Jordan," she replied with a small voice, tiredly leaning into his leg. She didn't leap into his arms or screamed his name at the top of her lungs - this didn't go unnoticed by Jordan.

He bent down to easily pick her up with one arm. Tucking some stray curls behind her ear, he studied her face closely. "Can I have a kiss?"

Jade tiredly started rubbing her eyes as she leaned into him, not even aiming for his pursed lips. She ended up kissing his chin instead before dropping her fists from her eyes and yawning. Her head rested on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.

Jordan started rubbing her back, the lines of worry on his forehead deepened.


Tristan slammed the dishtowel into the sink. His hands curled around the edge of the counter, shoulders tense and ears ringing. There was a pounding pain behind his eyes and if he could he would scratch his eyeballs out.

It was Friday, a busy day at the diner and usually the rush and customers' high demands didn't bother him. One of Tristan's qualities was that he worked better under pressure. Not today though.

He wanted to rip the apron off his chest and walk away. Where? He had no idea but he had to leave. Escape from the throbbing sensation in his head. Tristan felt nauseous all of a sudden and the sight and smell of food made his stomach convulse. He tried his best to keep it down.

"Tris?" A soft voice sounded in his ear.

He released his white knuckled grip from the sink and straightened his back. "Sorry. I'll get right back to work, Emmy."

"You okay? You don't look too good." She observed him, noting the color missing in his face and the tremor in his hands.

He sniffed hard, wiping away the salty sweat that collected on his upper lip. "I just need a minute."

"You should take a break. I'll cover for you."

A break actually sounded good to him at the moment. He shot her a stiff smile, briefly palming her shoulder as he walked past her to the back of the diner. He kicked the door open that led to a back alley behind the diner.

Tristan found a stack of empty crates and pushed them against the wall to sit down. The sunlight casted down on his face and for a moment it felt so soothing he could've fallen asleep on the spot. Blinking his eyes back open again, he reached into his pocket for a much-needed cigarette.

He didn't know how long he'd been lost in his thoughts but he knew he was on his fifth cigarette when he suddenly got company.

"There you are."

Tristan looked up to find his brother Ashton walking up to him. "Here I am," he commented dryly.

"Shouldn't you be inside? You know, working." Ashton came to a stop right in front of his brother. He lowered his gaze and noticed the multiple cigarette buds on the ground.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" Tristan fired back. He was about to take another drag from his cigarette when Ashton suddenly plucked it out of his fingers. "Hey."

"I think you've had enough," he said, bringing it to his own lips instead. "School's over, you dumbass. It's nearly six pm."

Tristan flicked his wrist to take a look at his watch. A quarter to six. He thought it was only four pm. How long had he been sitting outside? He'd lost track of time, yet Emmy still didn't come to fetch him.

Tristan squinted his eyes as he looked up at his brother from his spot on the crates. "What are you doing here?"

"Jordan asked me to bring some dinner for tonight. The kids are staying over this weekend. Noah wants spaghetti carbonara with shrimp. I'm in the mood for some curry chicken. Jordan said he'll eat whatever."

"And lemme guess, Jade's not hungry?"

"We'll just share with her, she'll have enough food to choose from." Ashton pensively eyed the burning end of his cigarette. "Miss Liza approached Jordan today when he picked Jade up. She said she was concerned about our sister."

Tristan perked up at that. "What did she say?"

"Just how she's been acting off lately." Ashton took a long drag, holding the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds until the familiar burn crawled up his chest. He released the nicotine and flicked his cigarette. "I know you've noticed too. What's up with those nightmares anyway? Did she watch a scary movie or something?"

"I don't know ..." Tristan trailed off as he thoughtfully ran his hand back and forth across his hair.

"Jordan said it's probably just a phase."

"Maybe." The truth was that Tristan suspected something more was going on. It could be a phase, that's still an option, the easiest one. Because phases always come to an end. Lack of sleep could affect a child's behavior, there's no denying in that - but what if there was more to it?

"When did those nightmares start again?" Ashton asked.

"A month ago, I think."

"Mhmm," Ashton hummed, finishing his cigarette and stubbing it out on the ground. "Maybe we should take her to see a child psychologist or something. That could help."

"Maybe," Tristan repeated in a monotonous voice. He dug the heels of his hands in his eyes, he couldn't think straight right now. Everything in his mind felt foggy and hazy and he wished he could slam his head into the wall, maybe then he'll get a grip on himself.

Ashton studied his brother for a long time, not saying anything. He had his suspicions about why his brother was struggling lately - the mood swings, the short fuse, the tremor in his hands, ... He recognized those tell-tale signs like no other.

