26 - the secret door


She walked out of the gates and looked around as her parents caught up with her.

"Liv!" She heard someone call.

She looked around and saw Spencer pushing though the crowd.

"Hey doc." She smiled and hugged him. He took her bags and saw her parents approach them.

"You must be Spencer." Her mom said.

"Yes ma'am. Lovely to meet you both." He said and shook both her parents hands.

"If I'm not mistaken, you're a doctor?" Her dad asked him as they all walked to the car.

"Yes sir." Spencer nodded.


"Mathematics, chemistry and engineering, sir."

"That is truly impressive. Isn't that impressive?" He asked his wife.

"It sure is." She smiled.

Spencer offered to drive them home but they refused.

"I think we're going to head to our house here. It's been a while." Her dad said as he called a taxi.

Olivia and Spencer said goodbye to them and waved as they rode off in their taxi. After they were out of sight, Spencer and her walked to his car. He loaded her luggage into his trunk and they both hopped inside the car.

"Let's get you home." He said as he started driving. "How're you feeling?" He asked as he glanced to look at her.

"Okay I guess, my shoulder kinda hurts."

"Well that's to be expected." she nodded and they made it to her house.

They walked in and Spencer closed the door behind her. He watched as she threw her keys in the little bowl by her entrance and went to flop on the couch. He placed her suit case down and went to sit next to her. "You gonna be okay?"

She sighed and placed her head on his shoulder. "I will be."

"Are your parents coming-"

"No. Please no." She interrupted.

He laughed and looked at her weirdly.

"They are amazing parents, but they love to smother me whenever they're around. They offered to stay and I've managed to hold them off but sooner or later, they're going to be behind that door with a casserole or something."

"So if someone else were to stay with you?"

"They'd probably back off a little." She replied.

"Well then it's settled. I'll take some time off and stay here with you until you go back to work." He said as he lightly wrapped his arm around her.

"You really don't need to do that Spence." She smiled up at him.

"Yeah I do. We're the wonder twins." He said.

"That we are."

They talked for a while after that and she fell asleep. Spencer made sure she was comfortable and threw a blanket over her before he grabbed his keys and went to his place to get some of his clothes. He'd call Hotch later to ask about the time off, he never took any time off so he should be good for it.

When he pulled back into the parking lot of her apartment building, he saw Hotch park next to him.

"Hey." He said as he got out of his car and grabbed his bag.

"Reid." He nodded. "What's up with the bag?"

"Uh I'm going to stay with Olivia until she gets a little better. Which reminds me, do you think I could-"

"Take some time off? Sure. You probably have enough time off for a couple of years anyway."

Spencer chuckled. "Actually I only have 78 days of paid leave."


They both walked up and Spencer entered Olivia's apartment. "Liv?" He called out. They walked in and saw her still sleeping form on the couch Spencer had left her on.

"We should let her sleep, the flight tired her out." He said as he placed his bag by the stairs and went to the kitchen. "Coffee, Hotch?"

"Hmm?" He turned his head to where Spencer's voice was coming from. "Oh yes, thank you."

"You aren't Spencer." She yawned and turned to stretch but rolled off the couch instead. There was a loud thud as her body hit the ground.

"What was that?" Spencer called from the kitchen.

He ran towards Olivia but stopped when she burst out laughing. "Hey Aaron." She smiled.

"You might be the only one other than Rossi who calls him that." Spencer said as he emerged from the kitchen with their coffees. He had made an extra one for Olivia when he heard her laugh. He sat down on the couch and watched as Olivia grinned up at the two men in the room from the floor and Hotch look slightly bemused by everything.

Olivia sat up and groaned. "You okay?" Spencer asked as he reached out to her.

She stood up. "I'm good. Just gonna go upstairs-" she mumbled something and before the two of them could ask what she said, she was gone.

Hotch finally sat down on the now empty spot on the couch and picked up the cup of coffee Spencer had made for him.

"I think the medication she's on might have made her a little out of it." He speculated as he looked at Hotch.

"She's definitely acting a little-" he was interrupted by a crash and a scream.

The two men instantly leapt up from their seats and pulled their guns out of their holsters as they ran up the stairs. Spencer cleared the three guest bedrooms whilst Hotch slowly inched his way towards the master bedroom. "Olivia?"

"Oh my god, ohmygod, ohmygod." He could hear her faintly say. Spencer joined him and nodded as they got to the entrance of the door. She turned just in time to see them almost knock her door of its hinges as they entered the room. Spencer immediately went to check her bathroom and came back once it was clear.

Hotch just stood and stared with his gun still pointing forward. Olivia was standing on the bed with a crossbow in hand aimed at the floor. "What's going on?"

"Spider." She replied hastily. "Oh my god it moved." She squealed.

Hotch and Reid noticed the tiny arachnid scuttling across the floor and before Hotch could stand on it, Reid stopped him and grabbed a magazine from the bathroom and essentially threw it out the window.

"You can put the, uh, crossbow down now." He said as he returned with the magazine.

She lowered the bow and relaxed as she sat down on her bed. "Right."

"Crossbow? Really?" Hotch asked as him and Spencer both re-holstered their guns.

She nodded. "You guys wanna see something cool?"

Hotch looked skeptical but Reid just nodded, "why not."

She climbed off of the bed and walked in front of the built in white bookshelf on the wall next to her bed. She grabbed a book and slightly pulled it and they heard a little beep. The bookshelf started moving and she turned around and grinned when she saw the boys shocked faces.
