Chapter 11 - Buzz, Wonder Woman, and Olivia Richards

"Okay, class, we're going to be running laps today." All the students groaned as Andrea smirked. She was definitely liking this. Ordering around her peers. She could surely get used to this.

Michael looked at his own body with a sigh since he disliked how unathletic Andrea's body was. The other day, he had tired himself out just by walking up the stairs in their house.

It was tragic.

"Well, if it makes things any better, I don't like P.E too." One of the guys frowned as he pointed something very obvious. "But you're a P.E teacher."

"Yeah, and desperate times call for desperate measures."

"But, didn't Ms. Garfield mention you being an exercising freak since college." Andrea smirked while Michael blushed since he didn't know Jessica would mention that to the students so easily.

"What can I say, Ms. Garfield saw the old me, the new me is old now, and I'm just going to have to live with what I have now." Since Andrea enjoyed the muscles she had now, she rolled up her half-sleeves just to flex her biceps.

The students awed as she nodded her head, while Michael slapped his forehead.

This was not how a teacher should behave, but who cared.

"Yeah, now if you want to have muscles like these, I recommend you guys start running right now." And with a whistle to bring the whole class to action, Andrea smirked when the students began to run those laps.

Michael, however stayed behind with a frown.

"You're unbelievable."

"Do you want some more inspiration from these muscles, Ms. Hanning?" Michael glared at himself before he began to run again, but since he was in a smaller, unhealthier, body he started to pant right away.

Andrea, on the other hand, went to go sit down on the bleachers as she kicked up her feet and sighed with satisfaction.

Now, this was the life.

"Uh, Mr. Hanning." She would've gone to sleep if a familiar voice hadn't called out to her.

Looking to the girl in front of her, Andrea gulped as Olivia stared at her.

"I'm sorry I was in the locker room; did you already tell the class what we have to do today?"

Andrea nodded her head hesitantly as she glanced behind the girl to the class that was currently running laps around the football field. "Uh, yeah, they're running laps."

Olivia frowned when she noticed how the man wasn't even looking at her whilst speaking. She didn't know what was weirder, how he kept nervously touching the hem of his t shirt or how that resembled Andrea's nervous-habit as well.

"How many?"

Andrea glanced at Olivia before she immediately looked at the running kids again. "Pardon?"

"How many laps do we have to do?"

It was as if Andrea had realized that she had forgotten to tell the class about the number of laps they had to run.

Andrea laughed, catching Olivia off-guard, as she smiled at the girl unconsciously.

"You can do 5 and let the rest run a little more."

Olivia stared at the teacher a little longer since Andrea had also found herself lost in Olivia's eyes just like all those times before.

"Mr. Hanning!" It was only when Jessica had walked up to the two that they realized what was happening. Olivia had stepped a little backwards as the principal glanced at the two with a frown.

"Were you both discussing something?"

Andrea shook her head immediately as she let out a chuckle. "Ms. Richards just reminded me that I forgot to tell the class how many laps to run."

Jessica let out a flirty giggle as she slapped the man's arm.

Olivia raised an eyebrow as she saw this before she excused herself to leave the two alone. Besides, she had a lot to think about anyway, because of the way she had seen a similar glint in Mr. Hanning's eyes.

A glint she had always seen in Andrea's.

"Well, well, Ms. Garfield, now that I've answered your question, you should also answer mine."

Jessica nodded her head as Andrea smirked. "Why are you here?" Jessica instantly blushed as Andrea found herself smirking. This woman was just too easy to bother.

"I...I just came to check on how things were going. Yes. Just that."

"Oh, well then, things are going great, you can go back to your office now." Jessica frowned as she folded her arms. "I will do whatever I want to do. I'm the principal here."

Andrea smirked as she saw the woman frown. "Sure, sure, Ms. Garfield, do whatever you like then." Getting off of the bleachers, Andrea was about to walk off when she was called back by Jessica.

"Um... You don't have to call me Ms. Garfield all the time." Andrea raised a questioning eyebrow as Jessica blushed. "You can call me Jessica when no one's around."