"How much?"

Tristan dropped his hands from his face to look up at his brother. "What?"

"How much did you use before you decided to stop?"

His teeth clenched hard, radiating more pain to his head. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know exactly what I'm talking about," Ashton gritted out. "Jordan might be too busy with other things to notice but I see it. It's clear as day."

Tristan's eyes hardened with the accusation. "I didn't fucking use anything."

"Not anymore. I can tell." Ashton worked his mouth in frustration. "It's that Charlie girl, isn't it?"

Tristan felt the pulsing behind his eyes increase. The sound of her name made him dig his nails into the inside if his hands until the shape of half-moons were imbedded into his skin.

"She used you. Lured you in with her pretty smile and now she's got her claws into you." Ashton crouched down in front of his brother, challenging him to put his head up and make eye contact. "You're a fucking idiot, Tris."

Ashton didn't feel bad about it, he meant what he said. His brother deserved the hard truth, he needed to hear it in hopes of giving him a wake-up call. He had seen what addiction did to the people around him, how it messed them up. But they weren't the victims of their own abuse, it was the people close to them. Ashton loved Tristan with all his heart and only tough love would prove to be effective to stop him from going down the wrong path.

"You should have known better; do you wanna know why?" Ashton held his brother's gaze. "Cuz you have a mother with the exact same toxic characteristics."

"I didn't even use that much," Tristan weakly tried to fend for himself.

Ashton scoffed. "Yeah, but clearly it was enough to go through withdrawal - "

"Don't," he interrupted. "Don't call it that. It's just a migraine, okay?

"You keep telling yourself that," Ashton smiled in a patronizing way. His ankle briefly hurt as he stood back up. "Pull yourself together, Tris. I fucking mean it. If not for yourself, do it for us. We don't need a junkie for a brother."

The backdoor of the diner suddenly opened and Emmy's head popped out. She timidly smiled at the brothers. "Hey Tristan. Are you feeling better?"

Tristan cleared his throat, composing himself. "Yeah. Thanks Emmy."

"Good to hear." She bit her lip nervously. "Uhm, we kinda need you inside ... now. I mean i-if you're up for it - it's getting quite busy and - "

"I'll be right there," he promised with a tight-lipped smile.

She nodded, pleased with his answer before closing the door.

"She's cute," Ashton chuckled. "Anyway, I'll be waiting outside. Call me when the food is ready."

Tristan dusted himself up as he got on his feet. "Ash," he called him back.

Ashton turned around, continuing his walk backwards. He shot his brother a knowing smile. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Just get your fucking act together."

Ashton rounded the corner and nearly knocked into a woman. She apologized profusely even though he was the one not watching where he was going.


He looked up at her for the first time and his eyebrows knitted in confusion. The lady seemed familiar for some reason.

"Rita," she smiled.

"Oh, yeah," he spoke offhandedly still not sure where he was supposed to know her from.

"Your dad's girlfriend," she elaborated, humored at the puzzlement in his face.

"Oh ... oh," that's when it dawned on him. He might have seen her around the house once or twice if he could remember correctly. She seemed nice and older than what his dad would usually go for. But she deliberately dated his father which meant that she must've had a couple of screws loose. Ashton took it back - she was definitely Colby's type. That bastard had a thing for women that lacked common sense.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine," was his short answer, clearly not in the mood for small talk.

She noticed his walker brace. "Did you hurt your ankle? What happened?"

"Listen, Rita I gotta go -"

"I'm sorry about what happened to your dad," she suddenly started saying.

Ashton tensed up as he looked at her hand rubbing along his arm in sympathy.

Rita dropped her hand, oblivious to his discomfort. "He's doing better though. The nurse took his stitches out yesterday. He just needs to rest for now and get his strength back up."

"You - you've seen him?"

She shot him a strange look. "Of course. He's staying over at my place."

Ashton's chest felt heavy for some reason. "Oh."

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew."

He cleared his throat, putting his mask back on and did what he did best - lie through his teeth. "Yeah, I think he told me something about that. I just, I forgot I guess."

Rita smiled with compassion. "Colby told me you're staying at your brother's."

Ashton's chest tightened even more. His dad knew where he was. Of course he'd know, he had nowhere else to go. What's even worse is that Colby didn't tell Rita the full story of what happened. That it was his own brother who made his dad need stitches in the first place. But Rita didn't seem to give off the impression of knowing that detail. It made Ashton wonder how much she knew exactly.

