
Betty+Jughead= Juliet Jones
Nickname: J
Random info: in the Serpent, Natalia best friend/cousin, going threw a rebelling faze, like writing like parents and investigate, up front and softy, smart

Veronica+Archie= Eddie Andrews
Nickname: Ed
Random info: athlete, the younger twin, likes to write, likes to have fun, head strong and kind, likes to investigate

Veronica+Archie= Hannah Andrews
Nickname: Han, H
Random info: loves to sing, on the dance team, the older twin (by 1 minuet), head strong, popular, plays the piano

Cheryl+Toni= Natalia Blossom
Nickname: Nat
Random info: was adopted, like photography, on the dance team, best friend/cousins with Juliet, shy and awkward, but very kind and smart

Kevin+Moose= Marcus Keller
Nickname: n/a
Random info: athlete, likes theatre, kind hearted, cousins to Catherine, loves family, smart, strong

Josie+Sweet Pea= Catherine McCoy
Nickname: Cat
Random info: loves singing, on the dance team, popular, cousins with Marcus, popular, bossy, strong willed, kind when wants to be

This story is based off of the tv show Riverdale and what is going on in the show so far.
The parents are the main ships of the show/many people/endgames/people hinted at dating. I may update chapters/cast to fit if things change in the show.
Also to note in the "cast" chapter thing, it just the main characters no side characters at the moment. Also to note that Pop is still going to be alive :)

Hope you enjoy this fanfic story thing ;)