"Is that an order from the principal or a request?" Jessica blushed again as Andrea cooed at how cute the woman was. It was honestly wrong, but it was still so fun just to tease her.

"Uh... a request."

"Fine, Jessica."

"Ehem." The two flirting adults looked over at the frowning teenager that stood only a few feet away from them.

"Yes, Ms. Hanning, do you need anything?" Andrea smirked as she saw herself frown. Michael was so not pleased with the little he had heard of their conversation. He was so not pleased.

"Yes. I actually need you to tell us how many laps we have to run."

Jessica giggled since she knew how her fellow teacher had forgotten to tell the students just that.

Andrea chuckled as well. "How many have you run?"

Michael frowned as he whined. "I can't even run 3 in this fragile body of yours—" He had immediately placed a hand over his mouth as Andrea and Jessica both turned their attentions to look at the teenager. Andrea had her eyes widened as she and Michael shared a glance. "I mean... uh, I can't even run 3 laps in this fragile body that God has given to me."

Andrea shook her head at the awful save, but Jessica had bought it quite easily.

"Well, if you exercise like your father every day, you might even be as strong as him." Jessica was sure to touch the man's arm as she smiled a dazzling smile at him.

"Oh god." Michael muttered to himself as Jessica took her leave with a last smile sent in the man's direction.

"Did you see that?" Andrea excitedly asked after Jessica had finally left. Michael frowned as he nodded his head before he hit his own arm. "Stop flirting with her." He hissed at himself but Andrea just smirked.

"But she started it."

"And you mustn't continue. She's the principal for god's sake, I don't want to fired from this job either."

Andrea raised a finger in protest before she spoke, "Well, technically, I got you this job, plus, she's just too cute to avoid."

"You're terrible."

"And you love me." Michael let out a chuckle since he agreed. He did love his daughter even when she was a handful.

"Just don't let her touch you so much, who knows what might happen."

Andrea waved her hand dismissively. "Eh, she's a shy little bird. She won't do anything unless I want her to." Andrea wiggled her eyebrows which made Michael slap her arm again.

"Okay, now class!" Michael closed off his ears as Andrea suddenly yelled and blew into her whistle. "Assemble!"

Michael didn't have to do much since he was already there as the rest of the tired students walked over to the teacher.

"Good work out there, my young soldiers."

"You let us run without even telling us about the laps." One tired kid frowned at the teacher, who just shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, and I can make you do some pushups too if you don't shut that smart-ass mouth."

The class 'oohed' as the guy frowned before folding his arms in front of him.

Michael just shook his head at how Andrea was behaving in his body, but he could really do anything.

"Since we still have some more time, who wants to go ahead and pitch in what we should do next?"

There were a lot of hands that raised for a chance to be heard as Andrea looked at the way back and pointed towards a guy with glasses.

"Can we just lay down and do some breathing exercises?"

Andrea would've loved that if she was a student herself since she hated physical movement of any kind but she wasn't a student right now. Smirking as an answer, she turned towards another kid.

"How about you, Buzz?"

"My name's Brandon."

"And I don't care. What do you want us to do?" Andrea was enjoying this. She was really enjoying this.

"How about we have two people challenge each other to push-ups and at the end all the losers will have to do 3 more laps?"

Andrea touched her chin in thought since she liked that idea, plus it was fun for her. "Okay, we'll go with what Buzz wants."

"It's Brandon, sir."

"And I still don't care."

The class groaned as Andrea clapped her hands. "I'll give you guys the liberty to choose whoever you want to challenge, starting from alphabetical order."

She watched as a scrawny guy stepped forward and pointed at a girl who rolled her eyes. "Really buddy, you're gonna challenge a girl?" Andrea looked at the guy with a frown as he nodded his head nervously.

"I can still beat his ass." The girl spoke up, and Andrea smiled with satisfaction. "Yeah, you go girl!"

It was pandemonium as soon as the two began to do push-ups, while the whole class cheered. The scrawny guy could barely do 5 before he just laid there on the grass while the girl stopped after her tenth pushup.