"Listen, I know you and your dad don't have the best relationship. I've asked Colby to let you visit some time but he didn't seem to like the idea. If you wanna see him, I'll gladly give you my address. Come over whenever you like." Rita rummaged through her purse for a piece of paper. She scribbled down her address and handed it over to him. "Don't tell him I gave it to you," she whispered with a wink.

Ashton stared down at the crumbled note in his hand. Was this some kind of a trap? Was she trying to lure him to his dad?

"I have to go now," she announced, shouldering her purse. "Think about it," she smiled before walking off.

Ashton didn't know what to think. He knew one thing for sure though - his money was where his dad was.

"Who was that?" Tristan asked as he walked out of the diner with plastic bags in his hand.

Ashton startled and subtly shoved the piece of paper in his pocket. He grabbed the bags of food and nodded a goodbye at his brother. "See ya."


Noah plopped down on his bed, bouncing happily. "We're gonna stay with you this weekend? Really?"

Jordan smiled at his excitement. He tossed him an empty backpack. "Only bring your pajama's and underwear. I still have some of your clothes at the apartment." Jordan looked around the room. "Jade? Where did she go?"

"She's in the hallway," Noah said.

True to his words, that's where Jordan found his little sister. She was seated on the floor, playing with a puzzle on her own. She struggled to fit a puzzle piece in the wrong spot.

"Jade, what are you doing? C'mere, baby."

She looked up at him, her curls falling in her eyes. "Mhm?"

"Let's pack your bag. You have to tell me which toys you wanna take with you," he told her with a fond smile.

Her eyes trailed to her bedroom door. She seemed to think about it for a while but suddenly shook her head no.

"You don't want to?" Jordan closed the distance with a few steps. He crouched down in front of her and tipped her chin up. "What's wrong? You don't wanna spend the weekend with your brothers?"

She worried on her lip, not giving him a proper answer.

"You wanna stay here?" Jordan put his face closer to hers. "It's okay if you don't want to. I won't be mad, I promise."

"No ... I wanna go," she eventually mumbled.

"Then let's pack your bag." Jordan rose to his feet and reached out a hand for her to hold. "C'mon."

Jade hesitantly grabbed his hand, her tiny hand only managing to fully wrap around three of his fingers. She let him pull her up and took dreadful steps towards her bedroom. Jordan halted in the doorway when he noticed she abruptly stopped moving along.

His searching eyes found her face again. Jade's teary eyes took in her bedroom, her gaze lingering on her bed.

Jordan stroked the back of her soft hand. "What's wrong, baby girl?"

Noah looked up from stuffing his controller of his Xbox in the side pocket of his backpack. He watched his little sister and the familiar dread glistening in her eyes. He noticed that Jade tended to avoid their bedroom during most of the day. She would ask him to get her toys from their room to play in the hallway or downstairs. The only time he ever saw her in their room was during bedtime - and still, it was only because she had no say in the matter.

"She thinks the monsters are hiding in our room," Noah said. "Jade, I told you a million times before; there are no monsters in here."

Jordan still hadn't looked away from their baby sister. The way her little fingers subconsciously tightened around his and how she subtly hid behind him - it made him realize that these were no longer random nightmares. This was no longer a childish fear. No, this fear seemed to have her in its power and was deeply rooted in her skin.

"Look, Jade," Noah spoke as he crawled under bed. "Nothing here." He moved to their built-in closet and showed her the same thing. He then grabbed the curtains and pushed them back and forth to prove his point. "Nothing."

Jade swallowed dryly. Her eyes kept darting across the room, as if she still couldn't fully believe there were no monsters there. When Jordan carefully pulled her along this time, she luckily didn't protest as much.

Jordan opened her drawer with one hand, keeping his other securely clasped around hers. "Which one do you want? Mulan or Lilo?" He held up two of her favorite nightshirts.

Jade wasn't listening.

Jordan moved to the second drawer but frowned when he only found a few pairs of underwear. Where is the rest? He suddenly remembered a few weeks ago when Ashton had mentioned the same thing. "Jade?"

She still wasn't listening. Her focus solely on her bed.

Jordan briefly closed his eyes and sighed. He didn't like this, he didn't like any of this. "Jade," he sounded firm this time and it got her attention. "I see no monsters here - "

"That's cuz you can't see them," she interjected with a whisper. "Only I can."

Jordan grabbed her under her arms and sat her down on the chest of drawers. His hands found her small waist, making sure he had her full attention. "Where is it right now? Do you see it?"

"No." Her chin met her chest as she mumbled. "It only comes at night when I'm sleeping."

"Did Noah ever see this monster?"

