
y/n hopped on as denki was looking at her. "why all of the sudden?" y/n asked trying to fix her helmet. "you kinda saved my life awhile ago, let me treat you to a trip." denki smiled.

"hold me here." denki said as he placed y/n's arms in between him. "oh and hold tight" denki laughed as he knocked on her helmet.

"if you go fast i swear i will kill you" y/n glared at him which made him laughed and drove away.

as they were riding, y/n looked at the view beside her which was the beach. "we're going to the beach?" y/n shouted loud enough for him to hear. "yeah you got it"

the began to enter the beach and slowly drove to their spot. they both hopped out of the motorcycle to see the pretty view of a sunset.

"its really pretty." denki looked at y/n still admiring the sunset. "it is." she nodded looking at denki's direction. "by the way, thanks for being with me here. i dont talk to alot of people in school and youre basically the one that i talked to the most." denki awkwardly laughed.

"is that so? i feel honored" y/n smiled. "by the way, why were you crying awhile ago? you dont have to answer it tho" y/n deeply inhaled as she talked about what she saw earlier.

after their chat ended they both started to head back to their houses. denki offered her a ride and she agreed. their ride was quiet. you can only hear his motor and the loud wind facing them.

when denki dropped her off her house she thanked him. "thank you for today denki. ill see you tomorrow, you really made my day today." y/n smiled as she returned her helmet.

"anytime y/n. you also made my day today too" denki flashed her a smile. she waved at him and looked at him go from her house.

they both knew that they were both their
safe place.