"Yeah, give it up for Diana!"

"Well, it's Donna."

"Diana's more rememberable, since wonder woman, come on." The girl frowned at the teacher before she went back to stand where she was standing before.

Michael could just silently cry at how much of a jerk Andrea was making him out to be. It was terrible to even watch himself talk like that.

"Okay, who's next?"

Andrea did not expect Olivia to raise up her hand as she stepped forward.

Faltering a little bit, Andrea scratched her nape as she spoke, "Uh, according to alphabetical order, its not your turn yet."

"I know, but I want to challenge Andrea, and I think it's her turn next." Michael's eyes widened as he stared at himself with confusion and fear.

He surely couldn't do pushups with these twig-like arms.

"Uh, if Ms. Hanning accepts your challenge." Michael shook his head lightly but stopped as soon as Olivia's eyes were on him.

"Are you going to back out? Are you a chicken?" Well, Michael didn't care if he was called a chicken or not but Andrea on the other hand was fuming as she stared at Olivia.

The class 'oohed' once again as Andrea shook her head. "I think I'll pass."

This time there were 'boos' all around the students as Olivia smirked.

"She'll do it!"

Michael turned to looked at himself with wide eyes as Andrea squinted her eyes at Olivia, who had all her attention on the man now.

"Challenge accepted."

"But Andrea rejected it." Olivia squinted her eyes as she looked at the teacher, who wasn't ready to back down. "Yes, but she'll do it."

Olivia stared at the teacher intensely as she got the same intensity in return, before they were interrupted by a fearful Michael.

"I don't think that the doctor allowed me so much physical exertion yet, you know, because I was in an accident." Andrea rolled her eyes as she watched herself.

Andrea wanted to say something but the bell ringing interrupted her, as she looked at the students cheer in delight and go back to the locker rooms one by one.

"You, scrawny dude, where do you think you're going?" The boy stopped in his tracks as he sighed, while Andrea smirked. "3 laps, now!"

The boy sighed before he did what he was told while Olivia and Michael stayed behind with Andrea.

"What are you waiting for now, Ms. Richards, don't you have class to attend?" Olivia frowned as she saw a certain rage in the man's eyes. It was familiar, reminded her of a moment she had tried hard to forget.

It was a rage that could easily be interpreted as hatred, but as soon as she stared in those eyes, she found the teacher looking away.

"I'll have a talk with you, Ms. Hanning."

Michael rolled his eyes as he nodded his head.

Olivia didn't wait around to be told twice to leave, as she threw a glance at Mr. Hanning once more before going back to the locker rooms.

"What was up with that? Why didn't you agree to the challenge?" Michael knew this was coming as he waved his arms around. "These twigs can't even do one push-up."

Andrea rolled her eyes before she folded her arms. "Well, at least you would've accepted and failed. That would've been better than to not accept at all."

Michael frowned as Andrea sighed. "My dignity, oh my sweet-sweet dignity."

Michael did not understand her as he saw himself run a hand through his hair. "I don't understand." Andrea had not expected her father to admit that so easily as she raised an eyebrow in question.

"You wanted me to try even when you knew I would lose." Andrea nodded her head. "Yes."

"But why?"

Shaking her head, Andrea placed a hand on her own shoulder before speaking, "Because its better to be a loser than to be a chicken."

Michael frowned before he nodded his head. He understood now what his daughter meant. "I understand." Andrea smiled as she patted her shoulder but frowned when Michael continued, "But I don't agree."

There was a pause as the two looked at each other before he began to speak again, "Saying no to something is much better than blindly saying yes to everything. When I already knew I couldn't beat her, then what was the point to even try. It's a great ability to be aware of one's weaknesses and to act accordingly. I don't know who taught you to be such a hard-headed person, but I'll teach you right here to always be aware of yourself."

Andrea looked at herself being serious as she nodded her head.

She understood her father's words as she scratched her nape. Well, he did make sense.

"I don't look so good talking like an old man."

Michael slapped his own arm with a laugh as Andrea smirked.

And one more part of the snowflake disappeared magically. 