"No," she pouted. "I try to wake him up but he always keeps sleeping and snoring."

Noah scoffed. "I do not snore."

"Yes, you do."

"I don't."

"Yes, you do - "

"Hey," Jordan interjected, putting a stop to their bickering. "What does the monster do when he's in your room?"

"He scares me."

Jordan picked up a hand to cup the side of her face, he tilted it slightly to make better eye contact. "How does he scare you, sweetheart? Does he hurt you?"

She shook her head no.

"What does he do?"

She wiggled her sock-clad feet and her pouty libs wobbled with unshed tears. "He touches my toes sometimes."

At first, Jordan thought he hadn't heard right. "Your toes? He touches your toes?"

"He counts them. I can hear it."

Noah snorted out a laugh. "I think she's talking about the tickle monster."

Jade's head snapped up to glare at him. "It's not the tickle monster!"

"I can't believe she's been having nightmares about a funny monster with big puffy mitts," he laughed.

"Noah," Jordan chastised, shutting the boy up. "What else does he do, Jade?"

"He touches my hair, too. And calls me pretty," her eyes started watering at the vivid memories.

"What's so scary about that?" Noah laughed. "Literally everyone calls you pretty and wants to touch your hair. Are you sure the monster isn't Tristan? I swear he's obsessed with you."

"It's not Tristan!" she cried, frustrated at the fact he kept making fun of her. "Tristan doesn't have cold hands," she added as an afterthought.

"Noah, leave her alone," Jordan warned.

"I'm just saying," he muttered, continuing to pack his bag. "Can I bring my basketball with me?"

"Sure," Jordan sighed.

"Cool," Noah grinned, storming out of the room.

"Jordan?" Jade called out to him in a small voice, on the verge of tears. "I'm not making this up. There's really a monster in my room. I swear. But no one believes me. Not even mommy."

"I believe you," he said, brushing a kiss on her forehead.

Her glistening eyes lit up. "Really?"

Jordan nodded. He still wasn't sure what to think of this so-called monster but one thing was for sure - something was causing his sister sleepless nights, using fear as a tool. He felt bad for brushing it off in the beginning, hoping it would pass. But here she was, a month later and those nightmares seemed to have latched onto her innocent mind like a parasite.

"What can I do to chase the monsters away?"

"I don't know," she shrugged. "You can talk to them. And tell them to stop cuz I don't like it anymore."

"I'll tell them you said that," he promised.

"Sometimes I sleep in Noah's bed even though he doesn't like it. And sometimes the monster can't get me there."

"You've been sleeping in Noah's bed this whole time?"

She nodded. "Only sometimes, when I'm not too tired to move. But Noah never wakes up though. One time, the monster lifted me out of his bed and put me back in my bed and Noah still didn't wake up."

That's exactly what Miss Liza had told him, too. Jordan had a hard time distinguishing fantasy from reality. What was real and what was just a figment of her imagination? He couldn't tell anymore.

"Jordan, can you ask Noah to let me sleep in his bed sometimes? Please? I'll try not to move and I won't steal his covers again."

Jordan affectionately ran his thumb across the apple of her cheek. "I'll have a talk with him. What else can I do?"

Jade's eyes traced the door. "The monster always enters through the door. I tried to lock it but it doesn't have a lock."

"What do you mean?" Jordan started to pull away to check the lock when she whimpered. "What's wrong?"

"Are you leaving me?"

Jordan was suddenly reminded of Tristan's words two weeks ago - 'She thought I was going to leave her,' he had said. Where did this thought come from?

"No, baby." He lifted her off the chest of drawers and carried her in his arms. He brushed a kiss on her temple. "Why would you think that?"

Instead of replying, Jade's arms wounded around his neck, face buried in his shirt.

Jordan rubbed her back, blaming her separation anxiety on the nightmares. He checked the door handle and frowned when he couldn't spot a lock. He remembered buying a new one after the break in happened. Tristan had told him he had installed it and given the key to Noah. But now it looked like someone had taken it out.

"Jordan?" Jade's voice sounded muffled as her lips were pressed against his collarbone. "Are there monsters in your room?"

"No monsters," he stated firmly.

"What if they follow me to your apartment?"

He cupped the back of her head, rubbing her scalp. "I won't allow them to get close to you."

"But what if - "

"Jade," he cut her off. He gently peeled her face from his shirt to look into her eyes. "I promise you, when I'm around no monsters will dare touch you again."

She deeply gazed into his hazel eyes, finding nothing but sincerity and honesty. "Promise?"

"I promise," he sealed it with a kiss on her button nose.

