Tag #1

1) gender
Female 😋

2) song that best describes me
Uhh.....King Of New York from Newsies? I'm the youngest child so I obviously think the world revolves around me soooo

3) fave book/series
Harry Potter and Percy Jackson always

4) celebrity crush
Ben cook forever and always

5) celebrity I look up to
Jonny Depp or Orlando Bloom or Chris Pratt

6) words that describe me best
Crazy, sassy, happy all the time

7) hair color
Golden Blonde

8) eye color
All colors of blue depending on what I'm wearing

9) favorite words
Cù (it means dog in Scottish Gaelic)

10) what people think of me
I'm the person that is nice to everyone and sometimes it sucks because they just put me with the people they don't like because they know I can't be mean for no reason

11) sexuality

12) first vine I ever watched
My sister and her friend made a vine of all the vines at my grandfathers house and it was just pictures of vines with them just saying "vine" over and over

13) tag people

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