2 | suspicions

"Now? No way! I want a romantic proposal. I literally just woke up!" you thought.

"Ah, nevermind," Kei spoke in his usual monotone, now standing up.


"You want to get married to me in those clothes?"

"Yes! Ah, no!"

"Yes?" he repeated.

"No!" you exclaimed, embarrassed and uncertain what to say.


"No, I meant that-"

"Let's eat," he quickly changed the topic, "I made pancakes."

"Um, okay," you responded in a softer and shyer voice.

You couldn't pinpoint exactly why, but you felt a tinge of disappointment when he told you to never mind it. Maybe you truly wanted to talk about marriage by now and him changing the topic abruptly dismayed you.

"Thank you by the way," you told him as you took a seat, trying to repel your negative thoughts.

"For?" he asked as he poured you coffee.

"Coming over and making breakfast," you further explained, "Did I really have to say that?"

He responded with a smirk and he took a seat facing you.

"It's our routine, remember?"

It's true. Your small habit of baking and gifting him pastries has elevated to something much sweeter. You could say the tables have turned because this time, he'd go at your apartment every Saturday morning and you'd eat breakfast together before he goes to his volleyball training and before you go to your job in an accounting firm. It was the little things like these that made your heart flutter, even after 5 years.

"Itadakimasu," you both say before you started to eat.

"Kei," you called him as he took a bite.


"Do I still make you feel giddy?"

"Huh?" he mouthed and raised a brow.

"Do I still give you butterflies?"

"W-why do you ask?" he answered with another question, now visibly getting nervous.

"I just want to know."

"Well, yes, ah, m-maybe," he stuttered and answered.

Delighted by his answer, the corners of your lips curved up into a soft genuine smile.

"And y-you?" he asked you with obvious hesitation.

"You still do. Every day."

A quiet atmosphere took over afterwards, with both of you not knowing what else there is to say. After a while, he finally broke the silence.

"So, how's the pancakes?" he asked as you took another bite.

"Hmmm," you hummed, visibly and jokingly judging his food.

"Stop making that face," he complained and shook his head.

"I'm messing with you, it's good," you commented, "I swear."

"Definitely not as good as yours though," he contradicted you in a softer and hushed voice. If there's one thing that Kei hasn't changed, it's his hesitation to admit his minor mistakes.

"I'm still not giving you my recipes!"

"I never asked for it, silly."

"So where did you learn how to make this? You'd usually buy take-out," you asked as you savored the food.

"My mom," he muttered.

"Ah, of course," you thought.

After you ate, you washed the dishes and took a bath. Though you were in a rush and he'd usually scold you for being a slow poke, he quietly spent almost the entire time just reading on the sofa.

As you finished taking a bath, you realized you have forgotten your towel.

"Kei!" you yelled his name from bathroom.

"Kei!" you exclaimed his name again, worried he had his headphones on.

"Yeah, I know!" you heard his loud voice.

"What?" you exclaimed again.

"It's on the door!"

"Huh?" you mumbled and opened the door.

To your surprise, he really did hang your towel there.

"How did you know?" you asked as you grabbed it.

"Of course I did!"

"Kei knows me too well," you thought.

"Thank you!" you yelled again.

As soon as you were done, you stepped out of the bath and saw Kei still sitting on the same spot, but now, he was using his phone. By the time he noticed you looking, he put down his phone immediately and continued reading, as if nothing happened.

"15 minutes," he reminded you, now sounding a little suspicious.

"Yes, I know, I know," you told him as you rushed to your dresser to put on makeup and do your hair.

From the mirror, you noticed him stand up and approach you.


"Do you want me to dry your hair?"

"Ah, t-that'd be great!" you told him, surprised that he'd do that for you.

"I mean, you're so slow when you blow dry your hair on your own," he shook his head.

"Ah, so that's why you're doing this," you whined as he smirked on his mean remark.

"Make me pretty, Kei," you told him and handed him your brush.

"You already are," he commented almost inaudibly as he plugged the hair blower.

"The very dere side of Kei!" you thought.

Deep inside, you felt a little worried with what he was doing with his phone. But at the same time, you felt some guilt since you were suspecting him.

"You know, sometimes, I wish everyday was a Saturday morning," you confessed amidst the noise of the blower.

"What are you talking about?" he asked in a casual tone, busy with drying your hair.

"I want to spend everyday like this!" you exclaimed, overpowering the noise.

You stared at him at the mirror to check his reaction and you weren't disappointed, not even a little bit. His face was almost completely in a soft hue of red and you were glad you could still make his heart flutter even after 5 years.

"Sounds like a proposal to me," he mumbled before turning off the hair blower. It was finally much quieter again.

"I-I'm not proposing," you denied and quickly gazed at the floor.

"Maybe I will."

"Huh?" you looked up at the mirror with a shock look written all over your face.

"What?" he asked while he returned the hair blower back to its place.

Not minding the time, you stared at him from the mirror. You felt hopeful, happy and giddy, all at the same time with the thought of him getting down on one knee and properly proposing.

"Hey, let's go," he told you as he finished tidying the dresser.

"Sometimes, the way I baby you worries me," he shook his head and grabbed his bag from the table.

"Ah, right, work," you snapped back to reality and got up from your seat to get yours.

"So, I'll pick you up from your work later, the usual basically," he confirmed as you walked to the door and put on your shoes.

"Yup! The usual," you answered him with a smile.


After a while, you were finally headed to your workplace and since it was near the gym of your university, he dropped you off before he went to his training.

"Thanks again, Kei," you thanked him in front of your work place.

"See you later."

"Wait," you told him and grabbed his wrist.

"You forgot something," you reminded, "I can't believe you."


"Kiss," you answered before tiptoeing and giving him a peck on the cheek.

"See you later," you spoke in a mischievous manner.

Kei stood there, frozen, as he watched you rush into the building. He never gets used to PDA in the broad daylight in public and it would always catch him off guard.

"Y/N," you heard the manager call you immediately after you just took a seat.

You looked at her and greeted.

"Can you double check these for me? These are the financial statement last month and I think there was some error in posting," she instructed.

The rest of the morning was just spent double-checking statements and correcting errors. It was nothing too difficult for you, except that it was too time-consuming.

"We're going to eat lunch now, are you going to join us?" Nana, your co-worker, asked. You didn't even notice how long your task was taking you until she said that.

"Y/N-chan," you heard someone call you before you could give Nana an answer. It was Miki.

"Yes?" you asked as you finally finished your work.

She rushed towards you and crouched to your ear to whisper something.

"I saw Tsukishima-san in the café on my way here. He's with another woman."