Fifteen minutes later, the kids' bags were packed and in the trunk. Jordan buckled Jade into her booster seat while Noah settled in the passenger's seat, glad he got shotgun for once.

The sound of screeching tires pulling to a stop got Jordan's attention. He eyed his mother's car pull up in the driveway. She slammed the door shut, rattling the entire car and charged at him.

"Here we go again," Jordan muttered under his breath. He winked at his little sister. "Be right back." He shut the door and met his mother halfway, hoping to stay out of earshot from the kids in the car.

"Where are you taking them?" Carla, straight to the point as usual.

"I'm keeping them for the weekend."

"No, you're not." Carla started for his car but didn't get far when Jordan blocked her. "Get outta my way."

"It's Friday, no school for the next two days. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal?" she scoffed at his nerve. "You don't take my kids away from me without my permission, Jordan."

"I don't take them away, Carla," Jordan rolled his eyes. "They're just staying over for a few days. I'll bring them back on Monday."

He started walking off but stopped when Carla grabbed his arm. "Get them out of the car. Right now."

Jordan grabbed her wrist, releasing her hold on him. "Did Miss Liza mention something to you about Jade?"

"What? Jordan don't try to change the subject, get out of my way - "

"She told me when I picked up Jade." Jordan crossed his arms, eyes hooded with intimidation. "You never told me Jade's behavior has changed at school, too."

"What behavior? She's just tired," Carla reasoned. "A kid yawns once during lunchtime and I as a parent should worry?"

"Don't try to sugarcoat it. It happened more than once and it happens outside of school, too."

Carla met his hard eyes, not backing up. "Okay. What do you want me to do about it?"

"Did Jade tell you about her nightmares?"

"What nightmares?" At this point, lying was second nature to Carla.

"She's not sleeping well cuz she says there's monsters in her room. Apparently, she's sleeping in Noah's bed because she's too scared to sleep on her own."

"Hm, never noticed."

Jordan watched his mother for a long time, searching for something that would bring some clarity to this whole situation. Because Jordan didn't know anymore, the dots were there but he couldn't connect them.

"Noah says he's having a hard time concentrating lately. And Jade's tired all the time. Are they going to bed on time?"

Carla drew in a deep breath as she impatiently rubbed a hand across her forehead.

"What about your friends? Are they bothering the kids?"

Carla shot him a sarcastic smile. "Need I remind you whose kids they are? They're mine, Jordan. I get that you care about them but there's a fucking line and you keep crossing it. I know how to take care of my babies; now move before I do something I'm gonna regret."

"They're staying with me," Jordan was adamant. "Noah's tired. Jade's tired; she keeps associating her room with nightmares. They need a change of scenery."

"My god, Jordan," Carla chuckled dryly. "You're such a control freak."

"They need rest," he continued, paying no mind to what she was saying. "People are starting to notice - Jade's teacher, her friends." Jordan didn't mention Noah's tests he failed this week.

"Whatever," she mumbled with an air of nonchalance. "Next time, I'll call the police. And give me back my house keys, I should've never given you a copy."

"Or you can just change the lock; you know, the same way you changed the one in their room."

Carla kept her poker face on. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Where's Jade's underwear? Half of it is missing."

"My clothes got mixed up with someone else's at the laundromat. They never returned it," she easily lied through her teeth.

"Huh," Jordan wasn't convinced. "What are you doing at the laundromat when 'Adrien' bought you a brand-new washing machine last month?"

"You know what, just fucking go already!" she snapped with a huff. Carla didn't give him a second look as she got inside the house, slamming the door shut.


"C'mon, Jade. Just one bite," Ashton pleaded, hand midair holding a spoonful of rice.

"I'm full," Jade whined.

"Please?" he added a pout in hopes of winning her heart over. "Pwetty please?"

Jade's eyes flickered between his puppy dog eyes and the spoon. She seemed to contemplate it and Ashton was hopeful until she suddenly slowly shook her head no.

Ashton let out a defeated sigh. "Alright fine." He ate the spoonful of rice himself and got up from the kitchen table. He was aware Jade followed his every move, gauging his reaction. He knew what she wanted to hear from him. "I'm not mad at you, munchkin. It's okay if you don't want to eat it now but promise you're gonna eat it for lunch tomorrow instead."

"I'll try," was her timid response.

Ashton was putting the leftover rice and chicken curry in separate containers to store in the fridge. "Do you want some fruit instead? We have strawberries," he tried.

"I want some hot cocoa."

"Chocolate milk?"

"Mommy makes it for me and Noah every night before we go to bed."

