trip to another dimension

"Don't look until I tell you that you can see." Tad announced. A demonic hand was wrapped around your eyes just in case. Suddenly you heard strange noises and the little light you can see flashing lights. You began to worry, oh what is he doing now, you moaned to yourself. "What are you -? " You hissed but was interruptured when he revealed the swirling vortex. "Oh thank you! I love this. Best plan ever! You really know me!!!!!!!" You screamed sarcastically waving your hands. "Don't worry it will be fun!" He offered. "Fun!??! I'm gonna die in there!" You replied doubtfully. "Oh please I'm coming with you Dum-Dum!"
He let out a dorkey laugh. " Oh come on we don't have all day!" He inhested. He took your hand and jumped plumbing into the big vortex. I hope this is a nice dimension like cute looking angels that had cool fighing wepons like bow and arrows and follow you around and call you Master. You laughed Tad was the opposite of easygoing , calm , grab a book and chat kind of guy. And the dimension was just the same, scary, deadly, run for your life kind.
"Are you sure nothing going to happen I mean look at this place it is a death trap!" You were right it was all held up with flames, demons crawled on the floors and walls of the rocky territory, lava dropped from the ceiling and ozzed from the mouths of these demon dogs, cats, werewolves? Ok you had to ament the demon creatures were kinda Kawaii." Ok you little box devil I have to give it to you, those demons are pretty cute!" You announced turning to what looked like a cat with rabies except it had acid drooling from its mouth instead of foam.
"Wanna pet it?" He turned to you trying to make you crack and say that this was a good idea. "Well, I would if this thing wasn't made of bones and fire!" You screamed again trying to remind him that you have to be careful this wasn't some kind of fun park this was another dimension! "It won't hurt you Dum-Dum! "He laughed sarcastically like he wasn't really sure. But he took your hand and put it towards the cat demon. Surprisingly it didn't hurt it actually purred. You laughed when you tried to walk away and it followed you. You decided to keep it while you and Tad began to go exploring. It was great once in there you ate these magic berries that you thought were poison,
"Hey Y/N! Come try these!" Tad yelled as he held up purple glowing berries. You turned around and reahed for one but stopped and hesitated, when your conscience reminded you this was a demonic place. "Ok I trusted you this far but are you sure they aren't poison? Imean they are glowing and they are bright purple and probably-." Tad interruptured you angerly." Why don't you ever believe me!? Just eat one!?! You can't allways be so scared to do things just try and have fun!?! Take chances!" He screamed. He really did crack you trusted him, well just enough to take a berry.
You placed it in your mouth and chewed it carefully, to your surprise it was unexpectedly sweet and tangy, didn't really taste much different than regular berries actually. From then you kinda had a feeling that something had to happen to you just didn't know when. Now following all that is when something unexpected #1 happened,
A glowing light shined in the distance caught your eye, "Hey tad I will right back I found something I'm gonna go see what it is." He smiled now she is taking chances. You crept closer making sure not to scare it, if it is a living thing. It began to drift away and you reached out to grab it but it ran away from your fingers. You began to chase it down until you were at the edge of a cliff you were so close the ground began to shake and you....fell when the ground broke.
You screamed out helplessly trying to scream as lound your lungs can take. "Tad! Tad! Help me!!!" In a long distance he heard your call and teleported to your rescue, but he was too late. Your body was miserably melting in the hot medal liquid. He took you out and placed your, what left of your carcass on what was left of the cliff. "No this is all my fault Y/N is dead and I don't know what to do." He looked around miserably and found more of the berries but they were dark red. He knew what happened if you were to eat them but just placed them in your mouth, you were going to wake up but at a cost. He floated though the vortex with you in his arms.