"Lucky you," he clicked his tongue. "Alrighty then. Promise me you're gonna drink it."

"I promise," she half-smiled. "Can I help?"

"You grab the milk from the fridge and I'll heat it up."

"You have to heat it up in a pan not in the microwave," she pointed out.

"Yes, chef," he spoke firmly making her giggle a little.

A few minutes and a hot cup of cocoa later, Jade's stomach felt full with the warm chocolate milk. She put the mug in the sink and let out a tiny burp.

Ashton's smile reached his eyes. "You're adorable. Was it good?"

"Mhm," she nodded, licking her lips. "Mommy's tastes a little different. But I like yours better."

Ashton touched his heart, moved, as he put the milk away. "I'm honored." He kicked the door of the fridge shut just as Jordan emerged from his bedroom, fully dressed.

"Evening class?"

"Yeah," Jordan nodded, running a hand over the back of Jade's head as he walked past her. "Did she eat anything?"

"Four bites or rice and a mug of hot cocoa." Ashton winked at his little sister as he put a cup of water in front of her. "But she promised to eat more tomorrow, right JJ?"

Jade nodded faintly, yawning.

Jordan grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, putting it in his bag. "Is Tristan still in the shower?"

"Mhm," Ashton hummed as he lifted his sister from her chair, carrying her to the sink to wash the milk mustache from her face. "I'm just waiting for him to get out so Jade can brush her teeth."

Ashton put her on the counter and went off to grab a clean towel. Jordan walked to his little sister who yawned adorably once again. Poor thing was exhausted and it wasn't even seven thirty yet.


"Yes, baby." Jordan caught the towel Ashton tossed him and gently started drying her face.

"Will you ask Noah if he wants to sleep with me again tonight?" she sounded like she was almost too scared to ask.

"You want him to sleep next to you until I come back from class?"

"No," she looked down at her damp hands in her lap. "I want him to stay with me until it's no longer dark outside."

"You mean till morning comes." Jordan grabbed her hands and dried them next. He could feel her tentative gaze on him and he looked up to lock eyes. "What is it, sweetheart?"

Her tongue nervously darted to the gap between her front teeth. "Is that okay with you? I promise I'll sleep next to you next time."

Jordan couldn't help but smile. This cute little human being thought she had hurt his feelings. Bless her. "I don't mind at all, babe. As long as it helps you sleep, it's definitely fine by me."

"Okay," she smiled weakly. "Will you ask Noah? I'm scared he'll say no if I ask him."

"Noah! Come here for a second!"

"What? Can it wait for a second, I'm almost finished with this level."

"Right now!" Jordan looked up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. Tristan walked out with a towel around his waist, leaving droplets of water in his wake. Jordan had thought his brother was getting better but today he seemed closed off. Maybe something happened at work.

"Bathroom's free," was all Tristan said before he disappeared into his own room.

Noah dragged his feet into the kitchen and grunted out an annoyed, "What do you want?"

"Hey, watch your tone," Jordan gave him a stern look. "Ashton, can you help Jade get ready for bed?"

Ashton, who had been engrossed with something on his phone, stopped biting the nail of his thumb and looked up. "Hm? Oh, yeah sure." He turned his phone off and left it on the kitchen table. He approached Jade still sitting on the counter with a grin and stopped to stand between her knees, his back facing her. "Hop on, JJ."

Jade couldn't help the small smile that pulled at the corners of her lips. She happily climbed on Ashton's back, letting out a little giggle when he buckled through his knees, pretending she was too heavy to carry around.

"Jordan," Noah whined. "Hurry up, you already made me quit this round, you're gonna make me lose again. "

Jordan made sure Ashton had taken Jade into the bathroom before he spoke up. "You never told me Jade has been sleeping in your bed lately."

"Not every night but it's still annoying though. Can you tell her to stop?"

"Does mom know?"

Noah nodded. "Yes and she told Jade a million times to sleep in her own bed but she doesn't listen."

Jordan huffed. He knew Carla was lying.

"I never notice anything until I wake up though," Noah commented. "She said one time a monster carried her out of my bed and put her back in hers. If you want my opinion, I think she's a little cuckoo," he twirled his finger in a circle near his temple.

"Noah, don't be mean."

"I'm not mean. I'm just saying, it's annoying. You guys baby her all the time even though she's not a baby anymore," he grumbled. "Just tell her monsters don't exist and that it's all in her head. I'm sure the nightmares will stop eventually."

"I'm sure they will but in the meantime, you'll have to have some patience with her," Jordan told him evenly. He ran his fingers through the boy's bangs, pushing them away from his eyes. "Do you mind if she sleeps next to you tonight?"

"Again?" He threw his head back and let out a long sigh. "Why?"

"Because apparently you have some secret magic powers we don't know about. Powers that chase the boogeyman away," Jordan teased. "You're like her personal dreamcatcher."

"Oh come on, Jordan," he groaned. "There is no boogeyman, I'm telling you she's just being a baby."

"Noah, she's still a kid. She's at that age where her imagination runs wild. I've seen all your brothers go through this phase. Jade's no different."

"But she talks in her sleep," was his weak excuse.

"No, she doesn't," Jordan chuckled softly.

"She kicks me," he tried instead.

"I'm sure you can take it. You're a tough boy."

Noah twisted his lips to the side, thinking about it.

"Listen, buddy." Jordan dropped both hands on his shoulders and bent down a little to reach the same eye level. "You're her big brother. And big brothers are supposed to look out for their younger siblings."

"I thought that was your job," he pointed out.

"And it's yours too." Jordan playfully flicked his head. "Remember when you were little and we watched Toy Story together? You used to put your toys in my room because you were scared they'd come to life when you were asleep."

"That never happened," Noah scoffed.

"It did."

"I was like two."

"You were seven."

"That's not the same thing," Noah pointed out.

"It kinda is," Jordan ruffled his hair. "Jade's just scared and having you near makes her feel safe."

"Fine, whatever," he finally gave in. "But only till she falls asleep. You can take over then."

Jordan shot him a grateful smile. "Thanks, kiddo."

"I think this one's ready for bed," Ashton announced as he carried Jade upside down over his shoulder. Her cheeks were dusted with pink as the blood rushed to her head. He flipped her back so she could say goodbye to their brother.

"Goodnight, baby," Jordan gave her a noisy kiss.

"When will you be back?" Noah asked.

"Around ten I think. Don't wait up for me though." Jordan grabbed Noah's face, kissing his cheek.

"Jordannn," he pulled a disgusted face, making a whole show of wiping his cheek with his sleeve. "I told you to stop kissing me, I'm not a kid anymore."

Jordan snorted. "You're my little brother, I'll kiss you whenever the hell I want."

"Kinky," Ashton wiggled his eyebrows.

"Do you wanna kiss, too?" Jordan took a challenging step closer and Ashton instantly jumped back.

"Don't even think about it," he warned, dead serious.

Jordan leaned towards Ashton and his eyes smiled with mischief when his brother once again flinched away. Jordan innocently picked up his jacket that had been draped over a chair behind Ashton. "Just grabbing this."

"Whatever. Stop looking at me, you perv." Ashton lifted Jade in front of him like a shield. "Protect me Jade. Protect me from this ugly monster. Save me."

Jade's tiny nose twitched. "Jordan's not a monster."

"Notice how she didn't say anything about the ugly part?" Ashton smirked at his oldest brother.

Jordan started pulling his shoes on. "Jade, tell him how I am the most handsome man you've ever seen."

She shot him her sweetest smile. "Jordan is the most handsome man in the whole wide world."

"Kiss ass," Ashton mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Jade had heard the bad word.

"What?" He feigned confusion.

Noah snorted.

"Don't worry, he's just jealous," Jordan winked at his baby sister. He opened the door. "Be good. Ashton make sure they don't stay up too late."

"Bye, Jordan," Jade waved.

"Bye, baby," he smiled his special smile he only reserved for her and closed the door.

Jordan started hurriedly making his way down to the parking lot. He threw a quick look at his watch. Seven thirty. He had an appointment with the family law attorney in thirty minutes. It was the second time and she was kind enough to not charge him this time either. He briefly felt bad for lying to his siblings but then he reminded himself that he was doing this for their own wellbeing. They'll thank him one day.


Noah joined his brothers half an hour later. He had pretended to go to sleep for Jade's sake. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep, she was exhausted. As soon as she didn't respond to his pokes, he slipped right out of bed. Noah had to admit that he nearly fell asleep as well but forced himself to stay up so he could play some more on the Xbox.

Two hours later, he was still playing against Ashton, trying to suppress every yawn. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet, how embarrassing is it to go to sleep so early on a Friday night? Noah told himself to fight it for a bit longer, at least until Jordan got back.

Tristan watched his younger brothers play, his eyes were on the television screen but his thoughts were elsewhere. He felt fidgety, on edge, on the brink of flipping over the coffee table for no reason. He regretted throwing away his punching bag a few months ago, he could use it right now to rid of the pent-up frustration.

Ashton would subtly glance his way every once in a while. Tristan noticed. He noticed everything, his senses were on high alert and he wished he could turn them off even for a minute. He was already irritable, a ticking bomb, every little noise and movement could set him off any second.

There was a loud knock on the door and Tristan's spine straightened. He froze for a few seconds.

"What's up with you?" Ashton eyed him weirdly. "Aren't you gonna answer the door, we're kinda busy here."

Tristan ran a hand down his face. Pull yourself together, he told himself. He got up from the couch, a hand slipping under his t-shirt to lazily scratch at his chest. He put his face close to the peephole just in case.

Tristan opened the door. "Hey, Mo."

The bald man smiled warmly. "I got a package for you."

"For me?"

"Tristan Moore, that's you right?" Mo held up the thick envelope to show the handwritten name scribbled down on the bottom. There was no mention of a sender, no stamp either. "I found it on the front steps when I did my usual check around the perimeter."

"You didn't see who put it there?"

"No, I can check the CCTV footage if you want," he offered.

"No, it's fine." Tristan accepted the envelope and noticed it was padded inside. "Thanks, Mo."

"No problem. Have a good night!"

"You, too." Tristan pushed the door close with his back, still suspiciously eying the envelope.

"What did Mo want?" Ashton asked once his brother joined them again in the living room.

"Just delivering a package," Tristan mumbled distractedly.

"What did you order?" Noah wanted to know.

Tristan didn't reply and decided to go to his room to safely open the envelope. He didn't want his brothers breathing down his neck. He wasn't going to take any chances.

He had to pass Jordan's room to get to his but he halted when he heard a soft whimper. Quietly pushing Jordan's door open, he spotted Jade trashing around in bed. Her breath hitched as soft crying sounds escaped between her lips.

Tristan entered the room and sat down on the side of the bed. He gently placed a hand on her cheek, soothingly stroking her skin. "Shh, baby. It's okay. It's okay," he whispered.

Jade's eyebrows knitted together as she made another whimpering sound.

Was she having a nightmare, Tristan wondered. Should he wake her up? Instead he carefully moved her around so she was lying on her side, her back exposed to him. He adjusted the blanket around her shoulders and started drawing random patterns on her back. He could practically feel her heart racing against the palm of his hand. He kept stroking her back and occasionally her hair until her breaths grew even again.

He leaned over to watch her face, relieved at the sight of her relaxed features. Tristan quietly got up and bent over to plant a lingering kiss on her forehead. He left the door ajar and made his way back into his own room.

The envelope had felt like a brick sitting in the pocket of his sweatpants. He took it and impatiently ripped it open. Digging his hand inside he first found a folded post-it note.

'I miss you', it said with a sad face drawn next to it.

At the bottom it was signed with the letter 'C.' followed by three x's and o's.

"What the -" Tristan could feel there was something else in the envelope. As soon as his eyes caught the tiny, transparent Ziploc bag with the familiar pills inside, he threw it across his room as if it had burned his skin.

The pulsating headache turned into painful stabs. His hands found their way into his hair, pulling at the strands until his scalp stung. A sudden wave of nausea washed over him. He doubled over, holding his stomach as he sweated profoundly.

He eyed the pills sitting on the floor, near his bed. Teasing him.

Tristan slid onto the ground, hitting the back of his head hard against the wall. "That fucking bitch!"

Something was crawling up his chest, scratching at his skin. He suddenly was hot, hyperventilating, sweating. His throat was closing up, almost as if she was the one strangling him. He knocked his fists against either side of his head, trying to push the image of her hideous face out of his mind.

"Tris?" Ashton's voice cut through his murky thoughts. "Dude, are you okay?"

Tristan's nostrils flared as he tried to keep his cool. He couldn't afford losing his temper right now. He needed to stay strong. Stay strong you idiot, he told himself repeatedly.

"What happened?" Ashton was still standing in the doorway, observing his brother worriedly.

Before Tristan could even form a coherent answer, a bloodcurdling scream chilled them right to the bone. Tristan's head snapped up, instantly meeting the same panic that flashed across Ashton's eyes. He sobered up in a second, already on his feet before he knew it, pushing Ashton out of the way.

"JADE!" they both yelled.

A/N: story's slowly building up, we're getting there ...

I tried not to include much of Carla and her posse in this chapter, cuz believe it or not I needed a break from them. What do you think happens next?

Please don't forget to press the tiny star below or leave a little comment. Thank you so much for being incredibly involved with this book, I love your interactions and the bond you guys have with the characters. I LOVE IT!
